The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 884

Lin Feng lies under the pool, motionless, enjoying the soberness and silence brought by the cold.

He can feel the dark ice beads in his body, and his body slowly retracts to the previous laughter, and his body touches the bottom of the pool.

When the dark ice bead's energy touches the cold at the bottom of the pool, it also produces an inexplicable energy, which slowly suppresses the mania and blazing heat in his heart.

Lin Feng gently mobilizes the energy brought by the boiling blood. He finds that the energy has become much more docile. Now he can not only master the energy of the dark ice beads in his body, but also freely control his consciousness.

He began to suppress the manic energy in his body again, and slowly guided the energy into his own use. He was surprised to find that this method was very useful. After being washed by the cold of the ice beads and the bottom of the pool, the energy became very obedient and could be integrated into his body for his own use.

In this way, it is a treasure given by heaven!

The boiling blood of vampires is the magic weapon for the survival of vampires. Their powerful ability comes from the boiling blood in the body.

When they suck the blood of human body, a part of pure blood will be transformed into boiling blood.

The "infection" effect of boiling blood is very strong. Lin Feng even suspects that his "blood of ancient martial arts" may be all "infected" by boiling blood.

Of course, it is also possible to integrate them.

But no matter what, Lin Feng is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

Lin Feng can fully feel the power of that energy. It is no exaggeration to say that this energy is equivalent to Johnson's energy, and Johnson's energy is comparable with that of Lin Feng. Therefore, if Lin Feng can turn all this energy into his own use, it means that he has integrated himself and doubled his ability. What a terrible improvement!

Lin Feng was overjoyed in his heart. He didn't expect that Johnson's killing move had made him perfect. If Johnson knew this, he would not be able to close his eyes under nine springs.

At the bottom of the pool, he again uses the black ice beads and the cold addition at the bottom of the pool to wash the irritable energy of boiling blood.

However, after a few minutes, Lin Feng began to need oxygen supply, so he swam to the surface of the pool and took a big breath of fresh air.

As a result of the tossing, he found that the surface of his body was full of scars, and his body seemed very tired. He planned to take a little rest first.

Lin Feng built a temporary bed beside the waterfall, and built a simple thatched house with dry branches and grass.

He lay in it to rest.

After a short rest, Lin Feng's physical strength seems to have recovered a lot. At this time, a problem that surprised him appeared in his mind.

It is winter at this time. Why is the waterfall and the deep water of this pool not frozen?

Why does the vegetation around here look like summer without withering!

Lin Feng did not understand, but at this time he found that not far from this pool, there was another pool, which was steaming with fog.

Lin Feng walked over and found that the pool was a hot spring.

If you look around the hot spring, it turns out that there are volcanic rocks.

No wonder the climate here is pleasant. It turns out to be huohuohuoshankou!

He jumped into the hot spring and enjoyed the warm feeling. His exhaustion was swept away.

"There is a pool of piercing cold water, but here is a pool of warm hot water. It's really a magical place!" Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

Then he found some dry branches, rubbed them to make a fire, and caught some game to roast.

The energy in the body, instantly fill, let Lin Feng shine.

At this time, he not only regained his sense, but also had a small part of the energy in his body that could be converted into his own use, and a larger part had been suppressed by Lin Feng's black ice beads.

At this time, Lin Feng had a bold idea. He walked to the edge of the cold water and lifted his true Qi. He untied the icy breath of the black ice beads and let the restless energy of boiling blood fill his whole body again.

Because at this time, he is not afraid of losing his mind. If he loses control, he will jump into the cold water immediately.

However, something unexpected happened to him. Lin Feng didn't lose his mind as before, but his body was suddenly filled with a very hot energy, which made him feel that his power reached a peak in an instant.

At this moment, he felt the whole body's blood and muscle cells were burning, and it punched out a huge hole in the rock in front of him.

This energy is beyond his imagination. If we say that his previous ability is comparable to the five levels of the bone melting mirror, or even the peak of the bone melting state, but now his ability is not comparable to the strong one who beautifies the atmosphere?

The strong man who can transform Qi into strength, fight things from space, turn Qi into sword, and kill people in a hundred steps.

At this time, I did not hit the rock directly, but I also hit a hole in the rock. Can I compare my ability with the gas melting mirror?What a blessing in disguise!

However, Lin Feng was really happy too early. After a few minutes, he found that his body was particularly tired, as if he had experienced inhuman torture.

It turns out that this energy is too strong for your body to bear.

That is to say, Lin Feng can burst out a very strong energy in a short period of time, just like a violent soldier, instantly let himself appear double combat effectiveness. The ability is comparable to the strong in the chemical atmosphere.

But this also has side effects, that is, the rage has a certain time limit, and after the fury, Lin Feng's body will appear very tired state.

Of course, the length of this frenzy and the degree of fatigue are also related to their physical endurance.

Lin Feng believes that his body will become more and more powerful in the future, so the restless energy can be used for himself for a longer time, so it seems. It's a real trump.

When that energy appeared, Lin Feng was like a god overlooking all living beings, with endless self-confidence and powerful ability.

Everything around has become so fragile, vulnerable.

This kind of feeling, is simply too good!

So Lin Feng plans to use this skill at a critical moment in the future. If it is used properly, it will be a top stunt that others can't imagine.

Imagine doubling the combat effectiveness in an instant. What is this concept?

If you become a strong person in the Huaqi state in the future, and then activate this energy bonus, will no one be more invincible?

It's an immortal stunt!

For this reason, Lin Feng personally gave a name for this technique, which is called God descending to earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!