The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 883

Soon bad gambler answered the phone!

"Hello! Wen Wen! Is the store too busy, ask me to come over? You wait for mom to finish this one and go to help you! "

Then there was a sound of mahjong playing on the other end of the phone.

"You really enjoy life! Liu Hui The bald man said coldly to the phone.

Suddenly, the rotten gambling woman was shocked. She asked, "who are you? How do you hold my daughter's phone? "

The bald man said, "you don't care who I am. Your daughter is here now. If you want to see your daughter, you can come to visit us in an abandoned factory on the Panshan highway of Qibaoshan. We have something to talk to you about."

"Who are you? You let my daughter go first. We can talk about everything! " Rotten gambling woman knew that something had happened at home, she was anxious at the other end of the phone with a bit of pleading tone.

"Ha ha ha!" The bald man said with a soft smile: "don't worry. After you finish this, come to the address I said. We can meet and have a talk. We don't have to be too nervous, let alone call the police. If you call the police, I'll find it too troublesome and terminate the negotiation. By the way, your daughter is very beautiful and sexy. You should be proud of having such a daughter. Hahaha

With that, the bald man hung up.

The rotten gambler immediately panicked. He only had such a daughter, and now she has been kidnapped. This is obviously for her, but she is not at home, so she has to carry the pot for herself.

Rotten gambler left the mahjong hall in a panic, she was afraid to call the police, because these people are prepared to come, if the police call, in case the other party tears tickets, they can't even find anyone.

So she drove the car she had just bought to Qibaoshan according to their address.




Lin Feng ran all the way, leaving no time for the scenery around him.

He shuttled back and forth in the mountain road, and soon came to a dense forest.

In the distance, there are many mountains and mountains, and the sky is close to it. The trees are thick and the air is fresh and the scenery is very beautiful.

The gurgling stream is flowing, the green grass is full of vitality, the birds and beasts sing, the towering ancient trees and the grotesque rocks...

what a wonderful picture of nature!

However, Lin Feng couldn't enjoy it at all. He was more and more manic at this time.

He's been running for a long time, maybe he's in the middle of the mountain by now.

Lin Feng felt that his whole body was burning like a fire. His body had already been one punch higher than before. Even his naked eye could see that his fist was bigger than before.

In his mind, the restlessness of his mind became more and more blurred.

"Ah --"

Lin Feng roared, and finally he couldn't control the killing intention. Looking at the thick and thin tree in front of him, he blew up with one blow.


The tree was cut off by the forest peak.

Then Lin Feng was a swing leg, kicking at another tree with a thick mouth.


Another crackle.

After that, Lin Feng began to shuttle among the mountains and forests. Wherever he went, he began to cut mountains and cut rocks, destroying the withered and decaying.

The big trees fell down and a Zunzun stone was cut by Lin Feng like tofu.

As if this harmonious nature, at this time ushered in a manic and violent big devil.

In front of the big devil, everything seems so fragile.

Before that, Lin Feng had already possessed the ability of five levels of bone melting mirror and even the peak of bone melting state. Now, with the boiling blood of vampires, his energy is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Even, if someone sees a human being with such transcendental power and inexhaustible energy, he will be surprised to drop his chin.

At this time, Lin Feng is like an ape in the mountain forest. He shuttles around quickly. When he meets an obstacle in front of him, he blows it over with one punch or foot, and instantly flattens the obstacle in front of him.

No matter it is any hard or tough thing, in front of Lin Feng, it is an instant collapse.

Lin Feng's eyes are red with blood, his face is ferocious, and he gasps heavily, as if he is from the hell.

At this time, in the forest, Lin Feng's behavior surprised a sleeping big black bear.

This is the big black bear languidly out of the tree hole, he has not eaten food for a long time, saw a man, standing more than 10 meters away from him, the big black bear immediately growled, his eyes let out a flash of light.

The prey in front of you can make you eat.

The big black bear roared furiously, and his feet were off the ground, even as high as two forest peaks.

At this time, a rabbit suddenly passed by. The black bear slapped the rabbit with his palm. The rabbit's flesh and blood were blurred. Then he threw it into his mouth and ate it. He didn't even vomit a bone.Looking at the shape and brutality of this black bear, we can see that this is a bear king with very strong energy.

Then, the black bear began to walk towards Lin Feng.

It walked slowly, but its hostile eyes were always staring at the prey in front of it.

And Lin Feng's consciousness, is also full of strong intention to kill, a man a beast confrontation for a few seconds, instantly launched a fierce fight.

The big black bear suddenly rushed to Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng had been in the past, he would have avoided the attack of the big black bear, but now he has changed a lot, and his inner peace is no longer there, leaving only anger and killing intention.

The moment that the big black bear rushed up, Lin Feng also jumped into the air and kicked the big black bear's head in the past.

"Bang", that moment, the big black bear's head was kicked to pieces by Lin Feng, blood splashed, the heavy body fell to the ground, scared the surrounding birds and animals to flee.

However, due to his lack of reason, Lin Feng exerted too much force on his foot, and when he crushed the head of the black bear, his body didn't stop. His inertia was too big, and he leaped more than ten meters in front of him.

Just a few meters in front of the forest peak is a cliff. Under the cliff, there is a waterfall.

Lin Feng didn't stop his body, so he went down the waterfall from above.

The cliff is more than 100 meters high, and the pool below is deep.

Lin Feng plunges into, the body has been falling also did not reach the bottom.

But the waterfall seems to have a kind of magic, which makes Lin Feng feel cold and comfortable.

The water temperature of the waterfall is very low, and even going down, it will slowly make Lin Feng's fingers feel a sharp cold.

But for Lin Feng, this cold is what he needs most at this time.

See his body in the water, like a piece of red iron, bared the sound, the pool above began to form fog, as if Lin Feng's heat and water cold generated steam.

Lin Feng continues to sink slowly in the water. The more he goes down, the more cold the water becomes. However, this cold can make Lin Feng's consciousness more sober.

The agitation, the blazing energy, gradually became stable.

Lin Feng was quiet for a moment. He seemed to be able to hear his heart beating steadily.

Quiet, quiet around.

Lin Feng's heart seems to be as quiet as this deep pool. , the fastest update of the webnovel!