The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 882

As soon as the words came out, all the diners were stunned.

Why is there such a thing? If you come to eat, can't we?

If you have this habit and don't like to have people around when you eat, you can order takeout yourself!

Or, if you are so rich that you can hire a cook to cook for you at home, why do you have to come out and ask others to give you a place?

Everyone looked at the four men in suits unhappily.

The bald man in the suit laughed, took off his sunglasses and showed his long, narrow eyes. He stood up and bowed to the people around him and said, "I'm really sorry. I haven't been out for a long time. I want to feel the feeling of going out to eat. So please do me a favor. If you feel very unhappy, If you are not satisfied, we will pay ten times the price to compensate you. I hope you can give us face. "

At this time, when they heard the price of ten times, their eyes suddenly brightened.

Now I'm making money!

Moreover, some people are almost finished. Even if they order an 8 yuan rice, they can get 80 yuan at 10 times the price. What do you want to eat? Why not?

So, at this time, everyone's faces showed a flattering expression, not as serious as before.

Someone began to stand up and say, "OK! It's pitiful for you to have such a hobby, so let's make it convenient for you. "

Thank you The bald man's smiling eyes narrowed into a slit.

The youngest youth of that year took out the money and gave it to those who gradually stood up and went outside one by one.

Although I don't know how much these people have spent, the young people do not care about them in detail. Almost everyone walks out of the store with a red 100 yuan bill.

Liu Wenwen was surprised at the scene!

Is there such an operation? Is it from the restaurant across the street?

No way!

I always get along well with my neighbors here, and there are not too many conflicts between restaurants.

When Liu Wenwen couldn't figure it out, everyone had gone out of the store.

The young man closed the door of the store and said with a faint smile, "Liu Wenwen, isn't it? I didn't expect you to look so beautiful

With that, she looked up and down at Liu Wenwen.

"Forehead" Liu Wenwen nodded at a loss and then asked, "are you this?"

She didn't understand what these people were up to?

With a smile, the young man in suit went to Liu Wenwen and said, "where's your mother? We have something to do with her. "

Liu Wenwen frowned and had a bad premonition in her heart: "my mother is not at home. She has something to do when she goes out."

"How long will it take to come back?" Asked the youth.

"I'm not sure. She's always free and easy. She may not come back in a few days. She may come back the next moment. No one can tell!" Liu Wenwen said vaguely.

She felt that the people in front of her were not good at stubbornness, and with a breath of flustered air, she always felt that these people were not good people.

What's more, is there anything shady about sending everyone away and closing the door behind his back hand?

There must be something wrong in this!

At this time, the young man in suit looked at Liu Wenwen coldly and said, "call your mother. We have something to do with her."

Liu Wenwen asked, "are you my mother's friends?"

The young man in suit nodded and shook his head again: "yes, it is not."

"What's the relationship? What are you looking for my mother Liu Wenwen continued to ask.

A little impatient expression flashed in the young man's eyes, and said coldly, "now call your mother and ask her to come back. We really have something to do with him. Hurry up!"

Liu Wenwen frowned and said, "if you are really familiar with my mother, you should have his phone number. You can call her directly."

The young man in suit bit his teeth and seemed impatient. He suddenly grabbed Liu Wenwen's shoulder and said, "I order you to call your mother immediately."

Liu Wenwen was so frightened that she almost called out. However, she immediately calmed down and thought that these people must be the people that her mother offended outside. Maybe they were to ask her for debt or revenge. She was determined not to call her mother back, let alone give her mother's contact information.

Liu Wenwen bit her teeth and threatened, "if you do this, I will call the police and let me go."

A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the young man in the suit, and the strength of his hand increased a few points. Liu Wenwen's shoulder was in a sharp pain: "call your mother quickly! Don't push me

"You hurt me!" Liu Wenwen yelled.

He plagiarized the phone: "I want to call the police and arrest you.""Dare you?" The young man in suit stretched out his hand and slapped Liu Wenwen.

At this time, but listen to that bald suit man to drink: "small four, stop!"

He stood up and walked slowly to Liu Wenwen. He said in a soft voice: "beauty! Dear, we really have something to do with your mother. We are very impatient. You'd better inform your mother quickly. I'll give you five minutes. If you can't let your mother appear in front of us as soon as possible, your consequences will be very serious! "

With that, there was a creepy smile on his face.

"You villains, I'm going to call the police to arrest you now!" Liu Wenwen is basically able to determine that this group of people is absolutely not a good thing.

She yelled, breaking free of the young man in the suit, and taking advantage of the situation, she called the police.

The bald man steps forward and grabs Liu Wenwen's hand and grabs Liu Wenwen's phone. Said: "don't try to struggle, I'm afraid I will hurt you! Only by obeying me can you be saved. Otherwise, it would be a pity for you to waste such a beautiful face. "

This is the threat of red fruits!

Liu Wenwen was angry, but her hand was caught dead by a bald man in a suit. She couldn't even break free.

But the bald man didn't seem to have any effort at all. He grabbed Liu Wenwen's arm with one hand, picked up the mobile phone with the other hand, put it directly against Liu Wenwen's thumb, and unlocked the phone with fingerprints.

He looked through the address book, found "Mom", and said with a smile to Liu Wenwen: "look, it's so simple, why can't we cooperate well?"

Liu Wenwen struggled to shout: "what are you going to do? If you want money, I can give it to you. Please don't hurt my mother. "

The bald man in the suit said with a smile: "don't worry, we just want to talk to your mother. It's you who are too nervous. Now I'll make an appointment with your mother first. Don't be afraid. Our negotiation should be very harmonious. "

The bald man with a soft smile called the rotten gambling woman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!