The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 881

Shangguan if Xuedun full of black lines, looking at Lin Feng a face evil smile, heart is a burst of shame, gnashing teeth way: "this joke is not funny at all!"

Lin Feng said, "I'm not kidding. What I said is true."

Shangguan Ruoxue bit his teeth: "this can't do, change one!"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "in fact, you don't have to thank me. Today I don't want to save you."

There was a difference in Shangguan Ruoxue's eyes: "then why do you still..."

Lin Feng tilted his legs toward the back seat and said, "in fact, that's the case. I have never let any hostage die in front of me in the course of my mission for so many years. This is my record. I will not break it, nor allow others to break it, nor will it be broken now or in the future meeting. So, to save you, I just want to keep my record. Please don't be sentimental

"You..." Shangguan Ruoxue's cheek flushed.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a small face: "I know I am very handsome, I also know that I am very capable and charming. You can covet me, you can worship me, but you can't get me..."

Shangguan Ruoxue stamped her foot fiercely: "Linfeng, have you, goodbye!"

With that, his face turned red and he slammed the door angrily.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and spread his hands in a helpless way: "no way. Look at her. If you don't get me, she will be angry. Why, alas

The people around are also full of black lines, and admire Lin Feng's ability to stink.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly had a red light in his eyes. He suddenly felt that the hot energy in his body surged up.

Even his own blood seems to be infected by the hot and dry, and the energy fluctuation is more and more intense. The cold of the black ice bead can not suppress the energy.

That kind of energy is like a monster, which instantly washes Lin Feng's whole body.

Suddenly, the skin of Lin Feng's body was covered with red halo. He could even hear the sound of bone and blood tearing in his body. This process lasted only a few seconds, and Lin Feng's body seemed to be bigger than before.

Around careful people found this change in Lin Feng, surprised pointing to Lin Feng: "you see, what's wrong with Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng listened to those people talk, he suddenly felt a violent belief from his heart - he wanted to kill people.

I can't help but want to kill.

If you don't kill people, you want to commit suicide.

In a word, he would be satisfied with his anger only when he saw blood and death.

The thought was so ferocious and extreme that he could not control it.

At this time, Lin Feng realized clearly that Johnson had bought him a time bomb before he died.

If you can't suppress this energy, you will start to kill violently and even commit suicide in the end.

Looking at the innocent people in front of him, Lin Feng's hand began to tremble. He couldn't help but want to destroy everything.

"Damn it!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth and roared.

The red light in his eyes was even more intense, and his murder was getting deeper and deeper.

Ice came quietly and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder: "Lin Feng, what's the matter with you?"

Look at Lin Feng that angry appearance, ice ice very fear.

Lin Feng did not look at ice, but his eyebrows twisted into a pimple.

He tried his best to suppress the mania in his heart, but the more he tried to suppress it, the more he wanted to suppress it, the ice energy of the black ice beads seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and the fury and energy brought by the blood of the vampire almost made him lose his mind for a moment.

"Get out of here Lin Feng pushed the ice away with a stroke.

But just a little stroke, Bingbing's body was pushed five or six meters away by Lin Feng and hit the bar behind.

With a bang, all the cups on the bar were smashed and several holes were scratched on the back of the ice.

This time, everyone was stunned and silent.

Lin Feng looked back at Bing Bing Bing. Although he was apologetic in his heart, he still couldn't control himself. If he went on like this, these people would die in their own hands and could not go on like this.

Lin Feng thought of here, quickly pushed the door out, and is going out of the Shangguan Ruoxue brush past.

Lin Feng ran to the end of the street with the fastest speed, and then ran to the place with few people.

Shangguan Ruoxue looked at a burst of surprise, just that running figure is Lin Feng?

She thought in her heart, but not sure, staring at the direction of Lin Feng's disappearance.

Lin Feng starts the phantom step, his speed is extremely fast, plus the blood of the vampire coagulates this energy, let his speed show unprecedented speed.

He jumped up high, climbed a few times and climbed to the top of a building, and then just like the group of youth in parkour, he shuttled back and forth on the roof.In less than 10 minutes, he arrived at the outskirts of Kyoto, and then took off a few rises and falls between the bungalows, then left Beijing and headed for the mountains to the north.

He's going to get out of the crowd while he's still rational.


Cuiluan District, Jingdu city.

Wenwen restaurant business is very hot recently. Liu Wenwen is busy with the business of the restaurant these days.

Sometimes my mother would come to help her, and occasionally she would rub some mahjong.

Because now the family debt has been paid off, so no one has to go to my mother's trouble, and now I'm working hard to save some money to repay Lin Feng's kindness.

Because it was Lin Feng who gave them the money, they had a stable life today.

At this time, Liu Wenwen was greeting guests in the store, but saw several people in suits and leather shoes coming in.

All of them were wearing sunglasses. The first one was white and bald.

"Hello, gentlemen. Sit in." Liu Wenwen warmly greets.

But she was a little surprised. Her restaurant was for the people in the city. They were all neighbors and some small vendors. They ate at his place, and they also ate 5 yuan 8 yuan fried noodles and 8 yuan 10 yuan Gai Shui fan.

These people are obviously well-dressed, and their temperament is very serious and solemn. They are like people from a big family or some professional bodyguards who have undergone special training. In a word, they give people a sense of killing. When people get close to them, they will be nervous and panic.

However, Liu Wenwen didn't think much about it. The visitors were guests and they all wanted to be warmly treated.

After seeing several people sitting down, she went up and asked, "what would you like to eat, gentlemen? The menu is on the table, please feel free to order it! "

The youngest of the four suit men suddenly said to Liu Wenwen, "are you the boss? My elder brother doesn't like to have other people around for dinner, so it needs to be cleared here. "

Then, regardless of Liu Wenwen's opinion, he directly stood up and said to the people who were eating around: "I'm very sorry to all of you. My elder brother will give you double the amount of food you spent here. Please leave here and let me and my brothers have a good meal. Thank you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!