The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 880

In fact, every coin of Lin Feng's projected on Johnson's body has a fixed position.

At this time, the coins on Johnson's back add up to be a big cross.

It's the location of these people's bodies.

It is said that vampires are afraid of cross and garlic, but Lin Feng's research shows that these are superstitions and rumors. The body structure of vampires is similar to that of human beings, and all of them are composed of blood, bones and meridians.

In the blood group, the important pulse gates are concentrated near the back of the spine, and the spine extends toward the two arms. It seems that all the pulse gates are connected into the shape of a cross.

As long as these pulse gates are completely destroyed or sealed, the life of the vampire is about to end.

So Lin Feng is just using his own coins to destroy Johnson's pulse gate bit by bit.

The last coin Lin Feng got was the "lead" to defeat Johnson

Two times on the chest of the blood clan, there are two major veins, which are the most important ones in the body, so Lin Feng chooses to attack these two veins finally.

However, he had only one coin in his hand, but he was as smart as Lin Feng. When he saw Johnson's sword, he immediately had a solution.

He even used his own body as a bait to lure Johnson to chop at him.

Thus, he projected the coin out, grasped the angle and strength, and was split in two by the sword, and pierced into Johnson's two pulse positions.

However, the vampire's skin is rough and flesh is thick, and the coin just stabbed into the skin, not fatal.

Lin Feng temporarily decided to eat Johnson's sword.

However, a sword for a life, this business is very cost-effective.

Therefore, Lin Feng used both fists to nail the two coins into Johnson's two pulse gates, just like two steel nails fixed Johnson on the cross.

Johnson was at the end of his tether.

All his important meridians have been destroyed by Lin Feng, and he can't live.

Johnson never thought he would have such a day, facing a small human, he should fail.

He looked at Lin Feng coldly: "Lin Feng, I underestimated you."

"Even if you don't underestimate me, you are not my opponent," Lin Feng said

Johnson suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "ha ha ha, Lin Feng, you should not be happy too early. You have underestimated me."

At the same time, Johnson suddenly rushed over Lin Feng's body and reached Lin Feng in an instant. It was like a fighter without shells. Finally, he had to use the fuselage to collide with each other and die together.

But Lin Feng had expected that he would have this move. He kicked the stool and avoided his impact.

However, Johnson this time, is not with the body to hit Lin Feng so simple.

I saw him close to the moment of Lin Feng, face with a brilliant laugh: "I wish you good luck!"

All of a sudden, there was a big bang.

Johnson, the whole man, burst.

His blood, like fireworks, was blown apart.

Spray on the people around, hot people whoa whoa whoa whoa.

Because of Lin Feng's skilful evasion, he didn't spray any blood on his body.

However, the blood splashed on the bloody sword which stabbed Lin Feng's abdomen.

In an instant, the blood seemed to have life. Along the blade, it rushed into Lin Feng's wound and quickly penetrated into Lin Feng's body.

All of a sudden, Lin Feng felt like a burning heat wave rushing into his body. The heat was many times more severe than that of the blood of ancient martial arts before.

Lin Feng quickly covered the wound, a bite teeth, pulled out the sword, to prevent the blood into his body.

At the same time, he activated the black ice beads in his body to resist the heat with cold breath.

After a simple operation, Lin Feng's body temperature tends to be stable, and the restless feeling gradually disappears.

However, he could still feel the beast like energy in his body. The blood seemed to be highly infectious. His own blood seemed to be agitated. The blood of guwu was originally hot and dry, and then blended into the boiling blood of the vampire. It was like frying a pot.

Fortunately, there are black ice beads in Lin Feng's body to suppress it. Otherwise, Lin Feng's body will explode like a bomb.

At this time, everyone saw that they were finally saved and cheered.

Someone quickly brought a tissue to help Lin Feng wipe blood, some people also want to call 120 emergency.

But Lin Feng stopped making 120 phone calls, the blood boiling in his body can not let others know, or it will lead to unnecessary trouble.

At this time, people seem to regard Lin Feng as a great hero and listen to Lin Feng's words. No one dares to give 120 first aid.

Before that yellow haired girl and her two best friends, now also completely did not have before arrogance, a pair of double eyes, all worship looking at Lin Feng.It seems that Lin Feng is the most handsome idol and the highest god in their hearts.

Shangguan Ruoxue has been recalling, just when Lin Feng saved her, that clear eyes.

She always can't forget the clear in Lin Feng's eyes, as if it was a clear spring in this chaotic world.

However, she is now looking at Lin Feng, and she is back to the way she used to be. Although she was hurt, she still has a dirty expression on her face. She pinches her nose with one hand, looks up and down at Shangguan Ruoxue's body and laughs: "isn't it good to live? Why do you want to die? Such a beautiful person, such a sexy body, won't let the men in the world enjoy more

"Lin Feng, you are... Shameless!" Shangguan Ruoxue was red with anger.

Just now I still want to praise Lin Feng, but for a moment, I don't have any gratitude for Lin Feng. I only have shame and anger in my heart.

On the other side, Bingbing also came up to apologize to Lin Feng: "sorry, I misunderstood you before."

Lin Feng waved his hand with a smile and said with disapproval: "it doesn't matter. I understand that there is one less coin, but with my smart brain, it's done! You don't have to blame yourself

With one hand covering the wound, the other hand picked up his dog skin hat and put it on his head. He said with a lazy smile: "but your aesthetic seems to have some problems. My handsome and forceful face and my smart and casual clothes reveal the charm of a mature man all the time. Why do you call me loser? I can't think of it! "

The words amused the people around him, but did not know how to refute him.

If you look at Lin Feng's cotton pajamas, dog skin hat and slippers, you don't think he looks like a loser. Instead, he looks more like a performance artist.

"Even those outside the audience are cheering, this actor is too handsome, too attentive."

"You see, his wound seems to be real!"

"Oh, it's just a fake. It's just a fake. It's just stupid."

"Well, but really, really, really, I have to go to the premiere of this movie!"


Shangguan Ruoxue tidied his clothes.

She wanted to get out of here.

However, he felt that Lin Feng had saved his life, and it was not a good idea to leave without saying goodbye. He turned to Lin Feng and said, "although I didn't let you save my life, you saved me. I don't want to owe you any gratitude. What do you want? If I can do it, I will promise you and repay you this time

Lin Feng laughs: "I want you, OK?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!