The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 879

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Johnson resisted and dodged the coins.

Some were shot to the ground by Johnson, others were hidden, nailed to the wall behind Johnson.

The scene surprised the people around.

The one yuan coin in Lin Feng's hand is so lethal that we can see how terrible the young man's ability is.

At the same time, Bingbing also opened his mouth and was silly. He recalled that Lin Feng only ordered a glass of lemonade every day when he came to the western restaurant. He had to pay three yuan for the change each time. Bingbing still called Lin Feng a freak and a pervert in his heart at that time.

However, now she knew that Lin Feng had already calculated all this.

At the time when she laughed at Lin Feng's illness, Lin Feng was ready to save everyone.

Now think about what they did and think, how ridiculous, how ignorant.

At this time, Lin Feng's coins were almost used. He rolled forward and fell right beside Bingbing. He jokingly said with a smile: "Hi, beauty! Now you know why I always ask you for coins? "

"Well, well, I know, I know!" Ice can't help nodding, the heart of Lin Feng's admiration, such as the surging river.

, but you suck up, you didn't give me a change today! Lin Feng said.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'll give you some coins next time I come." Bing Bing apologized quickly, but always felt that he said something wrong.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "no, thanks to my own today with some!"

He pulled out the last one: "it should be enough!"

At this time, Johnson, who was rather embarrassed by Lin Feng's coin rain, was very angry in his heart. He yelled at Lin Feng:

"Lin Feng, don't be wordy there. Die!"

Say, he flies forward, toward Lin Feng a fist to rush over fiercely.

At this time, Johnson's fists were full of boiling blood. Lin Feng did not know how powerful he was. He chose to start the phantom step to avoid Johnson's attack.

Johnson's movement was much slower than before because of his back injury, which gave Lin Feng an opportunity to take advantage of.

When Johnson punched Lin Feng with a fist, Lin Feng jumped up abruptly, made a somersault in the air and fell behind Johnson.

He swept the floor with his hand, picked up most of the coins that had fallen on the ground, and quickly projected them behind Johnson.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

seeing the light pierce into Johnson's body, Johnson snorted again.

But the little coin didn't seem to have any more effect. Johnson seemed to have suffered from some skin injuries, and he felt the pain of crying.

"Ha ha ha, what can I do with this little coin? Lin Feng, you are too naive

Johnson laughed wildly, turned and continued to attack Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng ignored Johnson's ridicule, he did the same thing, started the phantom department again to avoid Johnson's attack, and then picked up some coins to throw at Johnson.

The coins were embedded in Johnson again.

There was a lot of blood behind Johnson, but he didn't show any sense of decadence.

"Lin Feng, you can't hurt me. Your secret weapons are just itching!" Johnson looked up and laughed wildly.

Then, he suddenly jumped into the air and pulled down the bloody sword nailed on the roof of the shed.

He took up the blood red long sword, and continued to sweep towards the forest peak. The momentum was like a raging flame.

Lin Feng evaded Johnson's attack lightly, and chuckled: "how do you know I can't hurt you? Wait and see

Finish saying, Lin Feng hand takes out a coin again, continue a way: "only short this one!"

People don't understand what Lin Feng said, but Johnson ignored Lin Feng's words. He laughed wildly: "a small coin wants to take my life. Who has the IQ problem?"

Then he jumped up again, chanting words in his mouth, as if he were accumulating strength and shouting for himself.

Suddenly, he ejected his body towards Lin Feng and pointed his sword directly at Lin Feng. This time, his sword was faster than ever.

As if he had prepared for this sword for a long time.

This blow will also be his fatal blow.

However, Lin Feng didn't dodge. Instead, he focused on his arm with all his strength. Holding the coin in his thumb and forefinger, he suddenly projected it at Johnson's long sword.


In the dim light, a gorgeous spark flashed out, and the coin was split in two by the blood red sword.

The sword tip momentum did not reduce, "Puff Chi", stabbed into Lin Feng's body.

"Ah --"

almost everyone screamed out.

Shangguan Ruoxue's delicate white hand covered his mouth, and his eyes were wide and round. He couldn't believe it.Lin Feng, was stabbed in the abdomen by a sword?

However, Lin Feng's expression is always calm. He seems to have no pain or fear. He suddenly punches Johnson's body.



two muffled sounds, Johnson was hit by Lin Feng's two punches and retreated repeatedly, spitting out a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Johnson looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "you are not my opponent after all. This sword has already stabbed you. The next sword, I need your life!"

However, Lin Feng looked down at the sword in his belly, but with a squint smile, "do you think you still have a chance for the next sword?"

With that, he pulled a stool and sat on it with his legs up, looking leisurely at Johnson.

All of a sudden, Johnson's face changed greatly. His body suddenly trembled. He looked at Lin Feng in an incredible way: "you..."

Lin Feng gave a faint smile: "you Brad family, you want to kill me all day long and take away my precious blood jade. You study my work and rest time, my ability and even my interpersonal relationship. But don't forget that your wisdom is nothing compared with human beings. You will study me. Won't I take the time to study your characteristics? "

"I not only studied the history of your blood clan, but also took time to study your blood clan's body. Of course, you should not misunderstand that you are not interested in your body. I just..." Lin Feng put down his legs and leaned forward, staring at Johnson coldly: "I just want to study thoroughly, so that it is easier to kill you!"

"You are... Too cunning!" Johnson staggered a few steps, and suddenly fell on his knees, looking extremely miserable.

His blood flowed out like a spring, and his back was full of blood.

The people around were shocked. What happened? , the fastest update of the webnovel!