The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 87

"Ah, sister LAN seems to be really the blooming iron trees for many years! If one day she can't bear it, if she puts me on, am I from or not? " Lin Feng thought, "from it, after all, saving the underdog is a very glorious and arduous task, and I can't retreat."

But the joke was a joke. He thought about what he wanted to say to Su Jing and had to do it for others.

Lin Feng copied the phone to call the mouse. For the security of the scene, he could take it all. But he thought that it would be safer to add a protective net to the scene with mouse information technology. Otherwise, in case of the happy songs on the big screen on the stage, he was attacked by hackers and put up the sadness. That would be a real face.

But Lin Feng called, but found that the mouse was shut down.

"What's the matter? The mouse phone turned on 24 hours! " Lin Feng had a kind of unknown premonition.

He called Wei Yichen again, and Wei Yichen's phone was turned off.

"Double power off?" Lin Feng frowned, is it just coincidence?

Lin Feng thought about it. He planned to go to the mouse's house first.

But Lin Feng has not yet walked out of Dongsheng building, but a strange phone call came.

Lin Feng picked up the phone, the other end of the phone, a cold voice said: "excuse me, is it Lin Feng?"

The sound is processed by electronic sound, can not be divided into men and women, but it just makes people feel a cold cold.

"Who are you?" Asked Lin Feng.

"You don't have to care who I am, your two friends, in my hands!" Said the other. Then, the mouse and Wei Yichun came out there, sobbing.

Lin Feng was very close to his heart. Someone dared to kidnap mice and Wei Yichun. He was just challenging his authority: "I warn you, kidnapping my friend, the consequences are very serious! Before I am angry, I will put them both away, or I will make you regret it! "

Lin Feng teeth bite the giggle, a kill intention through the phone.

It was a big meal, but soon, a voice came back and said, "is it? I know you are very good, but I believe you don't want your friends to happen, either? So, please calm down and follow my instructions. Otherwise, you may not meet them! "

"I'm calm and I tell you, if you don't let them go, I'll find you right away, and then I'll flatten you there, move my friends, I'm cutting my flesh and blood. I'm not a threat, I'm reminding you!"

The ability of mice is taught by him. It is a dish to track the location of telephone information.

Lin Feng is confident that he can track the exact location of the phone immediately.

That head also felt the strong self-confidence and air of Lin Feng, sneering: "ha ha, I appreciate your bullying, OK, I will not turn around with you, Tianshui road Songhua Road intersection, you arrive, will have a car to pick you up, we talk to you face to face!"

Then he finished and hung up directly.

Lin Feng has a sharp mouth, and his face is killing.

I dare to let my friend down. It seems that I don't know how to live.

Mice have no father and no mother since childhood. They have been with him for many years. They have already regarded him as the only family member. The mouse swore that I would not say half a word if the eldest gave a command to die.

Such a brother, Lin Feng vowed to protect him all his life. But today, his brother was kidnapped by others under his eyes. He was deeply responsible for his heart.

Besides, Wei Yichen, he is no two words, all day like a little girl who is heartless, around him, such a beautiful girl falls into the hands of the enemy, I don't know what kind of danger she will encounter.

The more Lin Feng wants to be angry, he swore that if they had less sweat, he would take the kidnappers, and they would be broken!

This is the bully as the boss. He does not allow his brother, and he is a little bit lost.

Because he once lost his love, he knew that he was torn and torn. After Jin Waner disappeared, he swore that he would not let the people around him repeat the same.

Lin Feng bit his teeth, and he called the car and went straight to the place where he called.

The enemy seems to be very strong this time, because Lin Feng knows the ability of mice. When he was on the mission, the mice were not kidnapped, but the mice could easily send information and location to him. This time, the mice didn't make any noise.

Who kidnapped him? In Jincheng, there are still more international criminals than the gang?

Lin Feng soon arrived at the designated place, a black Bentley feast on the road, which had been waiting for a long time.

Lin Feng got off the car and went to the feast.

There was only one driver at the feast, and there was no extra staff, because he knew that the hostages were in their hands and Lin Feng would not come in disorder in the car.

With Linfeng turning east to west, cayan came to a factory warehouse in the suburb.

The warehouse of this factory is two floors in total, and the driver takes Lin Feng to the factory building.

The first floor is an open space, surrounded by wooden boxes, which seem to be some kind of goods. Looking up, you can see the top of the iron roof of the factory building, hanging tens of incandescent lights and cameras.There are stairs around the plant, you can go directly to the second floor. There are many rooms on the second floor, and the doors are closed.

At this time, from a room on the second floor, five or six big men came out. They jumped directly from the second floor and landed one after another. The ground trembled and the sound reverberated everywhere.

"Ha ha! Lin Feng, you really dare to come. It's good. Since you're here, let's play with my people first. " There was a strange sound from upstairs that had been processed by electronic sound.

As soon as the voice fell, the driver who had brought Lin Feng in first burst out and punched him directly.

Lin Feng had been on guard for a long time. He dodged lightly and kicked the driver in the abdomen. The driver was kicked out and hit the wooden box with a crash.

Seeing this, the big men began to move forward one after another.

"Get out of the way. You're not my opponent at all!" Lin Feng didn't even look at the group of people, his eyes toward the second floor.

Those big men suddenly felt that they had been humiliated before. At ordinary times, they stood up, who was not frightened and shivered. This guy, dare to ignore them, hateful!

"You are so wild!" Those big men killed Lin Feng at the same time.

"The mantis can't do more than he can do!" Lin Feng snorted coldly and said, "three seconds!"

"Well? Three seconds? " The strong men were stunned.

But at this time, Lin Feng had already flashed into the middle of those strong men!

Lin Feng's figure, like a ghost, shuttles among the strong men. With a burst of "bang pa" muscle percussion sound, the strong men suddenly stopped moving.

And Lin Feng's figure, from the middle of the strong man, flicked the dust on his clothes and said, "2.8 seconds, this play is good!"

"Plop, plop..."

those strong men did not see each other's movements clearly. Some parts of their bodies had already suffered heavy damage, and they fell to the ground one after another, crying with pain.

But at this time, Lin Feng felt that the figure in front of him flashed, two daggers, from both sides, toward his waist, fiercely inserted.

If normal people, I'm afraid they can't escape this attack, but for Lin Feng, they can't create any threat.

Lin Feng took a step back to avoid the blow and stepped to the other side by the way.

The other arm a block, along the strength of Lin Feng's foot, back a back somersault, stable landing on the ground.

At this time, Lin Feng saw clearly that in front of him was a man in black with a grimace mask.

"He is a master with agility and fierce movements." Lin Feng said.

"Hum, don't talk nonsense. If you want to save your friend, you should pass me first!"

With that, the man in Black got up and put two daggers into Lin Feng's eyes! , the fastest update of the webnovel!