The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 878

Johnson, with a long red sword, darted towards the ice.

People were shocked, especially Shangguan Ruoxue. Their eyes were full of panic, and they didn't even dare to see this scene.

However, at this time, but listen to the "bang" sound, sparks everywhere.

The red sword changed its track in an instant, rubbing against the icy body and flying straight past.

"Ding" a sound, fixed on the side of the wall.

They were terrified. After a careful look, they found that it was the brick that Lin Feng had been holding all the time and threw it out. It happened to collide with the bloody long sword.

At the moment Johnson's bloody sword was thrown out, Lin Feng had already started it, so the two weapons went out at the same speed, so they could collide.

At this time, they had no weapons in their hands. Their eyes were opposite. Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and laughed: "you threw it first!"

"It's bad for me!"

Johnson did not expect that Lin Feng's reaction was so sensitive, he was angry in his heart, and he no longer cared about ice and ice. Instead, he set out to attack Lin Feng angrily.

At this time, Johnson's eyes were red, already angry to the extreme, and ice was scared by the scene just now shivering, squatting in place dare not move.

Johnson and Lin Feng fought hand to hand again.

At this time, Johnson seemed to be angry by Lin Feng, and he ran away in an instant. He attacked every blow in the past with the sound of thunder, which was very powerful.

The people around him were afraid to look up. They all held their heads and huddled under the table.

The enemy was so powerful that Lin Feng did not neglect it.

He started the phantom walk, searching for Johnson's flaws and wrestling with Johnson.

Occasionally, the two sides hit each other with one punch, and the huge energy fluctuation caused a strong wind around.

Both sides can feel the power of the other, almost equal.

But in this fierce battle, Johnson didn't get the upper hand at all. Instead, Lin Feng started phantom vision? Find some of Johnson's weaknesses.

Lin Feng occasionally attack it unprepared, always let Johnson very passive.

Johnson has never had such a passive battle, or in more than 100 years, he has fought countless times with the enemy, but not once fell into the wind.

At this time, in the face of a small human being, he could not make any contribution.

At this time, he appeared extremely impatient and angry, and his strength gradually increased.

But looking at Lin Feng, he is more and more calm. The pace is steady, as if strolling in one's own garden.

Johnson couldn't attack for a long time. He kicked Lin Feng, got up one by one, leaped to the wall and pulled out the bloody red. He suddenly said, "Lin Feng, I want to draw your tendon, tear down your bone and drink your blood."

Then, the huge meat wings behind him suddenly opened, and his body floated into the air, like a terrible night devil in the night sky.

Suddenly, his body is like an arrow flying from the string towards Lin Feng.

It was the fastest sword Johnson had ever launched. It was as fast as a meteor. Without any sign, it was in front of Lin Feng in an instant.

Seeing that Johnson's arrow was about to pierce Lin Feng's throat, everyone was shocked. Some timid people covered their eyes and did not dare to look again.

However, in this moment, Johnson's sword suddenly pierced the air.

Lin Feng's figure, in that last moment, suddenly disappeared.

Even Johnson himself can't believe his eyes, a second before Lin Feng is still there, how suddenly disappeared?

At the same time, in Johnson's upper back lamp stand, a figure emerged, it is Lin Feng.

He roared, "birdy, you've made a mistake!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw that Lin Feng's hands swung, a bunch of lights, from top to bottom, instantly projected on Johnson's back.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

"Er!" Johnson snorted, apparently in the middle.

Johnson didn't expect that his sword would pierce the air, so he was not prepared for Lin Feng's attack.

Angry, he cast his bloody sword toward Lin Feng, but Lin Feng dodged Johnson's blood red sword and landed in a flutter.

He fell on the ground and gave Johnson a smile: "the intelligence quotient of blood clan is always hard hurt. You've been tricked! Birdman

It turned out that Lin Feng had already determined the trajectory of Johnson's assassination. At the last moment, he concentrated on using the fastest speed of phantom step to evade the attack and fight back.

Lin Feng waited for the last second to avoid Johnson's attack, in order to make Johnson think that he must hit this attack, let Johnson take it lightly, but did not find that Lin Feng, who started the phantom department, ran directly above him.

"Treacherous man!"

Johnson was so angry that he attacked Lin Feng again, but he was hit by Lin Feng's secret weapon. His body coordination was not as sensitive as before, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

After Johnson, blood flowed out. In the process of fighting with Lin Feng, a drop of blood fell on the ground.

But his blood seemed very strange. After landing, it was like boiling hot water, and then it evaporated in a moment.Johnson looked back at his blood and was still furious.

For many years, I have never shed a drop of blood, but now I have been defeated by this human being. It is a disgrace to the reputation of the blood clan.

When he was fighting with Lin Feng, he fumbled behind his back and then suddenly shook his hand towards him.

Lin Feng only felt a scorching heat wave coming. He jumped five or six meters away from the back and up. He grabbed the chandelier on the ceiling with one hand and avoided Johnson's insidious move.

Then, he found that the burning heat wave fell on the wall, a white smoke was emitted and evaporated in an instant.

Those are Johnson's blood. It turns out that Johnson's blood has certain lethality. The mottled wall is enough to explain everything.

Johnson sneered: "Lin Feng, you have a secret weapon, don't I?"

Lin Feng also smile: "if you want to say that my weapon is a secret weapon, it's a little far fetched. I'm not a secret weapon. If you don't believe me, I'll give you another one to play with. Let's see if it's a concealed weapon or what?"

With that, Lin Feng once again threw a light in his hand, and shot away at Johnson quickly.

Johnson was ready, and one hand caught the light.

When he looked at it carefully, he was deeply humiliated.

It turns out that Lin Feng's so-called concealed weapon is actually a one yuan coin.

At this time, people also looked at Johnson's hand. The dollar coin reflected the only light in the room, and it even gave out a faint light.

Before that, Lin Feng's coin was a bright one.

How can coins be regarded as concealed weapons?

Then Lin Feng burst out laughing: "I said Birdman, have you ever seen such an ordinary concealed weapon? If you want to say it's a concealed weapon, I still have a lot of it all over my body! "

Say, Lin Feng hand again quickly toward Johnson hurl, a coin, as if the goddess scattered flowers, toward Johnson fly away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!