The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 877

Johnson did not want to let go of Shangguan Ruoxue, but was attacked by Lin Feng's two regiments of light, but chose to avoid.

He thought that Lin Feng's speed and sharpness could not do anything to him. However, he found that he was wrong. Lin Feng's two concealed weapons just now surprised him.

"Bang bang!"

Two concealed weapons were nailed to the ceiling, and they did not enter the ceiling in an instant.

Johnson light standing on the chandelier, his face playfully said: "Lin Feng, it seems that you have hidden some strength, this is interesting, I like to compete with the strong, this is interesting!"

Lin Feng a flash, came to Shangguan Ruoxue in front of, in Shangguan Ruoxue is about to fall that moment, he light up her.

When Shangguan Ruoxue thought that she was going to die, something unexpected happened to her, which surprised her and made her feel lost.

What's the point of living a person who has lost confidence in his life?

However, in the face of Lin Feng's clear eyes, Shangguan Ruoxue suddenly has a burst of spirit.

She did not think that such a lousy pervert man would have such a clear look in his eyes. In the gray light, it was like a black and white gem.

Lin Feng see Shangguan Ruoxue lenglengleng looking at him, he smile, gently put down Shangguan Ruoxue, meaningful said: "want to die, also want to do something meaningful to die, otherwise, live in vain for a time!"

Then, he stood up and looked up at Johnson slightly. Suddenly, the whole person exuded a powerful aura that had never been seen before: "Birdman, come down and die!"

All the people were stunned. The hanging silk in the cotton padded jacket, one hour ago, no one could look up to him. Even everyone despised her. The Yellow haired girl and her two girlfriends even tried to insult him. Bing Bing Bing was bored with him.

However, at this moment, he looked up at the vampire confidently, majestic, just like a God.

Even the big cotton slippers on his feet seemed so fragrant and refined at this time, and his temperament was outstanding.

"Love, love!"

The heroic image of Lin Feng captured the hearts of all the girls present.

Even the people watching out of the window praised him: "this boy's performance is good, and his performance makes people's blood boil!"

"Is he the leading actor? Should it be a dragon trap? Why didn't I see him on TV? "

"But he has the potential to star, don't you think?"

"Mm-hmm, very temperament, very excellent!"


however, the next second, Lin Feng stretched out his finger, buttoned his nose, and then lowered his head to rub the nasal excrement on the slippers, snuffled his nose, and showed the image of the hanging wire.

"Handsome but three seconds!"

This is the most pertinent evaluation that everyone gave him.

Lin Feng took off his slippers and pointed to Johnson on the chandelier: "you get down, don't hide!"

"You are an interesting fellow Johnson grinned grimly: "it's just that you don't know when you're dying. You've offended the Brad family. No matter who it is, it's a dead end!"

"I'm here to kill me if you don't practice fake tricks." Lin Feng said.

"Hum!" Johnson snorted coldly. Suddenly he opened his mouth and screamed. His voice was hoarse and terrifying and penetrating.

Everyone should cover their ears, otherwise the eardrum will be broken.

"Pa --"

"pa --"

all the light bulbs in the hall were shattered, and the light in the whole room was even dimmer.

Johnson's body suddenly seemed to be a bit tall, and he also spent huge meat wings behind him, but his wings were obviously much larger than those of the previous three vampires.

"Hoo --"

a gust of strong wind blew, and Johnson was like a ghost in the night, crossing a dark trace and rushing towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng a back somersault, with a foot to Johnson inverted hook.

"Keng -"

with a dull sound, Johnson's sharp claws collided with Lin Feng's feet. Johnson's body, like a night devil, floated in the air, and Lin Feng fell steadily to the ground after a somersault.

After the two people's confrontation, it is basically a test of the strength of both sides.

Lin Feng can clearly feel the strength of Johnson's hands, this opponent, than the previous ones combined to be more powerful.

Johnson was also surprised. The strength of Lin Feng's foot was not lower than that of him. No wonder Lin Feng killed all the people who came to assassinate Lin Feng and snatched blood jade. This human being is absolutely extraordinary.

Johnson shrugged off his contempt and looked at Lin Feng. He never looked down on the enemy. This is why he has not been defeated by his opponents for so many years.

"Lin Feng, I will take you seriously. I believe this is the highest honor of your life!" Johnson said.

"It's too early for you to come to a conclusion!" Lin Feng touched the tip of his nose and made a move that he thought was very handsome: "to fight with me is the highest honor of your life. This should be said!""Arrogant, I'll kill you now!" Johnson drew out a bloody red sword, the body of which flashed a strange light.

"Come on Lin Feng faint smile, a pick at the foot, nine days dark iron then took in the hand.

Johnson took the lead and rushed to Lin Feng. The bloody sword, like a dragon in the dark, crossed the gorgeous track and stabbed Lin Feng from all directions.

Johnson's swordsmanship is an ancient fencing technique in Western Europe. It was the favorite sword technique of Lei Hong of the wolf club in Jincheng at that time.

This kind of swordsmanship does not pay attention to gorgeous moves, but stresses fast, accurate and fierce, aiming at killing with one sword.

Therefore, every sword of Johnson is a fatal move, and people around him are frightened.

But Lin Feng also does not show weakness, although he does not have the substantive attack, the defense actually also makes the airtight.

When the red snake sword was stabbed like a snake letter, Lin Feng could always resist it properly.

At this time, Johnson's attack was like a beautiful woman scattering flowers.

But Lin Feng's defense is also solid, did not let Johnson take a little advantage.

The sound of the clash of weapons was heard all the time, and every time it rang in the hearts of the people.

They understand what this battle means:

if Lin Feng wins, they will live, but if Lin Feng loses, all the people present will die!

In the restaurant, ice can't help it. He wants to find a way to save people. If Lin Feng is defeated, they will all die. So as a member of the restaurant, she should be considerate of the customers.

At this time, two people are going to fight with each other.

Johnson saw this scene, a foot to Lin Feng in the past, and then walked away toward the ice on the fly over.

Lin Feng knew that Johnson wanted to kill people. He blocked Johnson's foot and did not dare to neglect him. He ran after him and entangled Johnson.

Johnson's face sank and he kicked Lin Feng again. At the same time, the bloody sword flew directly at the ice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!