The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 876

"You are rampant!" Johnson sneered.

"I'm not crazy, but I'm being bullied too much!" Lin Feng said: "the blood jade handed down from generation to generation in our Lin family is not what you can do. I hope you can make it clear."

"Hum, you human beings are too weak. If you put such treasures as blood jade and stone in your hands, they will be cruel creatures!" Johnson said with a look of scorn.

Then, he thought about it for a while. It seems that fury is an idiom again. He can't help feeling a little depressed. Maybe he has read a little too many idioms recently.

"It's just one side of your story!" "If you want to capture other people's treasures, you have to think of some reasons to come out. It's really hard for you to have a brain the size of your fingernails," Lin Feng said

"Lin Feng, don't be too wild. If I want you to die, you will be killed at any time. You human beings are the lower race. Blood jade, Star Diamond and colorful meteorite should be my blood clan's things. Look, one day we will get these treasures and let the whole world change because of blood clan!" Johnson said, arrogantly.

Lin Feng frowned. Unexpectedly, the Brad family not only wanted to get blood jade, but also to get star diamonds and colorful meteorites.

Blood jade is a treasure inherited by the Lin Feng family, so it's needless to say. At the last auction in Songjiang City, the Star Diamond auctioned off fakes, which shows that this thing is as precious as blood jade. Lin Feng has never heard of another colorful meteorite. It seems that there are many treasures in the world.

But the blood clan diligently wants to obtain these three kinds of treasures, in the end is why?

Lin Feng sighed heavily and said, "don't dream any more. Human beings are not as weak as you think. Moreover, we humans know how to unite, love and love. We have friendship, kinship and love. We can fight for it and even pay our own lives. This is what your blood family will never understand!"

"Stupid faith!" Johnson sneered: "in this case, I want to see what your human solidarity and friendship are? Go on, Lin Feng. Kill these people and I'll release your woman! "

However, Lin Feng gave Johnson a big drink: "can you change the way you play? Do you have this IQ? I'm such a just man. How can I harm my compatriots? It's really a pig's brain

"Hum, you human beings are selfish, narrow-minded, weak race!" The vampire said: "you human beings, even between friends have to haggle over each other, how come so noble friendship? Each of you human beings has his own selfishness. As a team, you have your own ulterior motives. Where do you come from

Then, he looked at the sad Shangguan Ruoxue in front of him and said, "in your human family, there are fights between relatives and neighbors, and even brothers will become enemies because of their property. Where do you come from? Have you ever asked yourself, is it really meaningful to live like this? "

"How much is your so-called friendship, kinship and love worth? Are you surprised and deliberated? "

"How ugly are your so-called relatives, friends, lovers, true faces? Have you ever thought about it? Dare you think? "

"Ha ha ha ha, a self righteous race, a sad race, a group of people who live without any meaning!"

Johnson's every word, like a sharp knife, stuck in the heart of everyone in the restaurant.

Yes, the despicable side of human beings is so hard to speak.

Those who are outside arm in arm sweet christmas lovers, and how many can withstand the secular temptation and choose forever unswerving?

These words of Shangguan Ruoxue's heart can not stop shaking, because she has experienced too much darkness from childhood to adulthood. She lives in Shangguan's house, which seems so dazzling, but in fact, the dirty behind it is even more disgusting than the dirty pool.

She was bullied, ridiculed and despised by the family. Although she helped Shangguan family to become a powerful force in the market with her beauty and wisdom, no one thought she was powerful, as if it were all natural. Because the Shangguan family never valued business. As long as there was an old man, other people were all decoration.

What the Shangguan family really valued was the cultivation of martial arts.

Therefore, Shangguan Ruoxue, who has no accomplishments in martial arts, is doomed to be unable to raise his head all his life.

However, he still has to bear the mission of his parents, to be a lady in a big family, to be a strong business woman, and then, like a puppet, work for the family. When the time is ripe, he will choose a man from a big family to marry and complete his final mission.

This is her destiny.

How to get family affection and warmth? What's the point of living a lifetime?

Shangguan Ruoxue's eyes are full of sadness, she has not the courage to think about this topic, but when Johnson put out the truth every word, she completely lost the last ray of sunshine in her life.

Maybe, living really has no meaning.

She slowly closed her eyes, a wry smile on the corner of her mouth, she felt that Lin Feng would not save her, so, it is better to end up happy, the world itself is too painful, free it, as never come to the world!

Shangguan Ruoxue gently nodded down, the white neck heavily pressed on the vampire's sharp nails, a trace of blood left from her neck."Stop!"

Lin Feng called out: "Shangguan Ruoxue, don't hurt me to break the record!"

"Breaking the record?" Shangguan Ruoxue was stunned for a moment.

Johnson's sly smile: "Lin Feng, I knew you couldn't bear the death of this woman. Then, go and kill other people! I hope you start faster, or I will be impatient and suck your woman's blood! "

"Shameless!" Lin Feng clenched his fist.

Then he really turned and looked at the group of people hiding in the corner.

At this time, those people were scared and looked at Lin Feng one by one.

They did not dream that the man, who was regarded as a stinking silk thread, controlled their life and death in this moment.

"Please, Lin Feng, don't kill me!"

"Brother Lin Feng, don't listen to him. Please let us go!"

The crowd began to cry.

However, Lin Feng still resolutely walked towards them. Soon, he went to the crowd and looked down at the crowd, with a look of ruthlessness and murder in his eyes.

"Lin Feng, are you crazy?" Shangguan Ruoxue roared: "do you really want to kill them?"

"If I don't kill them, you'll die!" Lin Feng said.

Shangguan Ruoxue took a deep breath and said: "I'm ready. Lin Feng, let me use my own life to exchange their lives. My life is worth it!"

With that, she pressed her neck hard toward the sharp fingernails of the joker.

"Although human beings are not as powerful as vampires, although I am not a saint Wudi, today you deceive me, look at my treasures, I will not forgive you!"

Lin Feng forcefully spit out a sentence, and then, both hands pull off the coat, throw in front of the public, turn 180 degrees, hands a swing, several groups of light toward Johnson then fly away.

This set of movements, in an instant to complete, even Johnson did not expect Lin Feng will suddenly switch.

At this time, when Shangguan Ruoxue felt that the vampire's fingernails were about to pierce her throat, her throat suddenly loosened and her whole body lost its center of gravity and fell down.

After her, Johnson was forced to fly backward for more than ten meters by the two regiments of light from Lin Feng and stood on the gorgeous chandelier under the ceiling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!