The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 875

The black skin vampire is named Johnson.

He was an outstanding soldier in the Brad family. He led a blood clan team in the fight against wolf family werewolves. He swore to guard an injured elder of blood clan. He was very brave and good at fighting.

What's more, in that defensive campaign, Johnson, relying on his own strength, actually blocked the attack of dozens of werewolves, and led the team and the wounded blood elders to retreat safely.

This is a rare heroic deeds in the history of the blood clan against the wolf clan.

Therefore, although Johnson's bloodline is not very pure, although other vampires are all white skin, only he is black skin, but he is still very high in the Brad family.

He not only has the strength of terror, but also has super high wisdom.

Therefore, Johnson always pays attention to simple and effective work, vigorous and vigorous.

He threatened Shangguan Ruoxue at the moment, not because he did not dare to face Lin Feng. Instead, he felt that it was simpler and more direct.

In itself, the blood clan never pays attention to any benevolence, righteousness and morality, and there are no such dogmas in the blood clan's heart.

At this time, Lin Feng weighed the "bricks" in his hands and said to Johnson, "let her go, let's have a good fight!"

"You don't have a chance to discuss terms with me now. My three unsuccessful compatriots are not your opponents, but I am different. I can crush you from any angle!" Johnson said with a confident smile: "so, end your arrogance as soon as possible. Maybe I will let you die clearly."

"It's not up to you whether I die or not." Lin Feng straightened his chest and raised his head. He looked at Johnson with sharp eyes.

"Well, if you really have the ability, you can save this woman from me, and then you will be my match!" Johnson said haughtily.

"Is it? Then I am coming Lin Feng grinned. Suddenly, he moved under his feet and disappeared.


All of a sudden, all of a sudden, where are the people of Linfeng?

However, in the next second, Lin Feng's figure suddenly appeared behind Johnson, and his mouth was still smiling.

"What a fast speed!" People were surprised.

However, Johnson's mouth but raised a smile: "small skills!"

The voice did not fall, he did not look back at Lin Feng behind him. With a wave of his left arm, he threw his hand at Lin Feng behind him.

He has detected and predicted the position of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng saw his fist hit, then put out his arms to block.


Lin Feng somersault backward and landed steadily on the ground.

Johnson did not move.

"Yes, very powerful!" Lin Feng exclaimed.

Johnson is the most threatening opponent Lin Feng has met so far. If Lin Feng doesn't let go of his strength just now, he will be toppled out.

It seems that the Brad family has listed themselves as an S-level target, and they really attach great importance to themselves. This time, the quality of blood clan soldiers is very high.

But Lin Feng has not never met a strong enemy. He has grown up all the way, and there are more people than him. He can always win in his own way.

He suddenly rushed to Johnson. It seemed that Lin Feng was in a straight line when he passed by. When he passed a marble column, he threw the brick towards Johnson.

At the same time, Lin Feng gently pushed the stone pillar with one hand, so that his body suddenly deviated from the original track.

Brick according to the original path to Johnson's head smashed in the past, but Lin Feng deviated from a little direction, and Johnson passed.

"Keng!" Johnson blocked Lin Feng's bricks with one hand.

At this time, Lin Feng and Johnson passed by, and there was no intersection.

However, the next second, Lin Feng but a kick in the wall, ejected back, toward Johnson's other side of the kick.

Although the action is slightly complicated, but with Lin Feng's speed, all this happened between the electric light and flint.

And, during this period, Lin Feng changed his trajectory twice, just to prevent Johnson from easily predicting the position he was about to attack.

However, after Johnson knocked out his bricks with one punch, he suddenly turned around and stretched out his arm to block Lin Feng's kick. His action was very quick and neat.

Lin Feng frown, it seems that this time the black skin vampire, a little challenging.

Lin Feng didn't fight hard, he ejected one, and two back somersaults in the air.

If he attacks again, he is afraid of hurting Shangguan Ruoxue during the fight. This matter should be considered for a long time.

"Hum!" Johnson sneered, "is that all? It's ridiculous that you can't even save the woman you like, and you still talk nonsense. "

Lin Feng looked at Johnson coldly and did not make a sound.

"Lin Feng, you can never take anything from me, so don't waste your effort. Now either you kneel down and admit defeat, or I will kill her!"Said, his fingernails against the Shangguan Ruoxue's face, black nails, almost embedded in the blow can break the skin.

Shangguan Ruoxue's beautiful face was a little nervous, but he didn't lose his square inch, and he didn't cry for help, which made Lin Feng look at him with a new look.

"Lin Feng, please help sister Xueer!"

At this time, Bingbing ran from one side and saw that Shangguan Ruoxue was going to be killed by a vampire. She quickly pleaded with Lin Feng. In her eyes, only Lin Feng could save Shangguan Ruoxue.

"I tried my best just now, and you can see that I can't save her!" Lin Feng spread his hands and raised his eyebrows. His tone was very frivolous.

When he said this, Shangguan was in despair.

"Ha ha ha, you know yourself!" Johnson gave a cold smile.

"I said that you are a foreigner and you speak idioms all day long. Are you showing off?" Lin Feng said, "or are you convinced by our magnificent language art?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Johnson said, and then a sly look crossed his eyes. He looked around coldly and said, "Lin Feng, I want to play with you all of a sudden."

"You drink, it's rare that you have a good taste. Tell me, how do you play?" Lin Feng Road.

"I want you to kill everyone in five minutes, and then I'll let this woman go!" Said Johnson.

"Are you all so bloody? Can't you play with some tricks? How can you threaten people Lin Feng said, "is it good for you if I kill them?"

"I just want to make your hands stained with the blood of the same kind, make you a sinner, and let your soul endure endless suffering!" Said Johnson.

"Your blood clan is really a race with incomplete evolution! Cruel, violent, full of aggression As Lin Feng said this, he looked more and more serious: "I human beings have not provoked you, but you have treated us like toys. I, Lin Feng, have no injustice or hatred with you. However, you covet the blood jade inherited from my family, forcing me to become your opponent. Moreover, you have come to make trouble in China, even more to force my compatriots to harm each other. Are you deceiving people too much ?”

"It's just deceiving people too much. What are you capable of?" Johnson gave a cold smile.

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng showed a cold smile like hell Shura, sonorous and forceful, he said: "those who deceive me will be destroyed even if they are strong, and those who violate me will be punished even if they are far away!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!