The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 874

The two white skinned vampires, with their huge wings, are like two giant birds.

Their wings block the overhead light, and the already dim light becomes more blurred.

At this time, some people came to this restaurant for dinner, but they found that the door of the western restaurant was closed, the curtain was pulled, and some windows were broken. I don't know what happened!

Hearing the sound in the western restaurant, curious people approached the broken glass, lifted the curtain and looked inside.

It's just this look that scares everyone!

See a mess in the western restaurant, there are two big birds flickering wings, grow extremely terrible.

It happened that Lin Feng was standing by the window and saw people coming in. He bared his teeth and laughed outside: "we are playing a movie. Don't panic!"

"Oh! It turns out that there is a movie here today Outside the window, people are relieved.

As soon as some people heard that the western restaurant here had become a film set today, they all came to watch the excitement.

"What kind of film is this? Do paladins fight blood sucking zombies

"Tut Tut, this scene is really hard work, how much investment is needed!"

"Well, you see how lifelike that vampire zombie makeup is, just like the real thing!"


the people outside looked into the room with their feet up and praised them. For the first time, they saw such a dedicated conscience crew.

However, as soon as the people in the room saw someone looking outside, they immediately thought of asking for help.

The Yellow haired girl was the first to shout, "we are not in the movie, we are...

however, before she finished her words, a white skin vampire flew directly at him, and her throat was about to be cut off in the next second!

At this critical moment, Lin Feng's hand swung, a light spot suddenly projected towards the white skin vampire. "Keng" sound, directly broke the vampire's sharp nails.

The vampire didn't expect that Lin Feng would use concealed weapons. After his fingernails were broken, his body tilted and cut the Yellow haired girl's clothes and passed by the Yellow haired girl.


The girl's clothes were torn open, the whole coat and the fleece inside were all torn apart, leaving only underwear.

"Ah --"

the Yellow haired girl hugged her upper body with her hands. She did not know whether it was fear or because of the cold in winter.

However, the vampire was hit by Lin Feng, lost his center of gravity, and slid away from the ground. His other hand was clasped on the ground with five fingers. His sharp fingernails were on the ground with sparks, making five shocking claw marks.

"Wow, what a real fight!"

"Are these all stand ins? How can you spell that? "

"It's so good-looking. What kind of movie is this? I'll go back and support it at the box office!"


the people outside are full of chatter, but the people inside are scared.

Just a little bit, the Yellow haired girl is finished. If it wasn't for Lin Feng, she would have been in a different place at this time.

At this time, people dare not ask for help, for fear that vampires will kill people!

What's more, even if they ask for help, the police have not come, and people are already cold.

So a quiet cicada, hiding in the side shivering.

After the white skin vampire was hit by Lin Feng's concealed weapon, he immediately became angry and rushed directly to Lin Feng.

At the same time, the vampire, who had not been started, rushed to Lin Feng from the other side.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the dining room, the tablecloth was lifted up, and the napkins all over the room were floating in the wind, like thick snow blossoms.

In the white flower interface, suddenly two black vampires come out, up and down, one in front of the other, flashing the cold light of the sharp claws toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's back brain is like having eyes. When two vampires come to him, he suddenly somersaults forward clockwise, avoiding the vampire attacking his back brain and the vampire attacking his ankle in front.


"Good skill!"

People outside a burst of applause, feeling that this is a step-by-step action blockbuster, to see that called a fun.

Lin Feng evades the action of Two vampires, with elegant and swift, can be called perfect.

The next second, the two vampires see a hit empty, turn back to attack Lin Feng again.

The speed of the vampire is very fast, in an instant to Lin Feng's eyes.

However, they did not expect that Lin Feng's speed was faster.

In their claws have not yet extended that moment, Lin Feng's hand suddenly out.

"Bang" a sound, Lin Feng a palm cut in the neck of the first to rush up the vampire.

The vampire was totally unprepared. He was immediately hit by the move. He felt that his trachea seemed to be broken. He was hard to breathe and retch. He covered his neck in pain and rolled on the ground. He almost rolled his eyes and fainted.With his other hand, Lin Feng grabbed the dog skin hat on the table beside him and threw it at the face of another vampire.

The vampire blocked off his hat and didn't wait to see Lin Feng's action, but he felt his throat tight. Lin Feng grabbed his throat with one hand and held it in the air.

"Did you harm the children just now?" As like as two peas, Raymond Lam jumped up to a table and carried the vampire leg, which made the vampire stand upside down, just like the handstand he had grabbed the child's leg.

The vampire felt humiliated, he struggled and roared, his hands toward Lin Feng's legs and caught them.

But Lin Feng suddenly gave up.

The vampire body falls rapidly, but they are born with strong body coordination. They turn around and fall on their feet.

But at this time, Lin Feng jumped up high and chopped his head.

The vampire had to fight with his arms.

"Click" a sound, the vampire's arms instantly broken, legs landing, also mercilessly kneeling on the ground, knees smashed, can not stand up.

Lin Feng came forward, grabbed the vampire's hair, pulled it forward, and went directly to the child and his mother's side, and directly hit the head of the vampire toward the ground.

"Kowtow and apologize!"

Lin Feng, have a cold drink!


A dull sound, the whole face of the vampire is on the ground, bloody!

Lin Feng loosened the vampire's hair, the head of the vampire fell down powerlessly, and his body collapsed on the ground.

"Waste, a bunch of rubbish!"

At this time, only the black skinned vampire was left in the room.

He has been threatening Shangguan Ruoxue, did not take any action against Lin Feng.

"Aren't you rubbish?" Lin Feng jokingly looked at the black skin Vampire: "you will only hide behind, with a woman to coerce me, do not dare to face the battle, you are not as good as the three of them!"

The black skin vampire sneered: "hum, there's a simpler way. Why should I make it so complicated?"

"If you don't want this woman to die, surrender to me!" The black skin vampire confirmed that Lin Feng was not a man who could not save himself.

"I think you're making excuses for your incompetence!" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at him contemptuously.

"Is it an excuse? You can try it!" The black skin vampire's eyes flashed a sharp light, the corners of his mouth filled with a confident smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!