The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 873

"I can't help myself!" The white skin vampire said coldly.

Lin Feng, however, said with a smile: "there are not many foreigners like you who speak Mandarin so well! Is it for me that I went to learn it? Hard work for you! However, I am surprised that you use idioms so fluently. It seems that the intelligence quotient of blood clan has improved a lot in recent years

"Looking for death!"

The white skin vampire was furious and felt that their noble blood clan had been insulted by a lower creature.

"I'll kill you now!"

White skin vampire tiptoes, the body across a phantom, set off a strong wind, the people around the corner were blown up.

The next second, the vampire appeared in front of Lin Feng, his face was ferocious, his five fingers were open, like a sharp iron claw, he drew towards Lin Feng's neck.

In that case, he had the posture of cutting off Lin Feng's head.

The speed of vampire is much faster than that of human, so that when his claws are about to catch Lin Feng, Lin Feng is still frozen in place.

See this, vampire heart secretly happy, one hit must kill, Lin Feng seems not as strong as the legend!

However, when the claw was less than one centimeter away from stabbing Lin Feng, he could see that his head and neck were slightly inclined to the rear, and other parts of his body did not move, so he easily escaped the attack of the vampire.

Lin Feng's hair elegant a swing, face always with a calm smile.

The vampire saw this scene and was furious.

Although he is not the strongest one among the blood clan, he is also an excellent warrior of the blood clan. In particular, the clan leader specially selected three of them to cooperate with Heipi Johnson to carry out the task of assassinating Lin Feng, which shows that the Brad family has full trust in their ability.

However, such a proud warrior of the blood clan, under a single attack, the man in front of him was leisurely avoiding, even with a smile of irony on his face, which made him angry and angry.

"I want your blood!"

White skin vampire deceives the body, and is a series of attacks, the speed of the vampire is faster and faster, as if to use the whole body solution.

However, Lin Feng just back a few steps, head shaking a few times, the body is very stable and easy to avoid the attack of the vampire.

Even, he took time to say to several girls behind me: "don't stand behind me, ha, get in the way!"

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

Here the vampire seems to be in a fierce battle, and Lin Feng seems to be wandering around the entertainment, a world of two different feelings, the contrast is very obvious.

"Lin Feng, are you just hiding? Coward

The vampire failed to attack several times in a row and began to curse out of breath.

Is that all you can do? Waste

Lin Feng jokingly looked at the Vampire: "your blood clan is not very powerful? You treat human beings as inferior species and kill them if you want. What's the matter today? I'll stand in front of you and kill you. You'll show me your skill

"I'm going to skin you, draw your tendons and drink your blood!" The vampire screamed angrily, the bones behind him clattered, two huge wings of meat were instantly supported, and his face was covered with blood like a red spider web.

"It's a big move, isn't it? That's what you're waiting for Lin Feng smile, "early so, I am not early out of the hand!"

With that, he untied his bulging cotton padded jacket and reached for his arms. It seemed that he was going to take out weapons and prepare for the fight.

Just now, Lin Feng escaped the attack of the vampire calmly. People already have full confidence in Lin Feng. Now they are looking forward to Lin Feng's more amazing performance. After all, at this moment, this lousy guy is their only chance to survive.

Lin Feng plans to fight head-on, and immediately mentions the courage of all the people. Everyone opens their eyes and radiates the light of expectation. They look forward to Lin Feng pulling out a huge sword to cut the vampire into a pile of flesh and clay, which is as awe inspiring as a God.

However, the next second, Lin Feng took a long time from the broken cotton padded jacket, but took out a piece of black guy.

He picked up the black guy with one hand and pointed to the vampire in front of him: "believe me, I beat you to death with a brick?"

Then, also took the time to smooth their own messy hair!


Next to the people almost fell over the past, spitting blood in the mouth!

Such a tense atmosphere, such a terrible occasion, the result of the whole with the street gangsters fighting?

Little gangsters fight with steel pipe cutters, right?

What era are your bricks made of?

The confidence that people just set up to Lin Feng is gone!

However, when the vampire on the opposite side saw this "brick", his eyes were filled with fury.

They recognize this "nine day dark iron!"

It was the Brad family's baby, once worn by the youngest and most potential vampire in the family.However, at this time, the youngest vampire has disappeared, and the armor has been made into "bricks" by Lin Feng!

This is a great insult to the blood clan.

The rampant vampire roared and rushed to Lin Feng.

The speed of the violent vampire is much faster, in an instant to Lin Feng in front of his head to Lin Feng's abdomen, force will Lin Feng's body top fly out.

However, Lin Feng's one hand also grasped the vampire's lapel, took the vampire backward to fly out.

Along the way, tables and chairs were destroyed, and even a marble column was broken.

However, in this process, Lin Feng is like a civet cat with nine lives. His body twists sensitively. At the last moment, he changes his position with the vampire, and then connects the vampire directly to the wall by virtue of his inertia.


The body of the vampire is inlaid into the wall. The window glass on the wall can't stand the violent tremor and shatter the ground.

That vampire did not expect that Lin Feng should borrow his strength, put him into the wall.

His wings got stuck in the wall and seemed to be broken.

He tried to rush out of the sunken wall. However, as soon as his head poked out a little, he saw a dark object in front of him.

"You get out of here!"

With a big drink, Lin Feng a brick on the vampire just out of the head to pat back inside the wall.

The sound of "bang" is the dull sound of bone and flesh breaking.

The vampire's head immediately droops down, unexpectedly by Lin Feng a brick clap faints in the past.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Feng's brick is to shoot the dead, but the body toughness of vampires is much stronger than that of human beings.

Seeing that his compatriots were almost made into specimens, the other three vampires were furious. One of them, Charlie, had no serious injury to his feet at this time. He had also entered a violent state and rushed to Lin Feng with another white skin vampire. , the fastest update of the webnovel!