The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 872

Lin Feng looked at everything in front of him and sneered: "since you have studied human emotions, don't you know that the most instinctive of human beings is selfishness?"

Then, he directly sat on the stool and looked at everything in front of him: "so, these have nothing to do with me. Don't waste your energy. I'm too lazy to watch your performances!"

"Lin Feng, you are a heartless man!" The white skin vampire's straight teeth, pulling the child's legs, shaking hard.

Because the child stands on his head for a long time, his brain is congested seriously. In addition, he has been shaking violently. At this time, the child's plump face has shown cyan, and his poor big eyes are white. It seems that he is going to shock!

"Little circle!"

The woman cried and howled desperately, his body pain, and the child suffering from the pain of the heart, it is not worth mentioning.

"Please, Xiaoyuan can't do it, please..."

the woman cried and hugged the vampire's thigh, and the vampire kicked the woman a few meters away. LengSheng scolded: "a group of low-level creatures, today is to kill you all here!"

The woman struggled in pain and couldn't stand up any more. She watched her child's life passing by, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Shangguan Ruoxue couldn't see it at this time. Although she was afraid, her anger had already made her crazy. She broke free and cried: "he is still a child. You ghosts have the ability to attack my mother!"

A young lady, a woman who was baptized by the upper class etiquette since she was a child, was even rude. It can be imagined that her anger level was as high as that. Of course, if she was not so angry, she would not be so bold. Even her neck was cut and the bright red blood flowed down from her white neck. She was totally unconscious.

The black skin vampire saw the bright red of Shangguan Ruoxue's neck, and a look of salivation flashed in his eyes. With his arm's strength, he could not move Shangguan rushele: "move again, I'll dry your blood!"

"Beast!" Shangguan Ruoxue continued to curse.

On the contrary, the life of Shangguan's family is not as good as that of a servant. They are despised and have no freedom.

This kind of life has long been enough, death? It's not so terrible, so now she's just letting go of herself and speaking without scruple.

Seeing that she couldn't move those vampires, she turned to Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, I thought you were a responsible person. As a result, you let me down. You are really a complete rubbish. You are not worthy of being a human being!"

Shangguan Ruoxue's eyes were red and tears were streaming out.

She took a look at the dying child, closed her eyes tightly, and a burst of heartache and despair spread to her heart.

"All right, all right!" Lin Feng patted the ashes of his pants legs and stood up from his chair: "I am a complete jerk. However, since everyone is playing noble today, I might as well play it once. If I live in this world, I will follow the trend."

Then, he suddenly looked at the white skin vampire, his eyes sharp as if two sharp: "you, let the child go!"

Lin Feng's eyes with endless cold, the vampire unexpectedly unconsciously trembled, did not expect a human eyes should be so terrible, even he a vampire have no reason for a burst of palpitation.

Even in the blood of vampires, they can't be limited by the idea of vampires, even if they are powerful in the blood.

Therefore, he is not afraid of Lin Feng.

"You are willing to show your true face at last!" Said the vampire.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Feng said: "the child is still 5 seconds away from the end of his life. If you don't let him go, you will experience my cruelty to you!"

"Well, don't pretend to be stupid. You have the ability to come!" The vampire challenged.

Several other vampires you look at me, I see you, are a burst of ridicule, black skin vampire is very meaningful looking at Lin Feng, as if waiting for a good play to be staged.





Lin Feng hands a shake, see two groups of light toward the vampire fly away.


two dull sounds of flesh and blood tearing, the vampire actually howled in pain, and fell to one side.

Then, a loose hand, the child's body naturally fell down.

Lin Feng a lunge forward, an instant appears in the child's lower part, catches the child, homeopathy will the child upside down.

"You don't count two!" The vampire adjusts to the body posture, a sharp claw toward Lin Feng's face.

"Don't you know that we humans are better at deception?" Lin Feng answers at the same time, head gently a low, escaped the attack of a vampire.

With the child in his arms, he tumbled forward to the woman and handed the child to the woman and said, "if you are worried about lying down for a while, it will slow down. If a child occasionally stands on his head, people will be more intelligent."

The woman saw that the child came back, and she was grateful for Lin Feng's nodding.However, at this time, the white skinned vampire jumped into the air and punched Lin Feng's back.

Lin Feng dodges lightly, then again evades that vampire's attack.


The vampire was shocked: "how can you be so fast?"

Vampires think that except for the speed of werewolves, no race can match them. However, this human can easily avoid his two quick and fatal attacks. It's really weird.

Lin Feng smile, shook his fingers, a face of scornful smile: "I am not fast, it is you, too slow!"

"Arrogant!" The vampire yelled angrily, "I want you to die now!"

However, the vampire's claws are not close to Lin Feng, but the body suddenly stopped.

Then, with a cry, he jumped up all over the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!