The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 86

Dongsheng Group building, Tang Dongsheng office.

"Lin Feng, if you don't arrive in ten minutes, you will die!"

Looking at the countdown of her mobile phone, Su Jing began to count the last five numbers: "five, four, three, two..."

"it seems that he is a real bastard who doesn't keep his word!" Su Jing turned off the timer and said, "one!"

"Yiya, Yiya, Yiya --"

at this time, the door of the office was opened. Lin Feng hummed the song "Eighteen touch" and put his head in with a smile, "Hello, beauty, I'm coming!"

"Why don't you die?" Su Jing shook her head. This guy, who arrived at the last second, was so angry that he couldn't get out. Even if he arrived one second late, he could be furious!

Su Jing summed up that this man was definitely sent by heaven to make fun of her!

"One second later! Your salary will be cleared this month! " Su Jing said.

"I'm sorry, I let you down, hehe hehe!" Lin Feng sat down. Before meeting, only Su Jing and Yu Lan said, "just the two of you? Isn't there an important emergency meeting? What about Xiao Tang? What about the waste from your other departments? Let's all come together and have a good time

"Xiao Tang Tang..." Yu Lan's face was black. He even called the chairman Tang Dongsheng Xiaotang Tang, and the director of other departments was a waste. How crazy this man is!

"Lin Feng, it's not right for you to say that. You should pay attention to the preciseness in the company." Yu Lan said seriously.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "you see, you are always so serious. When you go to work, you have to relax to be efficient. Don't always have a straight face, especially you. In fact, you are very feminine. You should have material. You are not bad at all. You can see that you are at least D cup size!" With that, Lin Feng also pointed to the double peaks of Yu Lan.

"What's more, when you walk, you can see from the back, oh, it's tempting. If you can be gentle and relaxed, you'll charm a large number of men!" Lin Feng was praised.

"Shut up, Lin Feng. If you are so lawless again, I will tell the chairman to dismiss you!" Su Jing said.

"Cut, you're not fired!" Lin Feng discontented.

"Su Feng, don't blame him. Let's start the meeting quickly." Yu Lan quickly came to round the field.

Yu Lan's tone is obviously more gentle than just now. Her eyes are full of amorous feelings. Her cheeks are also mixed with a touch of blush. Seeing Lin Feng smiling at her, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Her eyes moved and her pretty face twisted, like a shy girl.

Su Jing didn't notice Yu Lan's change. Instead, she said coldly, "Mr. Tang can't attend the meeting because he has something to do. I'll take the lead in this meeting, and we'll start the meeting now."

She turned on her ultra-thin laptop computer and projected the meeting content onto the background cloth with a projector. She said, "the theme of this meeting is about the establishment of the mining branch two days later. Sister LAN and I have arranged for other matters. I want to communicate with you about the safety and security of the scene."

"What? Communicate with me about security issues? " Lin Feng said: "if I remember correctly, I am a small security guard in Dongsheng Group. You should not ask me to study this problem."

"I asked you to do something. You're still breathing!" Su Jing took a deep breath and tried not to get angry. "We think that you have enough ability to ensure the order of the scene. On the day when Dongsheng mining branch was established, it will not be calm. So, we think about it. Only you can hold the scene on that day!"

"Ha ha! You flatter me too much! When am I so good? Ha ha Lin Feng covered his stomach and laughed.

"Lin Feng -" Su Jing roared, "you should be serious

"All right." Lin Feng said: "such a big task, I will be given it?"


"That won't do!" Lin Feng said: "I'm just a small security guard. I'll take good care of my one mu and three parts of the land. If you want me to do something else, you'll have to give me an extra reward!"

Su Jing took a look at Yu Lan. Yu Lan said, "it's not easy for Lin Feng to give you a reward."

Su Jing rolled her eyes. When did sister LAN speak so well?

"Lin Feng, your request, I can satisfy you, how much reward do you want?" Su Jing said.

"I'm not short of money!" "I'm rich," said Lin Feng

"What do you want?" Su Jing said angrily.

Look at Lin Feng that cheap Xi Xi Xi's appearance, really want to blow her up, her beautiful eyes are almost out of fire, but still in the heart keep telling themselves, the overall situation is the most important.

"Well, actually, the reward I want is very simple." Lin Feng said, "I want you to kiss me!"

"You think so!" Su Jing said angrily, "it's impossible!"

"We are a loving family. What's wrong with kissing me? How many people want to kiss me have no chance! Now, if you kiss me or not, you can go away! " Lin Feng turned around and was about to leave."Lin Feng!" Yu Lan called out to Lin Feng, "don't worry!"

Then, she said to Su Jing, "Xiaojing, the overall situation is important. After all, you are not allowed to sleep with him, just kiss him!"

"Sister LAN, I found that you are not right today!" Su Jing looks at Yu Lan in surprise.

Usually, if you meet such a request, Yu Lan is expected to be the first to oppose it. How can Yu Lan feel so happy today?

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "if you don't kiss me, I can kiss you."

"Don't think about it!" Su Jing said with a face of resistance.

"Ah, what is that?" Lin Feng points to the side.

Su Jing turned her head subconsciously.

"Baji!" Lin Feng gave Su Jing a wet kiss on her neck.

"I'll kill you!" Su Jing angrily clenched her small pink fist and smashed it at Lin Feng.

After all these years, no man dared to kiss her. She was influenced by her mother Su Qing. She felt that none of the men in the world were good things, so she always resisted contact with men.

Just now Lin Feng's kiss was wet and slippery, which made her feel incomparable diaphragm. She wanted to kill Lin Feng.

Yu Lan stood up at the critical moment and stopped Su Jing and said, "Xiao Jing, don't be impulsive. The overall situation is the most important thing."

"Sister LAN, he is a rogue, abnormal, I will kill him!" Su Jing was furious. Her beautiful face was red and a dark red kiss appeared on her neck. It was in the shape of a mouth.

Yu Lan saw the kiss, in the heart can not help but smile, dark way Lin Feng this mouth, a little strength ah!

Su Jing couldn't catch Lin Feng for a long time. She was so angry that she almost cried.

Lin Feng said solemnly: "general manager Su, since I promised you, this matter will help you to do a beautiful, you can rest assured, two days after the establishment of the mining branch site, I give you the maintenance clearly, then, you will know how valuable my kiss is!"

Su Jing turned pale. If Yu Lan didn't stop her just now, she would like to die with Lin Feng.

But listen to Lin Feng promised that day will fully maintain the scene, her gas also slightly dissipated a little, she stood up, expressionless push the door to go out.

Seeing Su Jing, the passers-by nodded and cried, "how is Su?"

Then he ran away and couldn't help laughing and said, "there's such a big kiss mark on Su's neck. Can you see it?"

"Yes, ha ha ha, it must have been kissed by Lin Feng. It's so fierce in the daytime!"

"Hush, don't say it. You'll suffer if you're heard!"

But Su Jing listened to every word in her ears. She angrily went to her office, overturned the magazine on her desk and said angrily, "Lin Feng, you pervert, I'm not finished with you!"

At this time, Tang Dongsheng's office.

Yu Lan stood in front of the French window, his abdomen retracted, his buttocks slightly cocked up, and said seriously: "Lin Feng, is that so?"

"Yes, yes!" Lin Feng points to point a way: "collar, the button of neckline unbuttoned again!"

Yu Lan untied the second button, revealing a piece of snow-white, and said, "is that it?"

"Yes, that's it! Perfect Lin Feng said: "only in this way can we attract men."

"Oh, thank you very much, Lin Feng!" Yu Lan was also a little shy and said, "I can't let go at ordinary times. By the way, you helped me. How can I reward you?"

"Well, what are you doing? But if you have to give me a reward, I can take it! " Lin Feng cheap smile way.

Yu Lan asked Lin Feng, "has Xiaojing gone far?"

"Far away Lin Feng Road.

"Baji!" Yu Lan directly in the face of Lin Feng a mouthful: "send you!"

Then a shy face, twist round buttocks, quickly out of the office door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!