The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 866

After changing his clothes, Lin Feng went downstairs.

Today is a very meaningful day for American and Western European people.


Lin Feng didn't feel much, but he walked on the street, but he was filled with emotion. Why is it that we have such a vigorous Festival?

There are vendors selling Ping'an fruit and roses everywhere. There are lovers holding hands everywhere. If you can't guess wrong, today's hotels will be full, and the vending machines of family planning appliances on the street will be sold out.

Maybe that's what festivals are all about, boosting consumption and stimulating human hormones.

Lin Feng's knowledge is casually sighed, but there is no trace of waves in his heart. He has made rapid progress in the past few days, and he is about to reach the second stage of huagujing. However, Lin Feng is not only practicing in these days, but his plan is also in full swing.

He was dressed in a cotton padded jacket, a pair of big cotton slippers on his feet, and a dog skin hat on his head. He wrapped himself tightly. He walked three streets along the street, turned left, and skillfully entered a western restaurant.

These days, Lin Feng often patronize here, and often a sit is an afternoon..

In the eyes of the waiters, this dog skin hat is really a little irritating. Every time, she just orders a glass of lemonade, and she has to ask for coins to change his change. Then she sits in front of the window with a deep face. However, there are long legged beauties wearing underpants on the Street, and she laughs obscenely.

This scene provoked a burst of contempt, Lin Feng as the most stupid hanging wire ranks of the universe.

That day, Lin Feng came again in big cotton slippers. The waiter didn't even want to have a look. He pretended to look down at his mobile phone.

"Hey, Bingbing, my nephew's Lantern!" Lin Feng knocked on the bar: "as usual!"

The beautiful waiter called ice cream frowned and said impatiently, "sorry, there is no lemonade today!"

"Oh, boiled water will do!" Lin Feng disapproved and said, "you know, I mainly like the elegant environment here. It doesn't matter what you drink!"

Look at Lin Feng that pair of poor like, ice ice is really angry not to hit a place: "how do you also order a cup of coffee, OK?"

Bingbing looks indifferent and glares at Lin Feng. Their salary is linked to the turnover. A glass of lemonade takes up a table every day. You know, this table is full in the afternoon. How can this table turn several customers? Thousands of yuan of sales are easy to go out. To his own hand, he has a commission of 180 yuan.

If one day goes on like this, one can imagine how much he has lost.

So Bingbing wants to get rid of Lin Feng. If this table, like Shangguan Ruoxue, can spend a lot of money from time to time like Shangguan Ruoxue, how cool he will be.

"There is no boiled water. We don't provide it. We need to drink boiled water at home." Bingbing has no patience to talk with Lin Feng.

"Well, can I sit down for a while? It won't be long before I leave! " Lin Feng was afraid that ice would drive him away, and added, "you don't seem to say that you can't sit without something?"

"Rogue!" Bingbing mumbled, but because of the work rules, she can't have a bad attitude towards customers, so she asked without a smile: "excuse me, sir, how long do you want to sit?"

"About an hour!" Lin Feng held out a finger.

Bingbing is happy. This guy usually sits for an afternoon, but today he only sits for an hour. He is promising. Now he is not full, so let him sit down.

"Go sit down, it's only an hour!" Bing Bing looks at the wrist watch.

"OK!" Lin Feng smilingly found a seat by the window, staring at the back and forth beauty thigh, and began to laugh.

"Lecher!" Bingbing scolded in her heart: "if you don't have money, you have to install it here. If you want to get a girl, you have to pay for it? Such people are really dregs and rubbish

Lin Feng is happy, but also took out a lollipop from his pocket and licked it in his mouth. Occasionally he put out the tip of his tongue to lick it. His tongue was very flexible.

Bingbing is creepy. The more you look at it, the more you feel about Lin Feng. The more you look at Lin Feng, the more abnormal you are.

At this time, a beautiful figure appeared at the door of the restaurant.

"Hi, Bingbing!"

The beautiful woman who came in said hello to the waiter Bing Bing Bing for the first time. She was obviously a regular customer here.

Her facial features are extremely exquisite, beautiful and picturesque. She has the mature charm of a woman in her thirties, and the white tenderness and loveliness of a woman in her twenties.

At this time, she wore a white mink coat on her upper body and a black miniskirt on her lower body. In particular, the mink coat on this beautiful woman not only does not appear pompous, but also embodies her noble temperament incisively and vividly, which makes ordinary people look forward to it.

"Sister Xueer, are you here again? Didn't you go out for Christmas Bing Bing's warm greeting is quite different from that of Lin Feng.

Shangguan Ruoxue said with a smile: "where to play?"

"Go out with your boyfriend!" Ice track.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Shangguan Ruoxue gave me a bitter smile and crossed the topic and said, "as usual, give me a French steak, medium rare, with okra and broccoli as the side dish. By the way, a cup of El Salvador espresso, no sugar, thank youFinish saying, Shangguan if snow then walked to a table of nobody, sit down.

Open a book, Shangguan if snow then looked up.

Temperament, image and figure are such a perfect woman, with a book, more charming.

At this time, almost all the male animals in the coffee shop looked at Shangguan Ruoxue, and several white foreigners looked at this side with their eyes shining.

Some single men are even ready to talk to each other.

However, when everyone was thinking about it, a man in big cotton slippers and a dog skin hat came to Shangguan Ruoxue and walked to the opposite side of Shangguan Ruoxue. He sat on the stool with a lollipop in his mouth and said with a dirty smile: "Hi, beauty, we meet again!"

"Why are you here?" If sheaton Shangguan was surprised, pretty face with a touch of surprise.

He was the woman who was held in the head with a gun by the killer in drunken Tang that night, and the man in front of him was the madman who had seen her naked.

"You can be here, why can't I? Hey, hey, hey Lin Feng deliberately stretched out the tip of his tongue and quickly licked the lollipop twice: "I've always been thinking of you!"

"Pervert!" Shangguan Ruoxue was made a big red face by Lin Feng's action.

"What's the point of your tongue?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and thought that he was very handsome. He threw a wink at Shangguan ruoshue: "I'm very happy to see you recognize me at one glance. It shows that my handsome face and noble sentiment have been deeply rooted in your heart. Therefore, I don't mind saying to you, beauty, make a friend!"

With that, Lin Feng stretched out his hand with a smile!

Shangguan Ruoxue gas of the whole body straight shake, she lowered the voice to Lin Feng said: "you give me to roll!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!