The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 867

"Go away? Yo yo yo, is this the latest way to say hello? I accept it. I'm very fashionable! " Lin Feng pointed to his dog skin hat: "believe that you can see me wearing it!"

"What do you want?"

Shangguan Ruoxue turned a deaf ear to Lin Feng's words, only a pair of peach blossom eyes tightly staring at Lin Feng, always on guard against Lin Feng.

"Don't I make myself clear? I want to make friends with you Lin Feng said with a smile: "can talk about life, talk about ideals, and study intimate friends of gender topics in the late night together!"

"Pervert, you pester me again, be careful I call the police!" Shangguan Ruoxue silver teeth clenched, think of Lin Feng have seen all over, she would like to cut Lin Feng.

"It's no use calling the police. What's wrong with you? I just want to make friends. You are so excited Lin Feng said.

"Ice!" Shangguan Ruoxue reached for the bar.

At this time, Bingbing saw that Lin Feng and Shangguan Ruoxue sat together.

She quickly ran over and said to Shangguan Ruoxue, "sister Xueer, what's the matter? Is this person harassing you?"

Lin Feng laughs: "don't say so bad, OK? I am a good young man with culture. If I want to harass me, I would have harassed early that night. Why are there so many people in the daytime today...

"shut up Shangguan Ruoxue blushes, and gives Lin Feng a light drink.

Bingbing suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She seemed to hear something in this conversation, and then put out her tongue and said to Shangguan ruoshue, "sister Xueer, you?"

"It doesn't matter to us!" Shangguan Ruoxue explained.

But looking at Lin Feng's cheap smile, she felt that the more she explained, the less clear she seemed.

"By the way, your personal clothes are still in my room. Please come back and get them from me." Lin Feng smiles.

"Ah Shangguan Ruoxue suddenly remembered that he had fallen into the underwear of drunk Tang, and his cheek suddenly flushed.

Then he thought that the pervert might have done something indecent to his own personal clothes, and he was immediately angry: "what did you do?"

"Look, you're excited. I really didn't do anything!" Lin Feng spread both hands.

Bingbing can be sure that the two people have an indescribable relationship at this time. She feels that she is not suitable to stand here and says, "sister Xueer, please call me if you have something to do."

She ran back to the bar, but she didn't understand. She was so excellent. She was still a flower of the official family of the four big families in Kyoto. Why did she have an affair with such a man?

And at this time Shangguan Ruoxue really wanted to cut Lin Feng's tongue: "if you talk nonsense again, I must make you look good!"

"I didn't say anything nonsense. What I said was true." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Then, he looked at Shangguan Ruoxue seriously for a few seconds, and then said, "although you look white and beautiful, if you look carefully, you look bad, Qi and blood are weak, and the printing hall is dark. It must be caused by a long-term bad mood. If I am not wrong, your life should always be unsatisfactory!"

If snow Shangguan in the heart of a surprise, Lin Feng this sentence, it is really said that she went in the heart.

She didn't seem to have been happy for a few times since she could remember.

Because she grew up under the strict dogma of the government, she learned all kinds of social etiquette, and had strict requirements on clothing, food, housing and transportation. She never indulged herself from the heart.

What's more, what makes her more depressed is that Shangguan family is a member of the ancient martial arts family. All the qualified posterity in the family practiced martial arts from childhood, and they were deeply expected and loved by their owners. However, since she was born in Shangguan family and could not be abandoned, she was allowed to learn communication and business, and became a communication flower of Shangguan family.

However, her status was the lowest among the descendants of the imperial family. No one looked up to her. Even her parents were ashamed that she could not inherit the excellent blood of the guwu family, so her life was even more difficult.

Not only to undertake a lot of business communication tasks, to return to the family, but also to be shamed by other people, even more secretly scolded her "prostitute flowers.".

She is more than 30 years old, and has not even touched a man. However, she has to endure all kinds of unbearable titles. The pressure in her heart can be imagined.

However, the mechanical life day after day has made her more and more numb. She seems to be a machine of the upper official family. She is busy every day just to complete her task and lick bricks and tiles for Shangguan's family.

However, she also has her own favorite things, that is, when she is tired, she goes to the health club for a massage to relax, or find a sunny afternoon, go to a western restaurant or coffee shop, drink coffee and read books.

However, it seems that Lin Feng has destroyed both of his two hobbies.

She still can't forget the experience of taking a night in the health club, so that she cut off her VIP membership card and vowed never to go to that place again.

However, her second hobby can still be continued.

But did not expect, came here, met this damned abnormal again.Life, so completely no interest.

But Lin Feng did not seem to see her unhappy, still dancing and chatting with her, although Shangguan Ruoxue did not listen to a word.

But the girls next to him sneered:

"you see that guy, too funny? Doesn't he look at himself? Do you want to get a girl like that

"Yes, that woman is very good. Even I think she is charming. I'm afraid the boy is mentally retarded. Is he mentally ill?"

"Well, now there are so many people, I can't do anything. I'm still single. I don't want to see this kind of man, garbage!"


Lin Feng squinted at the three women. It seemed that they were all college students. On their immature faces, they had a trace of artificial maturity and a confused look of being unfamiliar with the world, but he had to say words that seemed to see through the world.

Lin Feng shakes his head and smiles, ignoring them.

At this time, Shangguan Ruoxue got up and went to a position by the window to get rid of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and laughed. He also got up and followed him.

However, passing by the three girls, the corner of Lin Feng's cotton padded jacket accidentally shaved one of the girls' faces.

"Oh, what's the matter with you?" The girl immediately blew her hair: "don't you walk with eyes?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked blandly.

"Your clothes touch my face. Your clothes are dirty. Don't you want to hide some people? Is there any sense of public morality? " The girl has sharp teeth and sharp mouth. She is full of confidence to deal with Lin Feng who wants nothing.

What's more, today, I quarreled with my boyfriend. I was so angry that I didn't have a place to scatter. I was just hit by Lin Feng. It was bad luck for Lin Feng.

When the other two girls saw that their girlfriends were annoyed, they also scolded: "what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Get out of here if you don't have money. Don't show up in such a place. You can't come here, you know? "

"Will you go to the street and ask for food? I'm not happy to see you

The two women bombed in turn, as if to defend their sisters.

Lin Feng smile, politely said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, and, although my clothes are broken, but very clean, not dirty!"

"Pooh!" The girl who was shaved spat and scolded: "wearing such a suit, just like a beggar, has no money to learn from others, and doesn't pee to take care of what he looks like. It's a shame."

Lin Feng did not pay attention to those girls, just a faint smile, turned to sit in the face of Shangguan Ruoxue.

He is excellent, and no one needs to understand.

"Do you hear me? You are not destined to be in the same class as me Shangguan Ruoxue said with a haughty face: "your words and deeds reveal low vulgarity and ignorance everywhere. Please know yourself a little bit, thank you!"

"What is nobility? What is meanness? " Lin Feng asked.

Mountain view if snow did not speak, but two fingertips gently picked up the handle of the spoon, vermilion lips a sip of coffee from waiter, and then turned to read.

This posture is very elegant and dignified. At first glance, it is a woman cultivated by a large family.

Lin Feng understood that she was telling herself with her actions that she was a vulgar and unbearable person.

He didn't say anything, but nodded his head a few times. He suddenly reached out to the bar and called out, "ice, you come!"

Bing Bing sighed. Although she didn't want to manage Lin Feng, she still came up and asked, "what can I do for you, sir?"

"Don't you always say I should have some coffee or something?" "Bonjour, UN elinjerto caf é, s'il vous PLA? T.

as soon as this sentence was uttered, Bingbing and Shangguan Ruoxue were stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!