The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 865

Two people found a separate box, sat down, Tang Gongzi said seriously: "brother Feng, I found some clues through some small hands!"

"Talk about it!" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"The gold family of Songjiang originally cooperated with Shangguan's family!" "The Jin family has been working closely with the Shangguan family, and I heard that the Jin family gave the Shangguan family the same gift as a broken jade some time ago," Tang said

Speaking of this, Mr. Tang paused. "I thought, what's good about a piece of broken jade, but according to the intelligence, Shangguan's family is very happy, so I'm not sure whether this information is true or not."

"You're not sure if you really want to tell me?" Lin Feng Road.

"Intelligence should be OK, but I think it's strange that shangguanjia is happy for a piece of broken jade!" Mr. Tang scratched his head and didn't understand.

"That's right." Lin Feng grinned. He wanted this information.

It seems that this young master Tang still has two brushes and can get the news.

In fact, Lin Feng had thought about going directly to the Jin family and intimidating the owner of the Jin family, saying that there was bleeding jade and Jin Wan'er. After all, with his current ability, he can deal with the whole family of Jin family.

But the reason why Lin Feng didn't do that was because it was not so simple.

If the Jin family cooperates with a certain big family, he will naturally be under the watch of the big family. If he does something to the Jin family, the big family will react immediately. If he does that, it is easy to frighten the snake and backfire.

That's why Lin Feng wants to go to Kyoto secretly to search for this matter. If he gets accurate information, he can make a direct attack on Huanglong.

Today, Lin Feng was very satisfied with Mr. Tang's performance. He didn't expect that he found the news that Lao Hu didn't find for a long time in a few days.

However, Lin Feng has doubts in his heart.

Lao Hu has a lot of hands and eyes. It's impossible for Mr. Tang to find the information so easily. Can't he find it?

Will there be a situation that Lao Hu knew about it for a long time, but he didn't say.

But it seems that this assumption is not tenable. Lao Hu doesn't have to hide it from himself?

Lin Feng put this problem in his heart. Since he can't think about it, he can't think about it for the time being. Let's follow the clues found by childe Tang.

As Mr. Tang said, the fourth clue of blood jade must be in Shangguan family. Jin Waner was also imprisoned in Shangguan family to a large extent.

Therefore, Lin Feng's next goal has been very clear, targeting the upper officials.

However, it is not so easy to get close to the Shangguan family. If you go to the Shangguan house for negotiation directly, it will have no effect. After all, I have no evidence on hand, and on the contrary, it will make the Shangguan family pay more attention to their actions.

In this way, this matter, still have to move quietly and secretly!

As for how to act in secret, Lin Feng's mouth covered with a smile, he has already had an idea.

Sometimes, things seem to be arranged by God. In the dark, some people will appear in your life, destined to your future route and track.

There is such a person in Lin Feng's heart.

"Xiao Tang, you have done very well this time. How can I reward you?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's my honor to help elder brother Lin Feng if he says anything!" Master Tang smiles.

"People do things in return. I don't like to owe people things, and I don't like to owe others, so I have to reward you!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, brother Feng, I'm sorry that you are like this. I didn't ask you for anything in return..."

"don't talk nonsense, talk quickly!" Lin Feng Road.

"Then you can help me kill a man!"

Childe Tang seemed to have thought of it for a long time. He blurted out, with a sly look in his eyes.

These can not escape the eyes of Lin Feng. Lin Feng is such a smart man. Seeing the performance of young master Tang, you can know that this guy has planned for a long time.

The reason why Mr. Tang attracted him so much was that he asked him for help. Although he repeatedly refused to ask him to help, he was only polite. He wanted to ask him to help him immediately.

"Murder?" Lin Feng light of the mouth: "do you know how high my appearance fee is?"

"I can pay as high as I can!" Tang said with a firm look in his eyes.

Lin Feng sneered: "my appearance fee is too high to be measured by money!"

"Then I will continue to help brother Lin Feng do things until he thinks it's OK and will help me kill that man!" At this time, the young master of Tang changed the image of a dandy before, and his eyes showed a mature and shrewd experience of the world.

Lin Feng was surprised by this look in his eyes. He thought to himself, who is this young master of Tang who has such deep hatred?

Of course, this problem belongs to Mr. Tang, and he doesn't want to think about it. What he thinks at this time is that he really underestimated this young master Tang. He is innocent on the surface, like a heartless rich second generation, but in fact, he has a tiger in his heart and is definitely a man of means.It's not a good thing to seek skin with a tiger!

Of course, Lin Feng is not afraid of anything in his heart. It's a big deal to do Wusong once. After three bowls of wine, he'll hit it. But Lin Feng doesn't like to work with people who have the heart.

"Well, I will continue to ask you for help when I have something to do, until I think that I can help you kill people, I will naturally tell you!" Lin Feng smile, at last, and added: "don't worry, I'm very fair, will not let you white help!"

"I believe in brother Feng!" Tang Gongzi said with a smile that he had changed back to his previous look.

However, in Lin Feng's mind, this person's impression has already had the earth shaking change, only young master Tang himself has not noticed it.


the warm sun in winter always makes people feel a little comfort and happiness in the cold.

On this day, Lin Feng was sitting in front of the window with a cigarette in his mouth. After taking a few puffs, he looked out of the window in an artificial way.

I don't know why many people on TV like to be so pretentious. Lin Feng tried it, but he didn't think it was interesting. He might as well go to bed and play a few games.

He was playing a game just now, but was interrupted by a message.

The news is from the mouse: "boss, red alert. The Brad family has listed you as an S-level target. This time, we must hunt you down. There are already killers entering Kyoto. Boss, you must be careful!"

Lin Feng pondered over a smile and replied, "I didn't expect that I was still quite in their place!"

"Boss, don't be kidding. The Brad family's s S-level target is not a joke! The S-level target of Brad's family is the target that will be destroyed by the whole family. It is the number one enemy of the family. You are already on the list. This assassination is not so simple! " "Or I will go to Kyoto to accompany you," said the mouse

"What are you doing here? Isn't Songjiang fun? " Lin Feng asked.

"I'm worried about your safety." The mouse said, "I can help you to investigate the enemy situation all the time. Don't forget my ability as a mouse."

"Don't forget that I taught you your skills! Can't I just investigate myself? " Lin Feng said: "it's OK. You can protect that group of women in Songjiang city. I'll go back after I finish it."

"Well, all right." The mouse has no choice but to say.

Lin Feng smiles at the phone and says gratefully in his heart, "good brother, I've got my heart!"

Then he sat at the window, picked up his cigarette and looked into the distance.

He thinks of the brothers who are dependent on each other!

The familiar faces flashed in front of his eyes: rats, King Kong, red scorpion, pharmacist...

each of them was full of personality, and every one was a top-level evil figure who was afraid of the world's major mercenaries.

Lin Feng took a deep breath of smoke and swore in his heart: "don't worry, brothers, I have already done that. I will help you clean up your grievances. I hope you can return to China as soon as possible and go home as soon as possible." , the fastest update of the webnovel!