The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 864

"Shit, let him run!" Lin Feng sighed.

But he was very clear in his mind that this was a well planned assassination. There were explorers in the front and an end in the end. The cost of this kind of assassination is huge, and it must not be affordable for ordinary people.

So, it should be a big family that has spent a lot of money on themselves.

Ouyang family? Or Shangjia? Or the government?

Lin Feng is not sure yet.

He looked at the wound of the dead, which was the mark of the bullet from the standard Barrett M95 sniper gun. The victim was shot in the temple and was killed on the spot.

Of course, there was a case of human life here. Naturally, Lin Feng couldn't calm down. He called the police and called Tang Gongzi by the way.

After all this, Lin Feng's face was still unshaken. He glanced at the room calmly. He saw that the beautiful young woman sitting on the ground half covered with a bath towel covered her lips in horror. She seemed to witness the murder case in front of her eyes for the first time.

On the other hand, the beauty masseuse was so scared that he felt helpless.

"I don't want to set myself on fire. I don't want to see anything tonight." Lin Feng faintly said a sentence, immediately thought about it, or went to the beautiful young woman squat down, no matter how to say, this beautiful bubble woman is also because of him, was seriously frightened, almost lost his life.


Before Lin Feng opened his mouth, a loud slap in his face.

The beautiful young woman's eyes are full of anger. She glares at Lin Feng angrily. She is the guy in front of her. She almost killed her in spite of her life and death.

Lin Feng can hide, but don't know why, he just didn't hide, Shengsheng was hit by this, he shrugged his shoulders without changing his face, didn't even say a word.

The beautiful young woman looked at Lin Feng angrily, without the slightest sense of horror. On the contrary, she had a different kind of beauty, which was very enchanting.

She did not say a word, just holding a half covered bath towel to climb up, but did not wait for her to step forward, the delicate Yan lip issued a cry of surprise, it turned out that her body bath towel foot was stepped on by Lin Feng, at this time, she a force, the towel suddenly scattered, sliding to the ground.

At that time, an extremely perfect carcass appeared in Lin Feng's eyes. This moment's elegant demeanor was absolutely dazzling. The transparent and smooth skin, like the skin color of jade carving...

Lin Feng even left a touch of mysterious scenery. This woman was so beautiful!

"You! Asshole The beautiful young woman's face turned red, and she was so embarrassed that she almost shed tears. She slapped Lin Feng's face again. Then she pushed Lin Feng away and pulled out a corner of the bath towel that Lin Feng stepped on under her feet. Then she quickly escaped from the place where she was ashamed and indignant.

Lengleng looked at the beautiful young woman's back, and touched the hot face. Lin Feng laughed bitterly and shook his head: "if I said I didn't mean it, do you believe it?"

Of course, only he could hear it.

"It's a little pepper." Lin Feng chuckled and immediately put aside his thoughts about the goblin woman just now. He is not a pig, nor a flower maniac. He can enjoy some things and never let him go crazy.

"You go out first, and remember, it's better not to talk about this evening with outsiders, so as not to get yourself into trouble." Lin Feng said to the masseur.

The masseuse was so scared that he was scared of the devil like man in front of him. He nodded and ran out.

Lin Feng did not leave, but sat on the bed, lit a cigarette, squint at the body of the killer, his mouth full of sneer, but also mixed with a trace of chilling cruelty.

Who is going to kill me? Is it Ouyang Zhenhua? After all, I robbed his grandson's daughter-in-law and beat his grandson to shame.

However, with Ouyang Zhenhua's temper, he sent a master to humiliate me three months later, which was the result he wanted to see?

If it is not Ouyang Zhenhua, is it still large or small? Is it an official?

When the Golden Phoenix left, he specially told himself to be careful these days. Shangjia held a grudge over the last incident.

However, he has not been beaten more than once. Is it possible to make such a move? Send the assassin to assassinate and kill a sniper?

But if Lin Feng is right, the sniper doesn't seem to be coming to deal with himself. The sniper is more likely to supervise the killer.

This is very interesting!

Why not hire snipers to assassinate yourself? Isn't that more direct?

Do you have to send someone to fight first?

Lin Feng can't think of a clue for the time being. He inadvertently glances into an open closet beside his bed, where there is a set of Chanel's latest summer slim dress. On the dress, there is also a pantyhose which is easy to make people's blood surge, and the flesh color pantyhose as thin as cicada wings.

Looking at the pair of Prada crystal lace up high-heeled sandals on the ground, Lin Feng can't help but think of the beautiful young woman who just ran away with a bath towel.This dead goblin, I have to say, is a wonderful creature!

Soon, the police came to investigate the scene, and recorded a confession for Lin Feng. Then the police asked the masseur to understand the scene at that time. After confirming that the death of the dead had nothing to do with Lin Feng, they carried the dead away.

After that, Tang Gongzi also rushed back in a hurry. Seeing Lin Feng, he immediately asked, "are you OK, brother Feng?"? Who dares to touch you? I'll kill him

"If even I can kill people, you can kill them?" Lin Feng smiles.

Tang Gongzi was embarrassed to scratch his fat head and said with a smile: "that's right, brother Feng can't get such good people. I'm sure I can't do anything with them."

"You are very modest." Lin Feng joked.

"No, you are too good, really!" Young master Tang raised his thumb.

"OK, don't flatter me. If something happens in your nightclub, you'll go to the police station to make a record. By the way, you'll also check for me. What's the origin of the dead?" Lin Feng said.

"Certainly!" Tang Gongzi said: "if something happened in my nightclub, I must give brother Feng an explanation."

Then, he came up and said with a smile: "brother Feng, I'll tell you some good news. Do you want to hear it?"

"Fart!" he said Lin Feng didn't like the face of Tang Gongzi.

"Ah Young master Tang was scared and didn't dare to betray the truth any more. He quickly said, "brother Feng, what you asked me to check, I found it!"

"Really?" Zha Feng didn't expect that it would be handed over to Lin Feng's house so soon.

"Of course Tang Gongzi whispered: "brother Feng, take a step to speak!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!