The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 863

"Don't move!" The killer roared: "if you move again, I will kill her!"

The beautiful woman's face faded and her eyes closed.

"Why are you so nervous? Can't you take a cotton swab and pull out your ears? " Lin Feng said with disapproval. He glanced at the killer slowly: "brother, it's said that we are destined to meet each other for thousands of miles. We don't need to be so nervous, do we? Now we are all cultural people. What can't we sit down and have a good talk? I promise you, as long as you tell me who ordered you to come, I will let you go! "

"I told you to step back." The assassin was so angry that he turned the gun and put it on the arm of the beautiful woman.

"Listen to me. I'll lose face if you do this. Let's have a good talk." Lin Feng said.

"There's nothing to talk about. Today I'm going to kill you, kill you!" The killer roared.

"Please find out the situation. I'm not praying for you, I'm ordering you, and you only have one chance!" Lin Feng Gu Jing Wu Bo's face showed a calm smile: "want to talk about it?"

"Talk about your mother!" The assassin's face kept changing, and the sweat rolled down one by one. Although his mouth was hard, he still didn't have the courage to turn the muzzle to shoot Lin Feng. Because he was a fierce man who could avoid bullets, he was not sure to kill Lin Feng. Instead, Lin Feng would seize the gap and kill himself while rescuing the hostages.

Because Lin Feng's speed is too fast, fast to exceed his understanding range, he has already experienced.

"You shouldn't have scolded my mother!" Lin Feng's eyes for the first time burst out of a substantive murderous spirit, just a glance, let the three people in the room scared, what kind of eyes is this? They have never seen a person's eyes so terrible.

Stand up, Lin Feng face expressionless toward the killer.

Looking at Lin Feng at this moment, whether it is a killer or a beautiful young woman who is being held hostage, her heart seems to have been hit hard. The cold is spreading. The beautiful young woman even thinks that the young man with poor appearance is more terrible than the killer with a gun against her. It's too much to be afraid of!

"Don't come here. I told you not to come here! Do you hear him The killer with at least a dozen lives on his hands was shaking in his voice. When Lin Feng didn't make a move at all, he was about to collapse by the momentum of Lin Feng.

"You have only two choices now, shoot or die!" Lin Feng said indifferently, the pace is still approaching, regardless of the death of a beautiful young woman.

The beautiful young woman's face is getting whiter and whiter. She can feel the inner restlessness of the killer. She can also feel the breath that she is getting closer to death. She may die at any time.

"Grass! Die for me When Lin Feng was less than one meter away from them, the killer finally couldn't bear the panic in his heart and raised his gun to shoot at Lin Feng who was close at hand.

However, Lin Feng was unpredicted, his head suddenly deviated, and the bullet almost wiped his cheek. The shock of this moment was astonishing.

You can't imagine what kind of picture it is to avoid bullet shooting within a distance of less than one meter. The beauty of violence and the speed of God like reaction are all shocking.

Next, the beautiful young woman only felt a flower in front of her. She didn't hear the gunshot, but only heard a scream.

The scream from the killer.

At the same time, she also broke away from the shackles of the killer, and then felt pushed by others. She staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. When she looked back, her eyes were full of horror.

The murderer, who was still fierce just now, is holding a broken arm. His whole right arm is twisted, which seems to be broken by the young man.

"Bang!" Lin Feng pinched the killer's neck and hit him hard on the wall.

This is like a wolf, tiger and leopard. He is proficient in killing. In front of Lin Feng, he is just like a waste man. There is no room for resistance.

The ferocity shown by Lin Feng can directly shock people's hearts!

The killer, who was carried in the air and on the top of the strong, struggled hard, exhausted all his strength and all the skills he had learned since he was eight years old.

However, no matter how he struggled, under the control of only one arm in Linfeng District, he still had no possibility of breaking free. Lin Feng's arm remained motionless from the beginning to the end, and his palm was gradually exerting force, and his expression was cold to the point of chilling.

It is a numbness, numbness to life!

In addition to the fear on his face, the killer also had a kind of fright that could not be erased. He could not imagine what kind of strength the young man was in front of him.

You know, he was born in a war-torn environment, he was trained in homicide, and they can survive in that environment, none of them is not a capable person.

He thinks that he is good at skills, at least comparable to the real battlefield of the special forces, but in front of this man, he is like a joke, the skills he has trained over the years is so insignificant.At this moment, he was not so afraid of death, but still unable to suppress the fear from his heart, not the fear of death, but the fear of the man in front of him!

"Don't... don't kill... Me, I can... Tell you behind the scenes..." the killer squeezed out a few words, because of suffocation, his face was extremely white, and his eyes began to turn white.

Lin Feng indifferent Indifference: "it seems that you are not professional enough, and there is no professional ethics."

"But I love your frankness Lin Feng's face is expressionless. When he really wants to kill a person, there is no reason in the world that any person can stop him!

"Of course, you can choose to tell me, who sent you? Maybe I'll be kind to you! "

The killer's eyes were full of ashes. He knew that if he didn't tell Lin Feng, he would surely die. He murmured: "yes...

" Bang -- "

a glass burst sound sounded. He was a ready sniper, and in a certain tricky angle, he directly blew the killer's head.

The curtain was also shot through a hole. Obviously, he was a sniper. He was able to judge the position according to the figure through the curtain, and then he was killed.

"Get down!"

Lin Feng gave a big drink.

The two women were scared to the ground.

Lin Feng calculated the angle, found a blind spot and looked outside.

The stars and the moon are still outside, the night is dark, and the snipers have disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!