The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 862

In Lin Feng's opinion, the killer's ability to escape is much stronger than his ability to kill. He was only obstructed for a moment. The killer disappeared in the corridor and disappeared.

With his own investigative ability, Lin Feng followed the clues to the sixth floor, which is a floor of health club, which is a quiet floor of the whole drunken Tang nightclub.

Li Linfeng stepped on the blanket on the ground, but there was no sound at his feet.

Looking at the silence around him, Lin Feng's face did not change a bit. His lazy face and leisurely walk in the court did not look like he was chasing after life and death with people. How could there be any tension?

Looking around, Lin Feng locked a closed door for the first time.

The corners of his mouth curled up a cold arc. Without knocking, Lin Feng pushed the door directly.

This is a luxurious health room. On the bed, a woman in a white uniform massages another woman who only wears a bath towel.

When he saw a woman wearing a bath towel, Rao is Lin Feng, and he can't help admiring. This is really a great beauty, a big beauty full of mature temptation all over the body.

She has a facial features and delicate face, beautiful eyes like a picture, lips and nose like carved, with the right size of the melon seed face, just like God gave her the general carving.

Her age, seems to be a little fuzzy, like 30 years old, but also like twenty-four or five years old, mature and charming without losing the young girl should have bright and delicate.

On the skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, it is crystal clear. If you look at it, you can hardly find half of the defects. Your eyes go down your neck. Your whole back is as smooth as silk, like suet and white jade. It has a breathtaking beauty.

What a mature and beautiful young woman, a real creature!

Lin Feng, who suffered thousands of knives, has no nervous consciousness at all. He also has the heart to give this beautiful young woman a comment.

See the sudden appearance of Lin Feng, that beautiful young woman's face flash a touch of red, after all, she is now light, if you pull off the towel, the whole person will have a glance.

She has a pair of watery peach blossom eyes full of shame and annoyance. She has a trace of enchantment, which is really like a column of electric current.

Strangely, Lin Feng's sudden intrusion didn't make the two women scream, let alone let them fight with broomsticks and mops. On their faces, there was only panic and help.

Yes, it's the look of help.

Lin Feng's many years of career as a mercenary made her quite familiar with the hostages' desire for survival, so he knew it at a glance.

Lin Feng pretended that nothing had happened. He closed the door and said with a cynical smile: "tut Tut, I'm sorry, I went to the wrong room, but in terms of massage, I'm a world-class technique. Beauty, it's fate for us to meet. You're lucky today. Why don't you let me give you some special services like health care? Keep your body and mind free. "

The beautiful young woman's flattering eyes are even more embarrassed, but she is forced to bite her teeth and dare not say a word. Her black and white eyes, which seem to speak, constantly wink at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng walked forward as if he hadn't heard of it. But when he was about to approach the beautiful woman, the killer hiding under the bed could not stop. He climbed up and held the head of the beautiful woman with a pistol.

"Lin Feng, if you dare to move forward, I'll blow this girl's head with one shot!" The killer grabbed the beautiful woman's hair and pulled her up. The white bath towel tied to her body was just dangling, as if it might fall off at any time.

"Ah The beautiful woman screamed, her plump chest rose and fell, her pink face turned white, her charming peach blossom eyes were full of fear, no matter how elegant and dignified she was, no one could keep calm under the black muzzle.

Put aside all aura and background, she is just a woman!

"Don't be... Impulsive. Be careful of the gun fire. What kind of resentment you have can be solved." Cried the beautiful woman.

"Shut up, or I'll shoot you!" The killer roared, and the beautiful woman trembled again. She bit her red lips and did not dare to make a sound.

At the moment, her heart is also full of frustration, she is really unlucky home, this evening she just attended a dinner party, feel a little tired, happened to drive here, came up to do a massage to relieve fatigue, did not think, but encountered such an incredible thing.

Maybe... This is life...

if she really died here tonight, it would not be a bad thing. At least she would be free, and she would not have to face those people, those ugly faces, or go back to the cage that was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

Lin Feng looked at the beautiful young woman with her eyes closed and trembling slightly because of her fear. When she looked at her closely, he found that she was more beautiful than he had imagined. She could bring the woman's characteristics to the extreme. She was really a kind of thing that could make men's spirits fade.

If the assassin knows that Lin Feng is still interested in this time, please go and enjoy the beauty. I don't know if he will spit up blood three liters and let Lin Feng win without a fight."Do you hear him? I want you to stay away from me, stay back The killer yelled at the careless Lin Feng. He was also an old hand. He ate a bowl of killing rice. Although he didn't fight with Lin Feng too much, he was absolutely sure that he was a very poor and vicious person. He was so scared that he could avoid bullets. He was absolutely not able to deal with it. He did not dare to let Lin Feng get close to him.

"Man, I said that your psychological quality is also very poor, so fast you can't hold your breath? I'm not talking about you. If you keep hiding under the bed, maybe I can't find you? " Lin Feng tone idle said.

Lin Feng's half dead attitude, let alone make the killer crazy, even the beautiful young woman who was taken hostage, couldn't help but roll his eyes. The guy in front of him who is not honest at all is absolutely a madman.

"Don't you want him? Talk about that bullshit and be honest with me!" The killer roared. His mood was extremely unstable. Obviously, in front of Lin Feng, he felt great pressure. The more casual Lin Feng behaved, the more panic he felt in his heart.

"Lin Feng, I shouldn't take on your single task. You are far from the person they imagined." Said the killer coldly.

Lin Feng's innocent stand hands: "then what kind of person do you think I am?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just get out of the door, or everyone in the room will die!" The killer threatened.

Lin Feng looked at the killer with the eyes of an idiot and said, "I said, are you all rusty? Isn't it unprofessional for you to blackmail me with someone who has nothing to do with me? "

In spite of that beautiful young woman's angry eyes, Lin Feng impatiently waved his hand: "if you want to kill, you should be killed quickly. After I kill you, I can send you to go down together. One life for one life. No one will lose money in this business. In any case, two people have nothing to do with me." Lin Feng said heartless.

"Lin Feng, don't you scare me into thinking I really dare not shoot? It's a big deal. Those in our line of work have already prepared for this. Take people's money and eliminate disasters with others. What you fight for is life The killer's face turned blue and red. His eyes were staring at Lin Feng. He was not sure about Lin Feng's psychology.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? In the morning, I was born early. " Lin Feng sat on the bed, picked up the cotton swab on the table and fiddled with it. His face was careless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!