The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 861

As the business can't continue to talk for the time being, Jin Fenghuang wants to return to Jincheng, but Lin Feng tells her that staying here for a few days may make things better.

Jin Fenghuang also wanted to stay with Lin Feng for a few days, but there was an emergency at the other end of the order of Phoenix, so he went back to Jincheng.

This suite reserved for Jin Fenghuang is no longer intended to be outside. It is equivalent to a suite for Lin Feng and Jin Fenghuang. They can come and live at any time, but they will be empty if they don't come.

In the next few days, Lin Feng didn't go back to his residence. He practiced here and seemed to have made a lot of progress.

That night, Lin Feng finished his practice. Just as he was watching a light action film about love ethics that he didn't know was poisonous and nontoxic, there was a knock at the door.

"Shit, which one doesn't have eyes." Lin Feng angrily scolded, reluctantly looked at the white flowers on the screen, then reluctantly got up to open the door.

"No matter who you are, you'd better give me a perfect reason, or I will let you know why the flowers are so red!" Lin Feng swears and opens the door.

Standing outside the door was a man in a takeout suit, with a baseball cap on his head, his head lowered, half of his face obscured, and a lunch box in his hand.

"Is that Lin Feng? Your takeaway. " Said the little takeaway.

Lin Feng looked at each other strangely and said, "my takeaway? I delivered it just after o'clock? Your speed is really faster and faster. I'll give you 36 likes later

Lin Feng has been eating takeout these days. While he is practicing, he is waiting for the news from Mr. Tang. He is too lazy to go on.

Today, I suddenly want to eat roast duck. I didn't expect that it was delivered after a short time.

"It's better to heat the duck!" Take out boy, give it to Lin Feng.

From the beginning to the end, his head was gently lowered, and the brim of his hat covered his face.

Lin Feng took delivery and looked at the greasy duck on the cover. He really had an appetite!

"Have a good meal. Good bye." With that, the takeout turned and left.

Lin Feng took the takeout to the house and was in a hurry to eat. He forgot to close the door.

However, the delivery man did not go far away, so he hid himself in the corner of the corridor. His face, covered by the brim of his hat, suddenly showed a cold smile.

Spread out your hands. It's a stopwatch timer. It's counting down one minute.

Instead of leaving, he stood quietly at the corner of the corridor, holding the timer. His task was to kill people. He had to make sure that the target was dead before he could leave the scene at ease.

As time went by, when he had three seconds left in the timer, he subconsciously covered his ears. But after three seconds, there was no explosion as he imagined. The door of Lin Feng's room was still open, and there was no sound inside.

He was astonished and astonished. It was impossible. The bomb was made by him. It was a powerful and cumbersome device. He checked it for more than ten times and was absolutely convinced that there would be no problem.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was still no movement. Sweat began to flow out of his forehead. Finally, he decided to go over and find out. If the bomb really broke down, it didn't matter. It was the same with the target person.

His footstep was so light that he could hardly make any sound. However, as he was approaching the door of the office, a startling voice came from the office.

"Brother, it seems that you are very dedicated. You are reluctant to leave without completing the task?" This is Lin Feng's lazy voice.

The killer in his takeaway suit finally walked to the door, opened the way by the gun, looked into the office, and saw a scene that shocked him.

I saw Lin Feng Old God sitting on the sofa, in front of the sofa tea table, put the express box filled with bombs, but the bomb in the box has stopped starting, a piece of wood.

"Brother, I don't mean you are dedicated. You are professional, but you are not professional enough. The level of bomb making is a little low. It only took me more than two seconds to dismantle it. I sat here and waited for you for more than half a minute."

Lin Feng held a pair of nail scissors in his hand, and the wires on the bomb were cut by him one by one.

The killer's expression at the moment is extremely wonderful. He looks at Lin Feng in horror. This is the most complicated bomb he can make. If you cut one wrong one, the bomb will detonate automatically. But what does the young man say? In two seconds? He had never met such a cruel man.

"Tell me who sent you, and I'll let you go." Lin Feng is not anxious to say, if such tricks can kill him, then he Lin Feng would have died a thousand or eight times.

As a matter of fact, at the moment when he saw the delivery boy, Lin Feng found out that it was wrong. He had a good view of his weird behavior and calluses on his hands.

He didn't make a fight on the spot just because of the contents in the box. If it was a remote-controlled bomb, it would easily force the other party to die together. Although Lin Feng has enough confidence and is not afraid, it is not worth the loss. It is unnecessary.

Lin Feng's answer was not a voice of speech, but a bullet that would kill him. Lin Feng, who had been on guard for a long time, was slightly a cat. A standard trainer jumped up and his fingernail knife flew out.A scream, the killer's wrist holding the gun was scratched a very deep blood mark by the nail knife, the pistol also fell to the ground.

"Of the killers, you're only a third rate." Lin Feng leisurely made a comment.

The killer's face was full of panic. At the next moment, he turned around and ran away without hesitation. All the guns on the ground were not needed.

Lin Feng sneered, naturally won't let the other party leave easily, a dart to run out, straight after.

Lin Feng's speed is extremely fast, as fast as the phantom. Although the killer's physical quality is good, but compared with Lin Feng, he is almost nothing. When he breathes a few times, he is soon overtaken by him.

Suddenly, the killer took out a pistol from his body and turned to shoot at Lin Feng.

At such a close distance, and so unable to prevent the rush, it is really very dangerous, for others, I am afraid to be shot in the head, but what he is facing is Lin Feng.

A man who can be called "Shura" by mercenaries all over the world.

Lin Feng's body seemed to have no inertial impulse, and the pause was so abrupt. His body's torsion completely exceeded the human body's limit reaction, and the bullet ran away against his cheek.

Terrified, the killer even fired several shots, no matter whether hit or not, turned his head is running, disappeared in the corner of the stairs.

Lin Feng's skilful jumps can be regarded as a surprise. He continues to pursue.

Do you want to escape after pretending to be forced? Too naive!

In this world, few people have been able to escape from Lin Feng's pursuit. Once upon a time, a vicious man recognized in the underground world fired a shot at Lin Feng, and then was chased by Lin Feng for half of the earth. Finally, he could not bear the extreme panic in his heart and knelt down in front of him like a dead dog.

You know, the origin of that person is too big for ordinary people to imagine...

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