The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 860

Lin Feng slept with the Golden Phoenix for a night, but he did not touch the Golden Phoenix again.

Because each other has a heart knot, and, all want to open the knot, then accept each other calmly.

This night, Golden Phoenix slept very steadfast, which was the most comfortable sleep she had ever slept in months.

However, the other side of Shangjia, this night, but not so comfortable.

Still big and young half face wrapped in gauze, low head standing in front of father shangyunfu.

"What's the boy about?" Shangyunfu, with anger on his face, questioned himself, the son who was not angry.

"I... I don't know!" "Even the prince Tang called him brother Feng, and this man must have two quick!"

"Nonsense, I know if you are beaten into this bear like one!" "What conditions did they offer?" was a hint of chill in shangyunfu's eyes

"No more!" "We have no mention of anything but to let us cooperate with Phoenix in Jincheng for a tour project without conditions," said the younger

"They can do it!" Shangyunfu thought, saying: "let's give them the cost and resources of publicity, help them pull tourists, a small Phoenix society, even if they have such a big appetite, they bully us!"

"Oh, I wanted them ten million!" But I don't say much.

"Mixed accounts, is it more than 10 million?" "Even if we give 10 million, we can't cooperate with them," said shangyunfu! It's a loss sale in itself! "

"But it's not possible to cooperate now!" "The young said:" that forest peak is cruel, almost want my lifeblood son! "

"Shut up!" Shangyunfu bit his teeth: "he dare to threaten you. He is really impatient!"

"But he has the son of Tang to support!" Still big and small also feel very oppressive, last time a person scolded him a word, by him knew, tongue was cut down.

This time, he must have wanted to kill Lin Feng, or he would not understand his hatred.

Shangyunfu naturally thinks so. His son, who scolds himself, can not touch at all.

He bit his teeth and said he went back to the cooperation: "our tourism industry is cooperating with the upper government, which has the shares of the upper government. Even if we have agreed with Phoenix, but this kind of cooperation suffered from losses will not be agreed by the upper officials, which is equal to moving the cake of the official family!"

"What do you do?"

Still big and small, full of sad face, he was shivering all over the body when he thought of Lin Feng's cruel appearance.

Shangyunfu smiled coldly: "this is better to do instead!"

"What do you say?" Still big and small surprised to see father shangyunfu.

"Since it is Lin Feng who forces us to cooperate with Phoenix, we can transfer hatred directly to Phoenix and tell Phoenix directly that Lin Feng forces us to cooperate unconditionally with Phoenix in Jincheng to let the upper officials come to work out to solve this problem!" "This boy forced us to stay in the family and beat you like this," said shangyunfu. "We can't help it!"

"Good idea!" The elder and the younger clapped their hands and said, "if the father hands, the elder and the younger are so hard," if the father, the upper official family hands, the boy will burp his fart. The upper official family is the ancient martial family... "Br >

Shhh -" Shhh "

shangyunfu puts his finger on his mouth, indicating that the elder and the young don't go on.

"Don't say anything like this in the future!" Shangyunfu said: "the upper government family is a low-key business family, and it is a business family. You know, it is good for you to know that the upper officials like to make a lot of money by dull voices and don't like to be publicized!"

"You must understand a reason. Once you have a beautiful scenery, there will be many people who miss you. It is better not to enter the vision of others, otherwise, it will be a target and it will be difficult to develop!" Shangyunfu has a deep vision.

"But, is it not that the upper officials have been nominated for the four families in Kyoto? It's also a beautiful place! It's all in the eyes of everyone! " Asked the big and the little confused.

"It is a business need. Only when we get a new figure can we get a chance in some cooperation. If we have been unknown, it is despised by people!" "The powerful thing about going to the official family is that he will master this degree. Although he is one of the four families in Kyoto, he is the weakest of the four families. In terms of financial resources, he is not as good as Tang family. In terms of force, he is not as good as Ouyang family, so it is not possible to turn a gun at the head bird. He will only develop in a low-key way, but if he really knows the official family, he will know, The strength of the upper government family will never stop seeing this in front of you! "

"The military value of Shangguan family is much higher than that of Ouyang family, even comparable to Lin family. His industry is no longer under Tang family, which is the real strength of Shangguan family!" Said shangyunfu.

"Wow, that's so powerful?" "Still big little eyes with a glimmer of light," that said, let the upper officials for us out of this evil spirit, kill Lin Feng! I'm going to cut off his lifeblood and feed the dog! "

Shangyunfu didn't make a sound, thought, said: "even if he Lin Feng and Tang family have a relationship, Shangguan family is not afraid of Tang family, even I hope that the upper official family and Tang family will be noisy!""Why?" Asked Shang Da Shao.

"Only if these big families fight with each other and weaken each other, can a small family like us have more opportunities?" Shang Yunfu said, "otherwise, do you want to be oppressed and exploited by their big family all the time?"

"Dad is really good, I understand!" Still big little thumbs up.

Shang Yunfu said triumphantly, "well, don't flatter me. You call the Shangguan family and embellish Lin Feng's evil deeds. And he must say that Lin Feng knows that we cooperate with the Shangguan family, but he doesn't pay attention to Shangguan's family, so that they can get rid of Lin Feng! We'll give them a way to kill people with a knife! "

"OK, I'll call Shangguan's house now!" Still big little finish saying, then copy up the phone.


the next morning, Jin Fenghuang and Lin Feng went downstairs for breakfast. Then, Jin Fenghuang planned to deal with the cooperation today.

After all, yesterday, Shangda little said that cooperation was ok, so today she dressed very formally. She was going to talk about tourism cooperation with Shangshi group later.

But before that, Jin Fenghuang made a phone call to confirm the meeting time.

"Hello, it's still big or small. Today we are talking about cooperation projects. What time do you think you have time there?" Golden Phoenix said politely.

"I have time at any time! Hey, hey, hey Shangdashao changed back to the dandy's face of yesterday, with a full laugh and obscenity in his tone.

Golden Phoenix frowned and said, "how about meeting in an hour? Can we sign the contract today? "

"Pretty girl, what's your hurry? If you promise to sleep with me for one night today, I may promise you! " There are still many young people who laugh.

Golden Phoenix's face suddenly changed. I didn't expect that he would go back one night and change his mind the next day!

"What do you mean?" Golden Phoenix asked coldly.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was sitting on one side fiddling with his mobile phone, noticed something wrong. He turned his head and looked at the Golden Phoenix: "what's the matter?"

"Pretty girl, our Shangjia family will not cooperate with you. We have the support of Shangguan family. Don't even think about it. Moreover, I want to tell you that your little white face hit me. He killed himself. Let him be careful, ha ha ha!"

Finish saying, still big little hang up the phone directly.

Looking at Lin Feng, Jin Fenghuang said, "we can't cooperate in tourism projects. We've changed our mind a lot."

"Expected!" Lin Feng smiles.

These people's words, he would not believe 100%.

The Golden Phoenix murmured: "Lin Feng, because yesterday's matter, is still very little may remember in the heart, therefore, may find the official family's person to deal with you!"

"Wolf ambition!" Lin Feng had a good laugh and said, "it seems that I have swollen half of his face. It's too light. Good! Since they want to play, I will play with them! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!