The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 859

After chatting with Mr. Tang for a while, Lin Feng walked out of the box and went to the Golden Phoenix on the top floor.

I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss each other very much. Jin Fenghuang also took a bath and changed into gorgeous clothes, waiting for the arrival of Lin Feng.

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" The Golden Phoenix pressed the hearing device to ask.

Because Lin Feng told her not to open the door to strangers here.

"Your takeaway!" Said the outside.

"I don't order takeout!" From the monitor, the Golden Phoenix can see nothing but darkness outside.

"A handsome man gave you some, saying that he was afraid that you would be hungry at night, so that you could have enough food!" Said the outside.

"Handsome guy ordered it?" Golden Phoenix opens the door and wants to see what it is.

But as soon as he opened the door, a figure rushed over and held it tightly. With a laugh, he said, "I'm your takeout. I'll feed you. Ha ha ha!"

Gold Phoenix heart suddenly a ripple, because in front of is not other people, it is Lin Feng.

"Dead! Give me a fright The little pink fist of Golden Phoenix beat Lin Feng for a while, and jiaochen said: "I haven't seen you for several months. You're worse!"

Lin Feng casually closed the door and said with a smile, "does my sister not like this kind of me?"

With that, he opened his hand and looked up and down at the Golden Phoenix.

Golden Phoenix is a kind of beautiful woman with mature and charming temperament. Her beauty, with a trace of fatal temptation and sexy, is different from the traditional concept of beauty, the Golden Phoenix's lips are not thin lips, but slightly thick, with full texture of sexy lips.

Golden Phoenix's eyes are particularly good-looking. They are very big, but they are not empty. It seems that every eye is conveying subtle information and emotion to you. Typical speaking eyes.

In addition, her snow-white and elastic skin, like a piece of flawless jade, let people love.

Of course, as a model, Jin Fenghuang is proud of her figure, not to mention her height of 1.7 meters, long legs and small waist. She has a wide range of walking styles, which is not worth her life.

At this time, this special object is in front of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng can get it easily.

"Sister, have you missed me lately?" Lin Feng asked with a chuckle.

"Almost every day I think about it!" Golden Phoenix eyes flashing light, straight looking at Lin Feng, as if to carve a face of Lin Feng deeply into the brain.

"You're lying!" "Why do you think I didn't contact me for such a long time?"

"You are busy!" Jin Fenghuang said wrongly, "I'm busy too! So... "

with that, she climbed on Lin Feng's neck with both hands, and her soft body instantly fell on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hugged the Golden Phoenix and said, "it's OK to send a message in a hurry! I thought my sister almost forgot me

Smelling the charming fragrance of Golden Phoenix, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"How can you forget? You are the man in my sister's heart Golden Phoenix nestles in Lin Feng's arms and says gently.

It is said that a couple's little parting is better than their newlyweds. But when Lin Feng and Jin Fenghuang were in Jincheng before, they were just like each other, but they never did.

It may also be too long to see, this yearning let people hold on, when meeting, you thick I thick, like a pair of young lovers as sweet.

Even Lin Feng and Jin Fenghuang did not expect that after meeting, they could be so logical.

"Sister, I won't leave tonight. I'll accompany you!" Lin Feng whispered in Jin Fenghuang's ear.

"Well!" The Golden Phoenix nodded shyly. Her cheek was crimson, like a ripe peach. She was very charming and sexy: "don't call me sister again? Strange

"No, I'm used to it!" Lin Feng said: "call elder sister, feel very comfortable!"

"Whatever you want." "I often dream of you!" said the Golden Phoenix thoughtfully

"What do you dream of me?" Lin Feng asked.

"I dream you're hooking up with other girls!" Jin Fenghuang pretended to be angry and gave Lin Feng a look.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng gently in the Golden Phoenix forehead kiss, "you are not a little girl? I'm going to hook up with you now

"Shameless!" Golden Phoenix is coquettish, "do not give you collude

Finish saying, jade white slender hand puts on Lin Feng shoulder, posture wants to break free.

Lin Feng is a hug back: "I must collude with!"


With a light drink, the soft and boneless body of the Golden Phoenix is pulled back by Lin Feng again, and he falls into Lin Feng's arms as if all these had been rehearsed for a long time.

"You are mine tonight!" Lin Feng picked up the Golden Phoenix and went to the bedside.

Long time did not see the memory, and the heart of that day and night of passion, ignited in an instant, two people instantly kiss together.

The charming sweet smell, the dim and blurred bedside light, as well as the rolled bedding and messy green silk, make them unable to restrain their own surging emotions and hormones.One by one clothes fell down from the head of the bed, leaving only a sweet and restless world.

However, at the most critical moment, Lin Feng suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" With a bit of breathing, the Golden Phoenix looked at Lin Feng with a thick confusion in his eyes.

"Sister, I don't think it's time yet!" Lin Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to keep calm.

Just now, Jin Wan'er's voice and face appeared in his mind. The woman he loved seemed to be looking at him with a kind of venomous look in his mind.

"She is still unknown, I can't indulge myself like this!" Lin Feng frowned.

Jin Fenghuang doesn't know who Lin Feng said she is, but she already knows that Lin Feng has a heart knot in her heart.

Heart knot does not open, even if two people are combined, is not perfect combination.

At this time, Lin Feng was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling and saying, "sister, I'm really sorry!"

Looking at the nearby Lin Feng, the Golden Phoenix suddenly thought of the "he" in his heart.

I haven't seen him for a long time. I wonder if he's ok?

She gently stroked Lin Feng's head and said, "I understand you!"

Then, Jin Fenghuang pulled a light yarn, put it on, got up and sat on the sofa, lit a lady's cigarette, and threw one to Lin Feng.

"Do you know why I came to Kyoto?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"I don't know!" Lin Feng picked up the cigarette and lit it.

"I'm here for three reasons!" Jin Fenghuang said: "first, I really want to develop Jincheng's tourism industry well, and here, is the biggest market, I have to come."

"Second!" Golden Phoenix affectionately looked at Lin Feng: "I am also for you, because I found that without you, I am not only very tired, but also have no joy to say, I like those days with you, my life, can't do without you!"

Lin Feng listened to Jincheng the first beauty in front of his own confession, he did not have a trace of pride, but the heart is very moved.

He nodded, and his feelings for the Golden Phoenix were also very deep. If not for his own heart knot, the Golden Phoenix would be his woman tonight.

"And the third point?" Lin Feng asked.

Jin Fenghuang took a puff of smoke and said solemnly, "third, he's back. It's in Kyoto!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!