The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 85

"Don't you laugh so wantonly? Remember to give people some dignity! Ah ha ha ha ha ha Lin Feng said, but he burst out laughing.

At this time, he has become the focus of the public. Although he plays basketball with a stiff posture and a poor pace, his amazing scoring ability is unmatched. If Qin Yu is not allowed a ball, he may crush Qin Yu 5-0. This is an incredible new myth in Shangda!

"Basketball players, please sign your name!" I don't know who yelled, and a wave suddenly set off.

As he put on his shoes, Lin Feng took over the pen and began to sign for the group of fans.

"Line up and come one by one. Don't squeeze. Let me put on my shoes first." Lin Feng is very busy.

And Wei Yi Chen on one side, the worship of Lin Feng, suddenly rose a level.

She pushed aside the people beside her and secretly asked Lin Feng, "boss, how can you do everything and how can everything be so powerful?"

"I don't think I'm so good. It's just the routine operation. They're too weak!" Lin Feng said modestly.

"Basketball, basketball!" At this time, the enthusiastic crowd came up and pushed Wei Yi Chen aside.

"Cut, these people looked down on my boss just now." Wei Yichen murmured, and suddenly thought of a question in his heart:

before, the boss raced and won a meow and a Wang. Now he plays basketball and comes out with a second dog. How many friends did he have when he was old or young?

Is it the next time the boss shows new skills, will new friends come out?

Wei Yi Chen thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, her mobile phone rings, is the school forum has updated the prompt.

Wei Yichen opened it and saw an explosive news on the forum of the commercial university. The title was:

the mysterious man killed Qin Yu by riding a bicycle in the basketball court. Qin Yu, the captain of the school, was killed by barefoot scores. When asked, the man was actually an elder basketball player!

The following is also attached a poem about "Gong Gong Quan":

the figure of basketball masters is enchanting;

bicycle navigation brake feet;

take off shoes to defeat the school team leader;

laugh at Qin Yu's angry birds!

Wei Yichen is dying of laughter. This is a damn rhyme!

So soon, someone put Lin Feng's story, directly passed on the school forum, immediately caused a violent reflection, instantly was pushed to the headlines!

Then Wei Yichen looked at the content and described how Qin Huan pretended to be forced and bullied Lin Feng. Then Lin Feng got angry and challenged him and let him win 5-1 with one ball. Then he attached the live video.

The following comment area is a blow up the nest -

passer-by amu: worship the basketball predecessors, powerful!

Sad bikini: Qin Huan is a scum man, who is harmful to our girls. At the beginning, I gave birth to him. Now I think about it. It's not worth it! Scum!

I am a school flower: what is the angry bird?

Da Diao Mengmeng: it means that Ding Ding of Qin Dynasty is small, isn't it obvious? @I'm the school flower


one stone stirred up a thousand waves. Qin Yu was infamous. Those who had been bullied by Qin Yu also had revenge and revenge in the comment area.

Lin Feng signed his name and waved to all of you: "Dear handsome boys and beauties, this is the end of the day. I will come back to see you when I have time. Don't miss me, mamda!"

Lin Feng took out the key, opened the bicycle lock, and said to Wei Yicheng, "dear, come on, take you home!"

"OK!" Wei Yichen came up with a smile, but she found that the bicycle had no back seat.

"Where shall I sit?" Wei asked.

"No, isn't there a big bar in front of me? On the big bar Lin Feng said.

His bike doesn't have a back seat, but it's designed according to the shape of 28 bars in earlier years. The bracket of the bicycle is triangular, and there is a long and thick beam in front of it, which is also called big bar.

Lin Feng patted the front of the car and said, "come on, I'll try to slow down and make you comfortable."

When the people around him heard it, his mind was suddenly floating. How can this sound? It's so fantastic!

Then a new news appeared in the school forum, the title is:

goddess Wei Yichen, sitting on the bar of basketball predecessors with a smile, the elder said: I will make you very comfortable! Netizen summary: it is true love!

Wei Yichen looked at the title, suddenly blushed. He finally knew that sometimes it was not because the stars were bad tempered, but because the paparazzi were so bullshit!

Looking at Lin Feng's wandering figure of riding a bicycle far away, Qin Huan spat out his old blood.

He took out his cell phone and broadcast a number in the past, and soon the other end picked up.

Qin Yu said to the phone, "brother long, I was bullied at school today! Please help

The head of the phone said, "what? Did I hear you right? Is there anyone else who dares to bully you? Don't they know you're my little brotherQin Yu said: "that man is not from Shangda, but from a foreign school! But the whole school knows that I'm your little brother, and that person must know too! "

Long Shao said: "NIMA's, but also against him, what's the name of that man!"

Qin Yu said, "Lin Feng!"

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly, like thunder, roared: "I fucked you, fuckin 'deliberately against me, right?"

"Brother long, you..." Qin Yu was shocked.

"I didn't say you! I said the boy Long Shao said: "I'll take some people to find him these days. You come here too. I'll show you how I discount his dog legs! Shit




Lin Feng helped Wei Yichen. This time, Qin Huan would not pester Wei Yichen any more. He would not be able to raise his head in school.

Lin Feng opened the mobile phone, because the mobile phone is silent, this will see, missed calls and messages added together, there are more than 10.

It's all from Su Jing.

AM9: 10 Lin Feng, when will you come to the company? Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Am9:35 Lin Feng, please reply when you receive it. I really want to discuss something urgent with you!

AM9: 47 Lin crazy, you pretend to be dead, right?

AM9: 52 dead pervert, are you dead? If you die, I will burn some paper to celebrate! You don't have to come!

Am10:30 dead pervert, you still come or not, there is an urgent matter to hold a meeting, if you do not come, this month's salary will be deducted for you!

Am10: 31 dead pervert, go to hell!

Am10: 32 dead pervert, go to hell!


Lin Feng replied with a message: Oh, don't always scare me with my salary. I have something to do in the morning. Now you wait for me to attend the meeting. Haha, momada!

Su Jing immediately replied with a message: if you don't arrive at the company within ten minutes, I will acquiesce that you are dead and you don't have to come.

Lin Feng replied: no way. I'm going to take my corpse in the past for the sake of salary!

After sending the message, Lin Feng takes back his mobile phone.

"Boss, let's go for lunch." Wei Yichen said.

This time she is very grateful for Lin Feng's help, otherwise he really can't get rid of this pestering scum man.

"I want to go back to the company. I don't have to eat any food!" Lin Feng put down Wei Yichen and planned to go by bike, but he suddenly remembered something. He turned to Wei Yichen and said:

"cough, what, you can't eat rice, but you promised me ten car models... Cough, you know, I personally appreciate people who are honest! I don't want a model car. Don't get me wrong. I just want to see your integrity. Do you know? "

"Mm-hmm! I know, boss, I will definitely arrange it for you

"Well! You have a good reputation. I didn't mistake you! " Lin Feng put up his thumb and praised him solemnly.

Then he turned and rode away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!