The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 858

Tang Gongzi took Lin Feng to a box. The first thing he did was to apologize to Lin Feng.

After all, brother Feng yelled, and then let others wait for more than an hour. Moreover, there was such a mess, Mr. Tang felt very embarrassed!

He licked his fat belly, and his fat face turned red and said, "brother Feng, there was a problem with the car on the road, and there was a traffic jam when he entered the city, so...

Lin Feng waved his hand, indicating that he would not go on.

Tang Gongzi stopped and looked at Lin Feng carefully. He knew that Lin Feng could come to him in person. There must be something important.

Lin Feng first said, "Xiao Tang, my sister Jin is working in Kyoto. She may stay for a few days. These days, you will prepare a suite for her to live here. Is there any problem?"

"Of course, no problem. Brother Feng's sister is my sister. I'll arrange a presidential suite. Then, all the services are imperial. I'll pay for it. As long as my sister lives comfortably." Mr. Tang patted the flickering chest with his fat hands, and said with a serious face.

"Roll away, who is my sister's? That's my sister's!" Lin Feng scolded Tang Gongzi and then looked at the Golden Phoenix with a smile: "you can't let this guy take advantage of it!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Mr. Tang laughed with embarrassment.

"Ask someone to take sister Jin to rest first!" Lin Feng's way to Tang Gongzi.

"Good!" Mr. Tang called for a waiter and asked her to take Jin Fenghuang to the housekeeping department on the top floor.

"Sister Jin, I'll talk to Mr. Tang about something, and then I'll come to you." Lin Feng gave Jin Fenghuang an ambiguous smile.

"Well, I'll wait for you!" Golden Phoenix gentle smile, with thousands of charm.

In this scene, the young master Tang was greedy. He said that elder brother Feng had a fierce battle this evening!

Seeing off the Golden Phoenix, Lin Feng said to Tang Gongzi with a straight face: "Xiao Tang, can I believe you?"

"Absolutely Tang Gongzi said: "I have long wanted to worship brother Feng as the eldest brother, but you have not recognized me!"

"It doesn't matter whether you worship big brother or not. I just want you to know something. I hope you can tell me the truth!" Lin Feng Road.

"It must be. What we businessmen pay attention to is honesty. If we don't believe what we say..." Mr. Tang's fat lips flickered one by one.

"All right, all right! I believe it Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "I want to ask you something about your Tang family."

"Our Tang family?" Tang Gongzi's face flashed a little surprised: "want to ask what, Feng elder brother you ask!"

"You've been to Songjiang City, haven't you?" Lin Feng asked.


"Do you Tang family have cooperation with Jin family in Songjiang city "Very close cooperation!" Feng asked

"Is it Jin Lengyu's family?" Tang asked

"Yes, it's Jin Lengyu's house!" Lin Feng Road.

"I knew Jin Lengyu was a beautiful woman. I was very impressed with her. But when it came to cooperating with the Jin family, we didn't have it!"

"Are you sure?" Lin Feng's eyes suddenly showed a fierce look: "you know the end of cheating me will be very miserable!"

"I don't dare to cheat brother Feng. Our Tang family and the small family in Songjiang city have no cooperation, but occasionally we will get to know each other in some business occasions, so I know Jin Lengyu!" Tang Gongzi finished, a face of concern asked Lin Feng: "Feng brother, why do you suddenly ask these?"

"Don't worry about it!" Lin Feng frowned and asked, "you are so impressed with Jin Lengyu. Do you know that Jin Lengyu has a younger sister?"

"Yes! Jin Wan'er is also a beautiful woman! " "I went to Songjiang four or five years ago, and I was deeply impressed by this pair of sister flowers. Brother Feng, do you think I'm too lecherous? I'll never forget when I see a beautiful woman..."

"let's get to the point!" Lin Feng interrupted Tang Gongzi and said, "do you know which family in Songjiang city has a close relationship with your family in Kyoto?"

"Brother Feng, Songjiang city is just a prefecture level city. I don't even look at the small families there. I really don't know about their gold family!"

Seeing Lin Feng's face displeased, Tang Gongzi immediately said, "but brother Feng, give me some time, I can send someone to help you check this matter. Don't worry, as long as I do it, I will definitely check it for you!"

Lin Feng looked at Tang Gongzi, his eyes flickering. He thought, how could you find out that even Lao Hu, a master with a good command of the universe, could not find out.

But, Lin Feng also knows a truth, chicken does not pee, each has its own way.

Some hearsay news, even those who run hundreds of millions of companies do not know, but those beggars on the street know.

Since young master Tang has this idea, he can have a try. Maybe it will work wonders.

"Then this matter will trouble you!" Lin Feng said, "but I have to remind you that I have sent people with strong intelligence to investigate this matter, but I have not found any clues. I wonder if you have any more effective way to investigate this matter, because the cooperation between the Jin family and a certain family seems to be very secret, and I don't want to let outsiders know!""Brother Feng, don't worry. In Kyoto, I don't say that I'm a little prince underground, but I'm also a master of intelligence collection. My younger brother is in all walks of life. If I can't find out the information, no one else will try to find out. I'll tell you, brother Feng, you've found the right person for me..."

"OK, OK, OK!" Lin Feng put a OK gesture, he and Tang Gongzi deep contact to know, this boy special what is still a speech tuberculosis.

However, he hoped that childe Tang's words were not bragging. After a pause, Lin Feng asked, "how many days is enough?"

"In 3-5 days, it should be almost out of the news!" Tang Gongzi Dao.

"OK, it's hard for you!" Lin Feng patted childe Tang on the shoulder: "you secretly investigate this matter, as long as you know I know, don't let other people know!"

The clue that Lin Feng came to Kyoto to look for blood jade is well known, but many people don't know about Jin Wan'er.

Lin Feng is afraid that by looking for Jin's family, his opponent will smell his intention, which will be very unfavorable to Jin Wan'er.

Of course, if Jin Wan'er is still alive.

Thinking of this, Jin Wan'er's pretty face reappears in Lin Feng's mind.

"Wan'er, whether you are dead or alive, I must find you. If you live, it is the enemy's greatest blessing. If you have something wrong, I will kill him all over the house!" Lin Feng clenched his fist and said in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!