The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 857

Tang Gongzi was shocked. He knew that Lin Feng was cruel, but he didn't expect to be so cruel!

And this fashion is more or less afraid, this is not for fun, offend a character like Lin Feng, want his lifeline, nine times out of ten, can't keep it!

Shangda Shao crawled to the foot of Lin Feng, holding Lin Feng's thighs in his hands, and pleaded bitterly: "elder brother, elder brother, I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong, please put me off as a fart? I don't dare to do it again! "

"Farted you?" Lin Feng sneered: "you even fart are inferior, so I can't let you go!"

Still big little a hand to pull Lin Feng trouser leg, while kneeling to Lin Feng, head knock "bang bang" ring, the forehead is also full of blood.

"Brother, please let me go this time. I will do whatever you say, as long as you don't want my lifeline! Brother, please, I really know I was wrong At this time, he still didn't know what language to use to admit his mistake. He just kept shouting "I'm wrong, please forgive me". There was no strong wind at that time, and the whole person was almost a puddle of mud.

"Brother Feng, if you really want him to die, it's not convenient to do it here. I'll find someone to take care of it for you." Tang said to Lin Feng.

As soon as he said this, he immediately made Shangda Shao's cold sweat Shua Shua. Then he went to beg Mr. Tang and said, "please don't attack me, please!"

"Who let you not long eye irritate my Feng elder brother?" Tang said.

"I really don't know that brother Feng is your elder brother of Mr. Tang!" Said Shang Da Shao, crying.

If he knew that Lin Feng had such a background and it was too late to fawn on him, how could he have provoked him.

He is now regret dead, the intestines all regret blue.

Then at this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "if you let me spare you, OK, but I have conditions!"

"Brother Feng, you said, as long as you can spare me and let me be a cow and a horse, I don't have a word of" no " Still big little feels to have caught a life-saving straw.

"Good!" Lin Feng said, "my sister is here to talk to you about cooperation and tourism projects. Have you done this for me?"

"Absolutely no problem!" Most of them didn't think about it, so they accepted it.

"Sister Jin, when you hear about your cooperation, you can only find big and small ones. If you have any conditions, you can open them and he can satisfy you." Lin Feng said, "is it true that it is still large or small?"

"Yes, yes, you can do as you please." More or less.

Jin Fenghuang didn't expect that things would be solved so smoothly. She felt a burst of joy in her heart. She didn't expect that after leaving Jincheng, she still had to rely on Lin Feng to help her. She was really embarrassed.

But when she thought about her relationship with Lin Feng, she was relieved. After all, no one could compare the status of this man in her heart.

Next, it's Mr. Liu's turn.

Mr. Tang came to Mr. Liu and picked up an ashtray. He slapped it on Mr. Liu's head, which made him bloody.

Tang Gongzi scolded: "I paid you to help me watch the show, not to blackmail others. What's more, you didn't have long eyes and blackmailed to my brother Feng. Are you in a mess?"

Mr. Liu covered his head and kowtowed to Lin Feng to admit his mistake. Just now he despised Lin Feng and was deeply shocked and frightened.

This is the first time that he has been in the business for more than 20 years. He really didn't expect that the guy he didn't look up to was such a big guy!

He knew the temper of Tang Gongzi, so at the moment, he was trembling and walking on thin ice, as if feeling that he would be destroyed by Tang Gongzi in the next second.

"Lao Liu, how many years have you worked in my Tang family?" Asked Mr. Tang.

"Eighteen years!" Liu bowed his head in fear.

"In eighteen years, did the Tang family treat you badly?" Mr. Tang continued to ask.

"Never treated me badly!" Mr. Liu did not dare to look up at Mr. Tang's eyes, because he felt that something bad was about to happen.

Sure enough, Mr. Tang gave a cold smile and said, "well, the Tang family will not treat you unfairly in the future. I will give you a sum of money and let you go!"


Liu Zong Yi Leng, don't know what this ending means in the end?

The people around me were a little surprised, this made a mistake and even paid back the money. Although it was dismissed, it was too righteous, right?

But then, Tang Gongzi's words moved everyone.

"But before you go away, you should leave a hand as compensation for this incident," Tang said

Said, he looked at Lin Feng: "brother Feng, I deal with this, are you satisfied?"

Lin Feng sighed: "the general manager Liu, a little contemptuous of people, I think you leave a hand, it's better to keep his two eyes, save the later dog eye look at people low ah!"

"Well, do as you say!" Mr. Tang said to Mr. Liu, "just leave your two eyes!""Don't do that, Mr. Tang?" Liu always cried and begged for mercy, "I don't want money, I'll get out of here, I don't want anything!"

But Mr. Tang was not moved.

Mr. Liu knew that it was impossible to ask for help. He had to ask for help.

He looked around and found that manager Wang and they were looking at him happily, not to mention pleading.

He took a look at it. He felt regret and anger in his heart. He was a coward. He was really blind to speak for him. How good was this strength used to flatter Lin Feng?

At this time, he straightened out his thoughts, and Lin Feng was the one who could control his fate.

He quickly ran to Lin Feng, knelt down in front of Lin Feng and begged Lin Feng: "brother Feng, please don't blind my eyes. There are old people and young people in my family. If I am blind, they can't live!"

Seeing that Lin Feng was barefoot and his feet were covered with dust, he pulled out his tie directly and knelt down on the ground to help Lin Feng wipe his feet: "brother Feng, please don't remember the villains. It's me who has no eyes, and I look down on others. I learned a lesson this time, and I will never do this again!"


Lin Feng kicked Mr. Liu four or five meters away and bumped into the tea table behind him.

With a click, the tea table was smashed, and Mr. Liu's back was instantly pierced with many pieces of glass, and his back was bloody.

"Ah -" cried Mr. Liu in pain, trying to turn over, but his whole body was in sharp pain and had no strength at all.

The people around him are startling. What's the origin of this boy? How can he be so cruel? It's scary!

At this time, Lin Feng came forward, a will Liu general manager, said coldly: "to tell you the truth, your eyes are really worthless. You can keep them for yourself. If you want your dog's eyes, I feel chilly!"

Then, as soon as he let go of his hand, he fell and sat on the ground.

Then, Lin Feng turned to Tang Gongzi and said, "go, find a quiet place, I'll talk to you!"

"Good!" Young master Tang went to another place with Lin Feng.

Liu Zong at this time tears left down, but the heart is very moved by Lin Feng's practice, murmured to Lin Feng's back: "thank you, leave my eyes, thank you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!