The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 84

"How arrogant you are Qin Huan gritted his teeth and said, but he didn't have time to take the ball.

In the first round, Qin Huan attacked with the ball and Lin Feng defended.

"You are so small, you want to fight with me? Well, you can't do more than you can Qin Huan laughed contemptuously at the corner of his mouth. Facing Lin Feng, raising his hand was a shot.

Lin Feng stood in the same place, defense is not defense, because the girls on the sidelines are shooting their bullfight scene with their mobile phones, and he is busy saying hello to the girls on the field!

"Hi... Hello... Yes, the camera is more towards me. Yes, that's it. Isn't it very handsome? Hey, hey, hey

"Shua --" at the same time, Qin Huan's ball hit the net!

Qin Yu, get a point, score 1-0!

"Well, there's nothing to see in this game. Lin Feng can't play basketball at all. He's still posing like an idiot!"

"Yes, this is it. How dare you fight with Captain Qin Yu? Wait to be humiliated! "


several school team players off the field talked about it.

On the other hand, Qin Huan was so angry that he didn't defend himself. He even took time to say hello to the little girl. He didn't pay much attention to himself!

He held back his anger and said, "Lin Feng! The gap between you and me is too big! If you kneel down and admit my mistake in front of all the people, maybe I can think about it, and abuse you a little less! "

"Is it?" Lin Feng is a little smile, "just that one ball, I as a basketball player, let you a ball, you really think you are very strong?"

"Basketball players?"

"Yes! Brother, when I was in the game, you were still wearing diapers

Lin Feng and Qin Huan are about the same age. If he wears diapers, he will have a little basketball!

So Lin Feng always believed that when he was born, he was already a bright new star in the basketball field!

"Well, you've got to fight back. Now I'll let you know what it's like to die!"

Then Qin Huan began to dribble.

"God, how handsome

At this time, the crazy girls outside the venue yelled. They could be sure that Lin Feng would be abused by Qin Huan's blood.

Wei Yichen frowned and said in his heart how could the boss be so stubborn that he would not let him go. He would be disgraced. How to do it? What can I do?

At this time, Qin Huan in the court held the basketball in his hand and got up again in a natural and unrestrained manner. Undoubtedly, he would hit the ball.


The basketball was thrown by Qin Huan with the wind.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly jumped up like a ghost. He cut off the basketball and held it in his hand.


A few players in the field were shocked.

This kind of catch the ball in the air, only in the basketball game can see the move, has actually appeared in reality.

How much sensitivity, how much bounce, how flexible is it?

"Is that right?"

Several basketball players off the court, you look at me, I look at you, eyes are flashing can't believe four words.

What he was facing was Qin Huan. So, he took it from another space?

Lin Feng said: "I said when I broke into the football arena, you were still wearing diapers, why don't you believe it?"

Say, the corner of the mouth across a smear of evil smile, back to the basket, wrist gently toss.

The basketball in his hand crossed a beautiful arc and went into the basket.

"Shua --"

suddenly, there was no sound around.

Throw it without looking at the basket? Still in?

Wei Yichen all looked silly, is the boss behind long eyes?

And those who have played basketball know that many people can do it. They can throw it with their hands and their perception of the distance to the basket.

But they are surprised that Lin Feng in such an occasion, and unprepared, very confident to throw, into.

How confident are you in your own accuracy to do this?

Next, the Lin Feng attack.

Lin Feng began to dribble, is still that kind of bad posture, is still the pace of the six people do not recognize, let the people around see a burst of embarrassment, this person really can play basketball? How ugly the dribble is!

However, the ball seemed to have life. It was stuck in Lin Feng's hand. Qin Huan could not break his ball anyway!

At the same time, Lin Feng's foot is like a spring, and his speed is amazing. He suddenly speeds up and brushes Qin Yu's side to break through the past. Qin Yu doesn't even touch the edge, so Lin Feng breaks through and scores a layup!

Next, Lin Feng does not give a chance at all! After another goal, Qin Yu was helpless. He felt powerless!

"Bang -- Shua --"

the basketball is put into the basket one by one.

Lin Feng got four points, but he was one point short of winning the bullfight!Qin Huan was very angry. He had physical advantages, but Lin Feng didn't fight him head-on. He scolded angrily: "Lin Feng, you're a counsellor. Do you dare to be tough with me?"

If the front is hard and hard, Qin Huan is confident that he will smash Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng had a bad smile and said, "are you sure you want to be tough? The two dogs in the village were hit by me for three days and couldn't get out of bed

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't want to be a counsellor, you'll have a fight with me directly!" Qin Huan said.

"Well, that's what you said. Watch it!" Lin Feng stood in front of Qin Huan seriously.

People around have turned their mobile phones to the brightest, aiming at this side.

"Captain Qin Huan is going to make a big move at last!" Said a member of the school team in the audience.

Wei Yichen looked at this place with a worried look on his face. Qin Huan bumped a man into the hospital last time. The Buddha blessed him, and the Buddha blessed the boss!

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Feng carried the ball with his basketball in his hand and ran a few steps toward Qin Yu. He forced himself under his feet and jumped into the air directly. He buckled the basket behind Qin Yu.


Qin Huan was glad to see that Lin Feng really rushed forward!

"If you think about me, you're delusional."

He was full of energy and roared at Lin Feng.


Two people's bodies, violent impact together, issued a dull sound.

However, what is surprising is that Qin Huan's body was directly hit by Lin Feng.

"Ah -" Qin Huan cried out in pain. His body flew backwards and fell heavily on the ground without saying anything. Because of his inertia, he rolled several times on the ground. He was very embarrassed.

But Lin Feng's body, the track actually did not have the slightest change, one hand directly came a violent buckle.

"Kuang --"

the last goal, Lin Feng has slammed the basket.

5 to 1, the winner is Lin Feng!

All the people present were surprised and couldn't close their mouths.

It's not a dream, is it?

Qin Yu is a myth on the basketball court!

But today, his myth was broken by the unknown Lin Feng...

at this time, Lin Feng walked out of the field like nobody else, went to Wei Yichen and said, "dear, did I just be brave?"

"Lin Feng - I'm going to kill you -" Qin Huan roared, but he felt a sharp pain in his body, which made his tears flow.

"You see, I said he would be beaten and cried by me, but I don't believe it. Why are you as stubborn as Er Gouzi?" Lin Feng helplessly spread out his hands.

"Captain Qin Yu, Captain Qin Huan..." at this time, the team members of the school team came up to help him.

"Qin Huan, you are glad that I have a good warm-up and good control. Otherwise, if I use more strength, you may be disabled!" Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"I fucked you!" Qin Huan was so angry that he didn't want to. So many people looked at him and his mobile phones were all photographed. He was defeated with no dignity. Moreover, he was humiliated again. He was mad.

Instead of looking at him, Lin Feng turned to the group of girls who took pictures of him and said, "your Qin Yu god is so angry that he must be very small!"

"Why?" A girl asked curiously.

"Because, angry birds!" Lin Feng Road.

"Ha ha ha ha..." outside suddenly thought of a laughter! , the fastest update of the webnovel!