The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 77


Listening to Lin Feng, Tang Dongsheng stopped.

At this time, Lin Feng is a forward, preemptive step, a beauty in the arms.

"Let go of that little sister, such a dangerous thing, let me do it!" Lin Feng said.

"Er -" Tang Dongsheng was covered with black lines.

Lin Feng held Jinling in his arms and said with a dirty smile: "beautiful women will corrode people's hearts. For men, beauty is a dangerous species! Are you right? "

In the face of Lin Feng's praise, Jinling suddenly blushed, and the Jasper in the family was silent.

"Lin Feng, pay attention to the influence!"

Yu Lan coughed hard and said to Lin Feng.

Tang Dongsheng is also helpless, this Lin Feng, also scared him.

"Jinling, you'd better deal with this skirt first." Tang Dongsheng said: "after all, the bad mouth is too big, walking, some exposure!"

With that, he reached out to help Jinling lift the part on the chair.

"Oh, Tang Dong, it's dangerous. The more beautiful a woman is, the higher the danger level is." Lin Feng directly stopped Tang Dongsheng and said, "you should get your hands off me, for such a dangerous job, let me do it! Hey, hey, hey

When Su Jing saw this scene, she was very angry.

Lin Feng seemed to have never seen a woman before. When he saw Jinling, he was a slave.

At this time, Lin Feng also flattered Jinling with a smile and said, "Miss Jinling, how do you feel when you come to Dongsheng building for the first time? Are you still used to it? Shall I show you around? "

"Oh, good! You don't need to turn it? " Jinling said.

But Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "well, how can we do that? When new employees come to the company, they should be familiar with the environment. You don't have to be polite to me. I can take you to some secluded places, such as the basement, such as the small corner that no one sees. We can do some exciting things, haha

"Lin Feng, are you enough?" Su Jing said: "Jinling has been officially an employee of our company since today. Please get along with normal male and female colleagues! If you want to call the police again, you should be careful if you smear my thoughts

"What are you going to do?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Call the police Su Jing exclaimed.

"Good! Hold on Lin Feng's arms are open, a pair of hugging look.

Su Jing suddenly felt helpless, deeply helpless!

Talking to this man, it really doesn't make sense. Moreover, his ears are not easy to use. It's clear that what people say is to call the police, but he sounds as if he is holding tight!

She didn't want to talk nonsense with Lin Feng again, and said to Yu Lan, "take Jinling to sign the employment contract."

"Hold on!" Lin Feng waved his hand: "I think the beauty should be accompanied by me. I'd better take Miss Jinling to sign this employment agreement."

Lin Feng said with a smile, but also said while throwing a wink at Jinling.

Su Jing wondered, is Jinling so attractive? Why is Lin Feng so fascinated by her today? Is it because you didn't succeed in chasing girls last night, do you want to make up for it today?

"Colleague Lin Feng, you are warm-hearted!" Jinling said with a smile.

"It's normal to care about female colleagues! What's more, when you meet such a beautiful woman, which man is not attracted? Chairman Tang Dongsheng can't stand you Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ah Tang Dongsheng's face is black.

But he admitted that the woman was really charming.

If Su Jing is her own daughter.

This woman is a goblin.

Give you a wink, let you can't stop the Lord.

That's why Lin Feng was fascinated by her.

"Oh, my skirt still can't do, or help me to finish it first!" Jinling wanted to leave, but found a big tear in her skirt, and her white thigh root leaked out.

"OK, Miss Jinling, let's go to the dressing room now, and I'll deal with it for you alone! Hey, hey Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, don't you think that you are so indecent?" Su Jing said, "just do it here. I'll send someone to deliver it."

"Mr. Su, such a dangerous job, we'd better do it alone. It can be very exciting!" Lin Feng said.

"What kind of system is it?" Su Jing was furious: "I said I'll do it here. This is the company, not your family."

If the eyes can kill people, Su Jing's eyes can kill Lin Feng.

"Alas Lin Feng shook his head and said, "the president of gaoleng is really overbearing. What else can I say?"

"Well, I'll send someone to help Miss Jinling get her skirt!" Tang Dongsheng said in a timely round

"No! I'll do it! No one else can do it! " Lin Feng said.

"No one else can do it. What do you mean?" Tang Dongsheng asked.

"Because it's very difficult." Lin Feng said, bending down to get a skirt for Jinling.But when Lin Feng just bent down, he saw Jinling's sinister smile. His eyes were full of opportunities and he drew a dagger from his waist.

I didn't expect that Lin Feng's intelligence quotient is so low that she has no soul to see a girl. This is too easy to deal with!

Jinling held the dagger and stabbed Lin Feng's back neck.

All of these things happened in a flash. Everyone was stunned and even speechless. There was no way to remind Lin Feng.

Seeing that the dagger was about to be inserted into Lin Feng's back neck, Lin Feng suddenly lowered his head a few minutes, carefully studied the shoes of Jinling and just avoided the knife.

"Tut Tut, Miss Jinling's shoes are also very beautiful!"

Mentally retarded!

Jinling was scolded in his heart.

She moves very fast, anyway, Lin Feng didn't find out. After a knife was not hit, he continued to stab Lin Feng's shoulder.

"Lin Feng -" Su Jing called out.

"Ah? What are you doing? " Lin Feng turns his head and looks at Su Jing.

Because he was so crooked, the knife happened to dodge.

Jinling's knife was cruel and in a hurry. It didn't matter if it was stabbed in the air. However, it was inserted into his leg due to inertia.

"Hiss --" Jinling took a cold breath in pain, and the red blood flowed out.

He quickly covered the wound, took up the knife, fiercely aimed at the back of Lin Feng's brain.

Lin Feng asked Su Jing, "what do you want me to do?"

Su Jing opened her mouth and said, "she --"

"what is she?" Lin Feng interrupted Su Jing and looked at her angrily. She lowered her head and continued to look at Jinling's feet: "Miss Jinling, your beautiful feet seem to be a little big!"

Jinling didn't reply. This was aimed at him. He thrust himself into the back of Lin Feng's head.

But at this time, Lin Feng was very unhappy and suddenly turned to Su Jing and said, "what did you call me just now?"

Jinling did not expect that Lin Feng also killed a rifle, a knife down, and pierced empty.

What's more, what's more, it's so sad that it's directly on the instep of one's feet and almost pierced it!

"Ah -" Jinling howled with pain.

Lin Feng turned his head and said, "Miss Jin, what's the matter with you?"

"I can't stand it!"

Jinling is going crazy. He stabbed himself with three knives, one empty and two stabbed himself!

She dishevelled up the dagger and stabbed Lin Feng fiercely in the face.

At the critical moment, Lin Feng grasped the hand of Jinling, so that Jinling's hand could not move any more.

He smiles and says, "Miss Jinling, how much did they pay you to kill me? I'll double you and let me go , the fastest update of the webnovel!