The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 76

Dongsheng international building.

"It's almost noon. Why hasn't Lin Feng come? I can't get through to the phone either! " Su Jing slapped the document on the table angrily: "I'm used to being free at ordinary times. Today, I told him to come earlier to maintain the scene."

"Mr. Su, don't worry. I'll ask Xiao Xia to call some security guards to maintain the scene." Yu Lan hurried out to find Xia Ming from the security department.

Due to Dongsheng Group's acquisition of several mining sites of the wolf society, Yu Lan also purchased machinery and equipment from Songjiang city. There are still three days before Dongsheng mining branch opens. Maybe some leaders in Jincheng will come to celebrate the ribbon cutting.

In order to reflect the higher forced qualification, chairman Tang Dongsheng ordered that the whole city audition should be conducted, and a top-notch etiquette lady should be recruited with super high salary.

Of course, people within their own companies can also participate, which is equivalent to a national election.

Those little beauties in the public relations department are eager to have a try, and they are all rubbing their hands one by one. Are you still the outsider's turn to talk about the good things of Dongsheng Group? Who doesn't know, fat water can't flow out of the field!

But the competition outside the company has been going on!

After several rounds of screening in the morning, only 10 candidates were left after fierce competition.

There are five external candidates, each of whom is natural and elegant with outstanding temperament; there are five internal candidates, four of whom are from the public relations department and one from the sales department.

Since the audition was completed before the audition, ten candidates were selected in three rounds this morning. It can be said that the efficiency is extremely high, but the chaos of the scene is also maddening!

Yu Lan was busy selecting candidates, but Lin Feng didn't come, so the security guards were scattered. The audience was very enthusiastic about the remaining ten candidates. They rushed to see the ten candidates at a close distance.

Yu Lan quickly asked Xia Ming to organize more than a dozen security guards to stop the group of enthusiastic people outside Dongsheng building.

In the last round of screening, Tang Dongsheng, Su Jing, Yu Lan, Lin Feng and four other people were originally judges.

The first three people, needless to say, are the absolute high-level of Dongsheng Group. The reason why Lin Feng was added was because Yu Lan said that Lin Feng had a lot of research on women. He was not only picky about women, but also had good taste. So Tang Dongsheng directly took Lin Feng as a judge.

However, today, Lin Feng did not come, and it was about to start.

"Wait for him, today we three will be judges!" Su Jing said with a cold face.

In order not to delay the selection time, the three quickly sat down, and then began to interview one by one, scoring.

Interview is also very basic, from the appearance, temperament, make-up, etiquette, talk, talent show these items to score.

So the whole process is relatively simple and clear.

Soon the result came out. It was a woman named Jinling, who won the first prize.

Jinling made a stunning four seats and won the victory by overwhelming advantage.

Even Tang Dongsheng was very impressed. This woman has the essence of the twelve underpants in Jinling. There are Lin Daiyu's delicate and pitiful, Wang Xifeng's sharp eyes, Qin Keqing's delicate and delicate, and Shi Xiangyun's cheerful and heroic.

What a perfect woman!

But when a woman looks at a woman, she is hostile, especially a beautiful woman.

Those losers in the public relations department shook their heads in anger and said that if Lin Fengda had come, they would not have lost the election. Lin Fengda would have supported them most.

Soon after the beauty pageant was over, Tang Dongsheng invited Jinling to his office to chat. By the way, he said in advance about the establishment of the mining company three days later, accompanied by Su Jing and Yu Lan.

At this time, Lin Feng walked into the hall of Dongsheng international building.

"Brother Feng, you are coming! Mr. Su, they are so anxious to wait for you! " Xia Ming first step up to say.

"Shh, don't talk!" Lin Feng sniffed about and said: "I smell a female full of hormone breath!"

"Ha ha ha, brother Feng, you have a good nose. A beauty contest was held in the morning. The girls are more sexy than the others. Tut tut!" Xia Ming's face is full of envy of starving birds.

Lin Feng smelled it again, and said with a face of enjoyment: "well, so fragrant, people must be very beautiful, take me to see a beautiful woman quickly!"

Xia Ming said: "also said, you are such a good opportunity for the judges, all do not come, now all the competition is over, the champion is in the chairman's office!"

"Goodbye!" Without saying a word, Lin Feng waved goodbye to Xia Ming, and walked to the elevator.

On the elevator, came to the top floor, Lin Feng smile straight to the chairman's office.

"Dangdangdang!" Lin Feng knocks on the door of Tang Dongsheng's office.

Most of the time, he is directly into the door, not polite.

But today things are different. He has to put on a suit.

"Who is it?" Tang Dongsheng asked.

"Lin Feng!"

"Oh, Lin Feng, what else are you knocking at! Come in Tang Dongsheng said.

When Lin Feng entered the door, he first shook his hair. If he tried too hard, he banged his neck. Then he put up his collar and looked at Jinling in a dazed way. He said, "it's OK not to knock on the door, but today there's a beauty here. First impression is very important. I can't lose my demeanor!"With that, he gave Jinling a wink.

With a warm smile, Jinling asked Tang Dongsheng, "Chairman, is he?"

Before Tang Dongsheng could speak, Su Jing directly took the message and said, "he's Lin Feng, our little security guard. He's a slovenly, slovenly, slutty character. When he meets a beautiful woman, he goes to his brain..."

"stop and stop!" Lin Feng quickly asked Su Jing to stop, gave her a white eye and said, "general manager Su, I have no injustice or hatred with you. What are you doing?"

With a sneer, Su Jing said, "you said the first impression is very important. Of course, I would like to introduce your most authentic impression to miss Jinling, otherwise? Would you like to have a beautiful play first

"Mr. Su! How can you say that about Lin Feng? " Tang Dongsheng said with some embarrassment.

"What I said is light. He went to play with women last night. He didn't return home at night. He didn't come to participate in such a major event today. He didn't come here until now. Do you blame me for saying something?" Su Jing looks colder and colder.

As soon as the man entered the house, he began to tease Jinling. Was he born to be a stallion? Who would like to play with others?

Su Jing really doesn't want to take care of him, but she doesn't know why. She always has a nameless fire in her heart. Especially when Lin Feng is teasing other women, she has an indescribable irritability!

"Well, Lin Feng is free to work now, which is what we promised him, so you should not restrict him like this!" Tang Dongsheng speaks for Lin Feng.

"Look at you, Tang Dong's breadth of mind, his bearing, this is the height!" Lin Feng praised Tang Dongsheng, and then said to Su Jing, "Dong Tang is a man of integrity, with a great pattern, extraordinary ability, and not sticking to small matters. Why is he the chairman of the board and you the general manager? Where is the gap? Do you understand now

"I see!" Su Jing said coldly, "the gap is, he is my father!"

"Poof!" Yu Lan laughed. Don't say, Su Jing's answer is really powerful.

Tang Dongsheng quickly came out to round the court and said, "Oh, all right, you two don't argue! Yu Lan, take Jinling to sign the employment agreement! "

"Good! Come with me, Miss King! " Yu Lan said.

Jinling smiles and stands up to follow Yu Lan.

But listen to "stab" a sound, her skirt was a piece of seat scraped a hole, skirt corner firmly scraped in the chair.

"Ouch --"

Jinling screams out loud. If you don't pay attention, you will fall when you stagger forward.

"Miss King!" Tang Dongsheng is the closest to Jinling, so hurry up and help Jinling.

"Tang Dong! Danger Lin Feng roared at Tang Dongsheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!