The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 78

"Do you know who I am?" Jinling was surprised.

"Of course Lin Feng Road.

"You are the first killer under Lei Hong of the wolf society, nicknamed the demon, but you are not a demon, to be exact, you are a fake mother!" Lin Feng spread his hands and said, "you followed Lei Hong of the wolf Society for ten years. When the wolf society was destroyed, you were on a mission in Southeast Asia. You know the news of Lei Hong's death, and now come back to revenge! Am I right? "

Jinling couldn't hide his surprise. He thought Lin Feng was a fool on the head of a spermatozoa. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was so smart that he found out all the details of himself.

Lin Feng smile, continue to say: "you come to Dongsheng Group the first time, I know, and, all your details I know, want me to give you one by one burst out? Do you want to talk about the height, three-dimensional, what color of the interior you like to wear, like men or women? "

"Enough!" Jinling pulled the wig hard, revealing the true face of the demon. He was a handsome young man.

"Lin Feng, you kill my big brother. Even if I die, I will understand with you."

Lin Feng frowned and said, "don't die all day. How unlucky! Well, say it, how much money you can make a new start and become a new man! "

The genie gasped and said, "big brother is my benefactor. If he is there, there will be me. If he is not, how much money I want is useless. I only need your life to make sacrifice for elder brother!"

The beast's head was red with scarlet eyes.

"Oh! Another juvenile delinquent Lin Feng said to himself, "the mouse is right. You should like men! Because I found that your affection for your elder brother is a little abnormal

"Don't talk nonsense, take your life!" The demon drew out a dagger from his waist, a dagger in each hand, and stabbed Lin Feng recklessly.

Lin Feng a flash, very easy to hide in the past, said: "you can't kill me like this! Opportunity is fleeting. Oh, I'll ask you for the last time. How much money can you give up? "

"You think so!" The genie snorted coldly. He turned his head and found that Su Jing was standing at the door, very close to him. He stepped forward and quickly put the knife on Su Jing's neck.

"Lin Feng, don't move. If you move, I'll kill her!" The demon screamed.

Su Jing shivered with fright. Her cold blade flashed with cold light. She did not dare to move.

However, Lin Feng shook his head, laughed and said to Su Jing, "Mr. Su, I told you earlier that she is very dangerous. You just don't listen to her. How good it is for me to play with her alone, but you won't let me. This time it's very good. He's going to find you to play exciting!"

Su Jing took a glance at Lin Feng, and when it was time, she still talked sarcastically.

She did not pay attention to Lin Feng, but comforted Jinling behind her: "Jinling, you must not do anything stupid. Behind you is the door. You can use me to get out of the door. No one in the whole company dares to stop you, you can escape!"

"No!" "I'm going to kill him! I will kill him to avenge my brother

He held the knife in one hand and pointed to Lin Feng.

"Do you really think you can kill me?" Lin Feng smiles.

According to his investigation, although the banshee is the top killer of the wolf society, he does not have any extraordinary force value. His strongest is the camouflage and on-the-spot response ability, as well as insidious means.

If Lin Feng was an ordinary opponent, he would have been the ghost of his sword.

However, the Banshee failed to assassinate her, so she immediately took Su Jing as a hostage, which shows her emergency response ability.

So, in the killer, he is a master.

However, this does not mean that he has a chance to kill Lin Feng.

At the beginning, how many people tried their best to kill Lin Feng. They did everything they could, but they all failed.

Lin Feng is a myth in the field of anti investigation. No one can break his myth.

"Demon, put down the butcher's knife, become a Buddha, come and embrace the light!" Lin Feng walks towards the demon.

"Stop for me The genie roared.

"Do you really think I can't do anything about you?" Lin Feng sneered at the Banshee.

The demon was still angry and said, "hum! If you have a way, you won't be able to see your beloved woman under the control of others! "

"Ha ha --" Lin Feng exaggerated sneers.

Then, suddenly, he called out to the door: "mouse --"

"boss, I'm coming!" The mouse opened the door fiercely, and the prying head came in.

The mouse had been waiting at the door. Listening to Lin Feng's cry, he pushed the door to come in at the first time. However, he found that something was blocking the door and he couldn't get in.

That's what's blocking him. It's the troll.

As the mouse opened the door very suddenly, the demon still had his back to the door, so he listened to the "bang -" sound. The hard door plate knocked heavily on the back of the demon's head. The demon was dizzy and staggered forward.

At this moment, Lin Feng started, and quickly grasped the hand of the demon's wrist and pinched it."Ah --" the demon ate pain, and two daggers fell to the ground one after another.

At this time, the mouse put his head in and asked Lin Feng, "what do you call me, brother?"

"It's all right now. Get out of here." Lin Feng said.

"OK!" The mouse quits and closes the door.

This set of movements makes people laugh and cry.

Soy sauce rats, from the beginning to the end do not know what role they played.

Lin Feng several times will be the demon uniform, let Tang Dongsheng get rope, the demon tied up.

"Call the police." Lin Feng waved to Su Jing.

Su Jing frowned and said, "that's a little too much of a request."

Lin Feng had no choice but to smile and said, "elder sister, why do you still learn from me? I mean to call the police, not to hold tight! "

"Ah Su Jing's face turned red. She looked at Lin Feng angrily and picked up her mobile phone to call the police.

Tang Dongsheng looked at the mess of the place. He broke an antique and an Icelandic potted plant, which is worth a lot!

Lin Feng saw what he meant and joked, "it's not my fault. I said I'd take him to a quiet corner to have fun. Su always has to refuse to let her go. You can blame her!"

"Er -" Tang Dongsheng was speechless.

Soon, the police arrived.

There is no doubt that the eastern suburbs are the combination of Shen and Li.

Shen man and Xiao Li.

"Did you call the police?" Shen man asked Su Jing.

"Yes Su Jing said.

"Well!" Shen man nodded and said to Xiao Li behind him, "Xiao Li, work!"

"Yes Xiao Li nodded solemnly.

He bypassed the bound Banshee without looking around. He went directly to Lin Feng and said, "you know all the procedures. Put your hands out. I'll handcuff you lightly. You're old acquaintances!"

Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Xiao Li, did you catch me and form inertia? Where are the prisoners? I am the victim

"Ah! Sorry Xiao Li scratched his head and blushed: "I thought it was you who committed the crime again."

One side of Shen man suddenly rolled his eyes, embarrassed do not want.

But she said: "the crime is not a crime, only went to the police station to know, take Lin Feng also, the rest of the people, follow me to record a confession!"

"Yes Xiao Li said happily: "Lin Feng, you see, I'm not mistaken! Put on the handcuffs. It's very close to you

Lin Feng sighed and said to Shen man, "younger sister, am I against you?"

"Shut up, it's routine!"

"Can you do something different?"


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