The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 75

"Did your father steal the blood jade at last?" Lin Feng asked.

"He was very skillful in stealing and easily stole the jade! However, soon those villains found that the blood jade had been lost, so they issued a black wanted order all over the city. The employer who hired my father to steal the jade was afraid of being found by that group of villains. All of a sudden, they didn't pay the Commission and didn't want the jade, leaving my father to fend for himself! " Chu said.

"The employer is a bit of bullshit." Lin Feng bit his teeth.

Chu Yuqi said, "yes, it's ridiculous! It's useless for my father to ask for blood jade. He is short of money to see a doctor for me! At that time, because our family was in urgent need of money, he went to the black market to sell the jade! As a result, the group found out the clues of my father through the black market vendors. They caught my father and beat him severely. They also forced my father to give them the money for selling jade. My father gave all the money to my mother. He didn't say where the money was because it was my life-saving money! "

At this time, Chu Yuqi's voice slightly trembled.

"My father was nearly killed by them. Finally, he saved his breath and ran out. He didn't dare to go home. He was afraid that we would be involved, so he started his escape career! And his biggest hope of living is to see me grow up healthily and happily! So my mother sends him my picture every year

"So, the money for your treatment is not earned by your mother, but by your father's life!" Lin Feng said.

"Yes Chu Yuqi wiped her eyes and tears.

"Do you know who the villains are who have the blood jade?" Lin Feng finally asked himself the most concerned question.

The ancient family Chu Yuqi talked about was the Lin family, the villains, the persecutors, and the blood jade was the treasure of the Lin family.

When he returned to Jincheng, he wanted to find the group of villains who had been humiliated before the snow, and to take back all the persecution and humiliation suffered by his parents, so that they could know that the Lin family in Jincheng would never decline.

At this time, Chu Yuqi said: "I don't know who they are, even my mother doesn't know the specific situation, only my father knows! Dad wants us to live a normal life, so he won't tell my mother and me anything! "

"Where is your father now?" Lin Feng asked.

"Well?" Chu Yuqi originally gentle face, look suddenly cold.

Seeing this, Lin Feng suddenly realized that he had asked the wrong thing. He was too anxious to know the treasure of his family. Instead, he made a low-level mistake - he and Chu Yuqi didn't realize it one day!

"Lin Feng, please don't hear about it!" Chu Yuqi managed to squeeze out a smile: "I don't know why I said this to you, but I think you are one of my few friends. Maybe I said a little bit more today. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience."

"Yuqi, where are you talking about? We are friends, friends should be honest with each other!" Lin Feng said.

But when he said this, Lin Feng's heart was in pain.

Are we friends? Have we been honest with each other? She kept the secret in her heart, and I approached her for my secret!

Is it really good for me to do this?

Before Lin Feng had time to think about it, the crystal robot suddenly said, "Hello, Mr. Lin, your dishes are ready. Would you like to serve them?"

"Serve it!"


As soon as the voice dropped, a round gap appeared on the table top in front of the two people, and delicious dishes slid out from inside in order.

"Yuqi, don't think so much about it. Let's enjoy it today." Lin Feng reached for a sign: "eat something!"

"Good!" Chu said.

Lin Feng no longer mentions Chu Yuqi's father's matter, each other has not known one day, thoroughly inquires, is too impolite.

If one day, Chu Yuqi really takes herself as a bosom friend, she will be very happy to tell her all the things, so what she has to do is four words: treat each other sincerely!

Next, in order to ease the atmosphere, Lin Feng tells some interesting stories and jokes, which makes Chu Yuqi laugh. Then the two people are talking and laughing at the bright night sky, romantic and poetic.

This night, in Chu Yuqi's heart, is a colorful dream!



the next morning.

Jincheng South District, headquarters of the order of the Phoenix.

The construction of the headquarters of the order of Phoenix is very Chinese.

From a distance, the courtyard looks like a splash ink landscape, with mountains and peaks, streams murmuring, green shadows and willows on the lake.

Close look, but have a kind of Jiangnan mansion feeling.

Although the ten storey building in the middle of the courtyard is quite modern, the edges and corners are all covered with antique glass.

Jin Fenghuang, dressed in a gorgeous silk robe, sat in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, playing the zither.

The music is moving, sometimes like a gurgling stream, soft and long, sometimes like a startling wave, thrilling, let people listen to endless, deeply enchanted.When the song was finished, the Golden Phoenix gave a smile, as if she was very satisfied with her piano skill. Then she stood up and looked at the rippling lake.

"Yu'er, in recent days, you have been responsible for protecting Lin Feng. Has anything happened? Let's hear it! "

Behind the Golden Phoenix stood a woman with short hair in a black suit. Her face was cold and sharp, and she was very capable.

"Elder sister, it's been calm these days, and nothing happened!"

"Oh?" Golden Phoenix nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask, "what kind of person is Lin Feng, based on your observation these days?"

Yu'er said: "back elder sister, through my observation these days, Lin Feng is either flirting with women or pretending to be forced. He doesn't have any real skills, but his mouth is quite smooth. Ordinary people, I can't tell him! "

"Is it?" The Golden Phoenix frowned, slightly disappointed and said, "according to what you see, is Lin Feng valuable to us?"

Yu'er said: "the feeling that Lin Feng gives me is that he is a playful villain who likes to soak up girls and put on airs. I have not shown any extraordinary strength! Therefore, in my opinion, Lin Feng is of no value to us! "

"Well!" The Golden Phoenix smiles, the smile is gentle and moving, but also exudes endless dignity: "if he is such a shallow person, I think even if it is just jade son, we can not judge a person in a hurry. If he is really a man with a tiger in his heart, we must not miss it! In this way, I'll teach you a way. If you do what I say, you will know what kind of person he is

The Golden Phoenix motioned the others to go down. She told the plan to yu'er alone.

"Elder sister, how clever you are Yu'er looks at the Golden Phoenix with adoration on her face.

Jin Fenghuang touched yu'er's head with a soft smile. He sat down in front of the zither, put his hands on the zither and said, "go ahead and arrange it as soon as possible. Then I will personally watch Lin Feng's performance."

With that, her Phoenix eyes flashed a glimmer of luster, slender ten fingers began to play the strings, a piece of "high mountains and flowing water" wantonly spread out.

Yu'er also has a little understanding of music theory, and knows that the implication of high mountains and flowing water is: the ends of the earth and the sea, it is difficult to find a confidant!

It seems that there are too few people who understand elder sister. Elder sister is really lonely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!