The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 74

Endless star dome revolving restaurant, really worthy of its reputation!

Lin Feng and Chu Yuqi walked into the restaurant only for them. They were deeply shocked by the scenery inside.

The whole restaurant adopts crystal style, all transparent decoration.

But under transparency, there are clear layers.

As soon as you enter the restaurant, you can see at a glance that there are two golden dragon dragons in the middle of the restaurant. All the Dragon dragons are made of pure gold, which are bright and vivid.

Two golden dragons are winding around each other, with two opposite heads. In the middle of the two dragon heads, there is a bright pearl in the night, with a faint blue light!

Around is the music fountain, spurts out the water column, flashing colorful light, very gorgeous!

Lin Feng pointed to the front and said to Chu Yuqi, "Yuqi, look, this is the two dragons playing with pearls in the dome restaurant!"

"Wow! How beautiful Chu Yuqi is very excited. Maybe girls are naturally interested in color, jewelry and luxurious scenes. Being here, Chu Yuqi seems to feel that she has arrived in heaven!

This dome restaurant is similar to a semicircular crystal cover. Guests and all the scenery are in the crystal cover, and through the crystal cover, you can look at the bright night sky without fear!

Pointing to the crystal sculptures with different heights under the crystal cover, Lin Feng said: "Yuqi, look at this sculpture. There are animals, fish, birds and trees. They represent a lot of species and vegetation. Under the night sky, they are shining, which means that everything grows under the sky!"

Chu Yuqi looked left and right happily and suddenly asked, "Lin Feng, you know a lot!"

"Where and where!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "know a little bit about it!"

"I like people like you. You are not artificial and modest. I don't want them to just brag!" Chu Yuqi blinked her big eyes and said: "have you been here before?"

As far as she knew, few people knew the scenery above. Lin Feng said that he had not been to the above, how could he know so detailed?

Lin Feng said with a smile: "a good friend of mine often comes here. He told me these things."

Lin Feng's friend is Lao Hu.

Lao Hu is the head of a mysterious military region in China. He used to visit Jincheng and was often received by the leaders of Jincheng in this restaurant.

So the reason why Lin Feng was able to come here directly this time was completely operated by Lao Hu behind his back.

Lin Feng was just below. He took time to send a few messages to Lao Hu:

Lin Feng: I'm going to go to the dome restaurant to soak Chu Yuqi. Please do it for me!

Lao Hu: where can't you go? Why do you choose such a high-end place?

Lin Feng: what are you talking about? How many tough things have I done for you over the years? Now it's your turn. It's your turn to raise your hand. Can you do it? Lao Hu: don't always talk about it! Lin Feng: what can I say? oh By the way, do you want to keep your beard and eyebrows? Is there a military parade next month? A hairless head of a bald donkey standing on the stage, isn't it very windy? Hey, hey, hey! [evil]

Lao Hu: you'll frighten me with this thing all my life, right? [daze]

Lin Feng: don't waste time [scissors], [bald head strong], [mischievous smile]

Lao Hu: [laughing and crying] you boy, I've taken you! Good, good, but you can remember, had better use my relation less, lest others know our relation!

Lin Feng: you don't think I'm a disgrace to you, don't you? [angry]

Lao Hu: [laughing and crying] no, I'll tell you when you have time. Be careful. Except for Tang Dongsheng, don't tell others that you know me, because the water in Jincheng is very deep, and there are many people who have ties with you and me. Be careful!

Lin Feng: OK, OK. Go and help me! Old age, so many things! [fidgety]

Lao Hu: [laughing and crying] stinky boy!!!

However, the old Hu is more and more amused when he looks up to the old man.

Therefore, with Lao Hu's relationship, it was settled in a few times.

At this time, the restaurant began to rotate slowly. Lin Feng ordered the dishes with the crystal touch-screen machine, and then fell back on the soft sofa with Chu Yuqi.

Looking up at the starry sky, the whole night sky is like a bucket of black paint with pearls splashed down. In the twinkling of an eye, there is an indescribable deep feeling.

"It's beautiful!" Chu Yuqi stupidly looked up, at this time, her face flashed a strange light, more beautiful and moving, she suddenly tooted her small mouth and said: "Lin Feng, do you think there will be aliens?"

"Yes Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Why don't you think about it?" Chu Yuqi said, "no sincerity!"

"Of course I don't have to think about it! Because I am an alien Lin Feng pinched his nose and said with the robot's voice, "I'm a little bodyguard from Mars. Beep -- beep -- I'm looking for Chu Yuqi. Beep -- I'm here to protect her. Beep --"Seeing Lin Feng's funny appearance, Chu Yuqi burst into laughter.

She had not been so relaxed and so happy for a long time, but soon the light on her face faded and her expression was very sad.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"Not so much!" Chu Yuqi said, "I just miss my dad!"

"Your father is not with you?" Lin Feng asked.

"Well!" Since I was a child, Chuqi has been taken away by her mother for several years

Said, Chu Yuqi a little dejected: "wait for me to grow up some, just know, my father, originally is a thief! Because of him, all the students scolded me as the thief's daughter

Lin Feng frowned. When Chu Yuqi talked about these things, she was even more pitiful. She was supposed to be carefree, but she had to bear those. It was really heartbreaking.

"Later, I became sensible and rebellious. Every time my mother talked about Dad, I would quarrel with her. I hated dad for stealing, and I hated him for not wanting me!" Chu Yuqi's eyes twinkled with tears.

"I was diagnosed with CML since I was a child. At that time, CML was equivalent to death sentence to me. I think it must be my father who didn't want me because he thought I was a burden!" Chu Yuqi said: "since I was a child, I mostly rely on drugs to maintain. My mother saved money bit by bit to give the most advanced conditions at home and abroad for treatment. Last year, I successfully carried out bone marrow transplantation, and now I have basically become a healthy person!"

"Congratulations!" Lin Feng smiles from the heart.

"But my mother didn't tell me the truth until I was out of hospital after my operation!" Chu Yuqi said: "my mother said that my father has never abandoned me, he has always been by my side, but he dare not show up, he is afraid that he will appear, will implicate us!"

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

Chu Yuqi said, "because when I was born and was diagnosed with CML, my father swore that he would keep me even if he fought for his life! He was originally the most powerful thief in Jincheng. He only washed his hands for many years, but because of my illness, he forced him to do it again! "

Chu Yuqi sniffed and continued: "it is said that he took a business and stole one of the most valuable treasures in Jincheng. It seems like a piece of blood jade. It is said that the treasure is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by an ancient family in Jincheng. Later, the family declined and was taken away by a group of villains. My father took the task of bounty, that is, stealing the bleeding jade from those villains Stone

Hearing this, Lin Feng was excited!

It seems that Chu Yuqi really knows the whereabouts of his family treasure blood jade! , the fastest update of the webnovel!