The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 70

As there was still some time to go to the evening, Lin Feng went back to his hotel first.

Although I never care about dress, but after all, for the first time having dinner with Chu Yuqi, I still have to dress a little more formally in order to show politeness.

Lin Feng found out the suit that Lao Hu gave him and hung it aside. Dinner was set at eight o'clock in the evening. When it was still early, he would lie on the sofa and watch TV.

At about six o'clock in the evening, Su Jing came back from work.

"Off work so early today? It's not in your workaholic style Lin Feng said.

Generally, Su Jing has to work overtime until seven or eight o'clock in the evening. Occasionally, it's common for her to work at eleven or twelve o'clock.

"Oh, I usually think you are too noisy, so I deliberately work overtime. Today, I thought you would not come back to seduce women, so I came back earlier. Why, you failed to seduce women? Was he dumped? " Su Jing, with a touch of ridicule, was relieved.

She heard that Lin Feng went to seduce women this afternoon. She was in a bad working condition all afternoon. She felt irritable. She didn't know why, so she came back early today.

You are still happy when you see Lin's home!

But Lin Feng took out the suit that old Hu sent and put it in front of him and measured it: "how can I be dumped? That girl likes what I like so much. We have an appointment for dinner tonight. I'm not sure. I may not come back in the evening! Hey, hey, hey

"Then get out of here and don't come back! I hope you don't lift it at night! " Su Jing scolded.

After scolding, she was surprised at what had happened to her recently. Her temper was so big that she could speak more and more freely! Can you say that?

"Ouch, you are angry. I didn't expect that if I didn't mention two words from your beautiful mouth, you would have a different taste!" Lin Feng laughs.

"Get out of here and never see you again!" Su Jing scolded, turned back to the room and closed the door tightly.

Her angry chest constantly ups and downs, why this man so hate, every time can make her angry, she was a famous calm president, the sky is about to fall, she is a light expression, so that people behind the title of iceberg female president!

However, since the man came, she has often been not calm.

Is this man his nemesis?

But Su Jing is a very cultured and rational woman. She keeps telling herself in her heart that Lin Feng is a man of words but not of heart. He always speaks without concealment, but in fact, he is very reliable.

And she thought, this time, estimated that Lin Feng is also said to play.

Her mood gradually eased down, plan to calm down and Lin Feng, talk about the development of the company behind, talk about what to eat tonight!

She opened the door and just wanted to ask Lin Feng if he was hungry, but she found that it was a mess outside. The clothes Lin Feng changed were thrown away from the sofa and were everywhere on the floor.

"This guy, if he really went out to soak a woman!" Su jington shook her head in anger.

For a moment, her temper was like a volcanic eruption again. She said coldly, "Lin Feng, Lin Feng, you never let me down!"




at 8pm, the Dragon Tower.

Located in the center of Jincheng, the Dragon Tower is the most famous banquet Mecca in Jincheng.

The Dragon Tower is called a tower because its shape is similar to an iron tower, but strictly speaking, it is a comprehensive high-end club integrating banquet, catering, entertainment and tourism.

Dragon, in China, is a symbol of imperial power and dignity, so the people who enter and leave the Dragon Tower are all people of great wealth!

Just look at the vehicles in and out of the car, no one is the ordinary model on the market.

Wu Liang drove his BMW X5 to longta ahead of time. He invited the meal, so he waited for Lin Feng and Chu Yuqi here in advance.

He gave the key to the parking boy. When he saw that he was driving a BMW, he looked at him with disdain and drove away.

This boom Wu Liang straight mouth pumping, BMW to this place are looked down upon, where the hell to reason!

At this time, a black Lamborghini luxury sports car, speeding over, to the door of the Dragon Tower, a fierce brake!

The door opened and a man and a woman came down from the car.

It's Zhao Qianqian and long Shao.

Wu Liang was suddenly surprised. He had just expelled Zhao Qianqian, and he took the thigh of long Shao. It was long Shao, the son of the leader of the Longkou group in Xicheng!

He couldn't afford to be provoked. He just wanted to go away, but Zhao Qianqian saw Wu Liang at a glance.

"Boss Wu, are you there? What a coincidence Zhao Qianqian Yin Yang strange gas said.

"Well, well! What a coincidence. Hello! Good morning Wu Liang was very embarrassed with a smile on his face.

Long Shao, with his nostrils in the air, looks arrogant and doesn't even look at Wu Liang.Zhao Qianqian continued: "boss Wu, is this waiting for Chu Yuqi and her little lover? When the young couple have dinner, you make a wedding dress, tut tut. Boss Wu, you really take great pains

Hearing Chu Yuqi, long Shao immediately looked at Wu Liang, his eyes full of anger.

In this situation, Wu Liang's legs softened.

Zhao Qianqian looked in her eyes and felt very happy. However, she felt that this was not enough to relieve her anger. She said, "how about mixing the circle and the upper class? You see, I can eat with Longshao. Who is Longshao? That's a celebrity in Jincheng! Look at the people who have dinner with you. No wonder they can only be a gold shop owner. They have no development! "

"Yes, yes, it is. We can't afford it!" Wu Liang wanted to say quickly.

"Hum!" Zhao Qianqian enjoys this moment very much. Long Shao stands by her side with a Lamborghini sports car behind her. It is a kind of packaging of luxury and power that makes her feel incomparably superior.

At this time, however, a voice came over: "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the traffic jam, we're late!"

People follow the reputation to go, but see Lin Feng riding a bicycle, carrying Chu Yuqi, rickety came to the gate of the Dragon Tower.

Lin Feng supported the ground with one foot, stopped the car in a very handsome posture, and said to Wu Liang, "I've been blocked for more than 20 minutes. It's really annoying!"

Wu Liang almost collapsed, the heart said big brother, the traffic jam and your bicycle have a hair relationship?

What's more, if you drive a BMW, you are looked down upon by the parking boy. You also get your own car to come to longta for dinner. Brother, do you want to face yourself?

Wu Liang felt ashamed for a while. He was embarrassed to look around him.

But Lin Feng didn't think so. He snapped his finger at the parking boy and pretended to be forced to say, "come here, here, give you the key to the car lock, and help me park the car for a while!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The parking boy did not say a word, but Zhao Qianqian laughed and said, "bicycle? Are you here to be funny? If you don't have money, don't pack any garlic. Do you want someone to stop your bike? Are you paranoid? "

Long Shao is even more disdainful and contemptuous. When he looks at Lin Feng from above, he feels that he is looking at a silly B. in this way, is he worthy of grabbing Chu Yuqi with himself?

He gave Chu Yuqi a very gentlemanly smile and didn't show too much because it was so funny that he never rushed to start!

At this time, Lin Feng sniffed and said, "is it a shame to ride a bicycle? Do you feel ashamed, Xiao Wu? "

Wu Liang was very embarrassed, but he did not dare to offend Lin Feng, so he could only agree: "no shame, no shame, but also exercise."

"Yes Lin Feng Road.

Zhao Qianqian said with a sneer: "you two don't deceive yourself, OK? Do you think anyone can come to longta for dinner? You can't even afford to drive a car, which means you are a poor person. How can you have dinner with long Shao on the same occasion? Get on your broken bike and get out of here! Don't make a fool of yourself here

However, as soon as her voice dropped, an incredible scene appeared.

The parking boy, staring at Lin Feng's bicycle with an obsessed face, ran up a few steps, picked up the key and said to Lin Feng, "boss, don't worry. I'll stop for you. Just go inside and enjoy it!"

"Well?" Zhao Qianqian looks confused.

What's the situation? Is this parking boy stupid?

Not only Zhao Qianqian, but all the people present were confused!

Wu Liang is a face eating excrement expression, he said in his heart, I drive the BMW, this parking boy do not look up to, how to this bicycle but respectful? Besides, the bicycle has no back seat, and its body is extremely simple. In addition to its bright surface, it looks like the 28 bars that were discontinued in the 1980s!

What's going on? Is there any reason for him?

At this time, the parking boy revealed the mystery. He asked Lin Feng, "Sir, I'd like to ask you more. Is this bike aurumania limited edition bicycle?"

"Oh, good eyesight! Yes Lin Feng said with great interest.

This car is from the drag racing party!

On the other side of the drag racing party, because of the collapse of the wild wolf club, they replaced the position of the wild wolf club. In addition to the celebration, Lin Feng should be most grateful. Lin Feng also has the identity of the chariot God of Erlongshan. They were represented by Wei Yichen and solemnly sent Lin Feng a Lamborghini luxury sports car.

But Lin Feng Leng is not to, say is not as good as bicycle!

As a result, in order to be sincere, the drag racing party really bought a bicycle for Lin Feng.

It's just this bike. It's not an ordinary bike at all!

This aurumania, with its chain and strip, is made of 24 K gold. The wheel hub and partial frame are inlaid with 600 Swarovski crystals, which are very luxurious and attractive.

In addition, in order to make cyclists feel more comfortable, they use limited edition leather seats.

And this kind of bicycle, the world has only ten, very noble.When I heard that the car was aurumania, I was even more excited.

They do parking business, familiar with all kinds of models, this parking boy is already an old oilseed, he is not only familiar with cars, motorcycles and bicycles, but also very deep research.

He only hears about the bicycle and saw it with his own eyes today. How can he not be excited?

As for luxury sports cars, the younger brother has seen so much that he doesn't want to look at it any more. If a person is willing to pay a large price for a bicycle, he has much more money than those who drive luxury cars!

Parking brother to Lin Feng a face of respect, this bicycle he is more than put down, dare not go up to ride, carefully pushed to the parking lot!

Zhao Qianqian was slapped on the spot, and her teeth were itching. She was not reconciled. She pointed to Longshao's Lamborghini and said, "I don't believe that a broken bicycle can compare with our sports car?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and spread his hands: "I don't know if it's comparable. But to tell you the truth, at noon, someone really sent me a car of yours. I was stunned to refuse it. What's the meaning of a broken car? I'm too lazy to take care of it

Wu Liang recovered from shock and subconsciously said, "brother Feng didn't cheat. I was there at that time."

"Hum!" Zhao Qianqian was livid with anger.

Lin Feng did not look at her again, but gently said to Chu Yuqi beside him: "go on, go into the Dragon Tower to eat!"

With that, he was facing the sky at a 45 degree angle, and with a lonely look on his face, he sighed: "ah! Lamborghini? Vulgar Why are they so vulgar? My life is so lonely as snow

Lin Feng this action, can be said to be pretending to force a new height, but Zhao Qianqian to gas explosion!

Zhao Qianqian felt that her chest was stuffy, and her face was twisted and ferocious. "Long Shao, why don't you get angry? Look at him, how wild he is

Long Shao's haughty face, as if dignified a layer of frost, coldly said: "I'll teach him to be a man right away!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!