The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 69

"Never!" Wu Liang was in a hurry. He begged Chu Yuqi: "Yuqi, you'll take it! The gold I gave to brother Feng, I don't want to throw it away like this! Even if I ask you, isn't it? I'll give you a raise. After that, you'll be recommended to go to Changsheng gold store headquarters. Your future is bright, OK

Chu Yuqi has never seen her boss speak to herself in a low voice. She couldn't bear to say, "I'll just take one."

"You can do it!" "Pick the most expensive one," said Lin Feng

"OK!" Wu Liang's face was full of laughter. He put the most expensive jewelry on Chu Yuqi's hand.

"Thank you, boss!" Chu Yuqi said, and then, suddenly feel something wrong, quickly said to Lin Feng: "thank you, Lin Feng!"

"Take it and let me have a look." Lin Feng smiles.

"Well, can I not take it?" Chu Yuqi was embarrassed.

"Why? You don't like it? " Lin Feng asked.

"I don't like it very much!" Chu Yuqi whispered: "just, I want to give this jewelry to my mother. My mother has never brought gold jewelry. She likes it very much, but we can't afford it all the time."

The more Chu Yuqi said, the lower the voice, pure Keren's face, with people's heartache sadness.

Lin Feng's heart touched, what a good girl! She has been thinking about her mother all the time. Now such a girl is rare!

At this time, the more she looked at Chu Yuqi, the better she looked. If she had approached her for the sake of the family's treasure, now, Lin Feng feels that he is from the heart, full of the desire to protect her.

"No problem. I'll take it for my aunt." Lin Feng said: "by the way, Yuqi beauty, I'll treat you to dinner in the evening. Don't forget, I'll take you to dinner!"

"This... I have received your gift today, you invite me to dinner, I..." Chu Yuqi is very sorry.

"It's nothing. I'll give you something. You owe me a favor. So I want you to have a meal with me. If you promise, the favor will be paid back. We'll be clear. Haha!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Ah?" Chu Yuqi scratched his head. Is there anything else to play with?

Send oneself gold chain son, also invite oneself to have a big meal, and then the reason is so comfortable, this Lin Feng is really warm heart!

Seeing Chu Yuqi's acquiescence, Lin Feng asked Wu Liang, "Xiao Wu, where is the best place to eat in Jincheng?"

"Dragon Tower!" Wu Liang said in a hurry: "the Dragon Tower is the symbol of the upper class. If you can enter the Dragon Tower to eat, you are the people who have a good reputation in Jincheng."

"Good!" Lin Feng clapped his hands: "go there to eat!"

After that, he murmured unhappily, "Oh, no, I don't have any money with me. I have to go back and take my eight yuan, or how can I eat?"

The people around him were covered with black lines, and the Dragon Tower ate! Eight dollars?

Eight yuan won't let you touch the gate of the Dragon Tower, will you?

At this time, Wu Liang said, "brother Feng, save your eight yuan. I'll treat you this time."

Wu Liang finally found a chance to flatter Lin Feng again!

"Is that all right? After all, I have troubled you so many times today! I'm not a troublemaker, you know Lin Feng is serious.

Wu Liang said with a cheap smile: "it doesn't matter. The matter of brother Feng is my business."

Wu Liang really wants to win over Lin Feng. Of course, when it comes to attracting Lin Feng, he feels that he may not be qualified.

From being beaten up by Lin Feng, to knowing that Lin Feng is the chariot God of Erlongshan, and then to Lin Feng's one man overthrowing the wolf society, Wu Liang's understanding of Lin Feng is very profound. In his eyes, Lin Feng is an idol and a god!

With Lin Feng's strength, he will make great achievements in Jincheng in the future.

Therefore, he must hold his thighs in advance, or Lin Feng will really stand at the top of Jincheng, and he will not even have the chance to touch his feet.

Therefore, within his ability range, he will try his best to approach Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng, to Wu Liang today's performance, still satisfied!

It seems that Wu Liang is much better now. He is really willing to give blood to entertain himself. Lin Feng decides not to clean him up for the time being, but it does not mean that he will not clean him up in the future, because Wu Liang comes from the hooligans, some of them have deep-rooted thoughts, and he will show his performance in the future. If he makes mistakes again, Lin Feng will not miss him!

At this time, a counter lady in the corner is secretly taking this scene with her mobile phone and sending it to Wu Qianqian in the coffee shop next door.

After Wu Qianqian knew these things, she sent a message with great disdain: he bullied and bullied Wu Liang's soft egg, frog at the bottom of the well, he didn't know the size of the world at all. He thought he was great when he could be forced in a gold shop. It was ridiculous!

And when Lin Feng's phone rang, it was Wei Yichen who called.

Lin Feng answered the phone and said with exaggeration:

"what, they want to send me a Lamborghini luxury sports car?""Hiss --" everyone was shocked by the audience. What is the identity of this man? How could someone rush to deliver a luxury sports car? It seems that boss Wu's gold chain is too small to be small.

But then, Lin Feng's words, even more eye opener, and even eyes to fall on the ground.

Lin Feng said casually, "what do I want that thing for? You have to refuel if you have nothing. Are you upset? It's not as good as a bicycle. It can exercise

Wu Liang almost fell over!

Wipe it! Ramboniki luxury sports car, not as good as bicycle? What kind of logic is this? As expected, the idea of the master is different!

However, Chu Yuqi is very much in favor of Lin Feng's view. No matter how luxurious things are, they are just different from furnishings, Mercedes Benz and Jetta. They are all four wheels running on the ground?

Only what people want is a sense of comfort and vanity.

Therefore, she felt that Lin Feng did not indulge in money. He had a unique way of doing things, and his thinking logic was very funny. She was really interesting. She could not help but be interested in Lin Feng.

This scene was photographed by the lady at the gold shop counter and sent to Zhao Qianqian next door.

After watching the video, Zhao Qianqian has no words to refute.

But she couldn't swallow it. Aren't you Niu B? Well, I'll find a better man to cure you!

Zhao Qianqian took out a business card and called according to the above phone.

A few seconds later, the phone went through. Zhao Qianqian said to the phone angrily:

"long Shao, I was expelled by Wu Liang. I'm so sad! Can you accompany me

"Are you?" Long Shao's brows are locked. He knows too many girls. He can't remember who is who without talking about some beautiful things!

"I'm Zhao Qianqian. Last time you came to Liangcai gold store to buy gold, we met once. You left your business card in our store, so I have your phone number!"

"Oh Wu Shao suddenly remembered that she was a woman with a big chest and a big buttocks and a lot of makeup!

She always winked at herself when she entered the store, of course!

But long Shao's deepest impression is that pure girl from Jindian, Chu Yuqi.

He usually contacts too many coquettish women. Once he meets a girl like Chu Yuqi, who is very moral and looks pure and has a super good figure, he is itching and can't help but want to conquer.

He paused and asked, "by the way, that little beauty named Chu Yuqi, I asked her to have dinner several times, why didn't he return my information? Do you know her well? "

After hearing Chu Yuqi's three words, Zhao Qianqian became angry. She added fuel to her anger and said, "Chu Yuqi has an old lady. She will not pay attention to you! She likes the old lady very much. She likes it very much! "

"Good old lady?" Long Shao asked, "she doesn't even pay attention to me. Is her old appearance very good?"

Zhao Qianqian deliberately said vaguely: "of course, Niu B, his good old lady, will invite him to eat in the Dragon Tower tonight! Can go to the Dragon Tower, you say cattle are not cattle

Dragon little a listen, suddenly came to the temper, "shit, can you go to the Dragon Tower on cattle B?"? Funny? I'm still a super VIP of the Dragon Tower. If I don't want anyone to eat in the Dragon Tower, he'll have to get out of here. That's where I am in the Dragon Tower! "

"Wow, you are so good, long Shao!" Zhao Qianqian flattered.

"That is!" Long Shao's tone was quite proud, and then said, "they're going to dinner tonight, right? Well, I'll go too. I'll show Chu Yuqi what's the rich and what's the big one! "

"How can you do it?" Zhao Qianqian asked tentatively.

"I want to humiliate his old man and let him get out of the Dragon Tower. Chu Yuqi, I have to get rid of it. This little whore is very tight in fashion. I'll put her on the bed and let her relax for me!"

"Long Shao, can you take me one? I have admired you for a long time Zhao Qianqian said reluctantly.

When long Shao heard this, he sneered in his heart. He said, "good, you son of a bitch, I don't want you. You can send me to the door by yourself, but it's good to have one Sao, one pure and two together. It's so cool to die!

"Well, you can come in the evening, just to see how I humiliate them!" Long Shao said confidently. , the fastest update of the webnovel!