The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 71

Jincheng Dragon Tower, a total of nine layers!

Each floor is as high as the third floor of the normal building, which is very luxurious.

And the nine story building has its own characteristics!

As the saying goes, dragons give birth to nine sons, which are different from each other. The reason why they are called Dragon pagodas is that the theme of each floor is arranged according to the order of nine sons born by dragons.

From the first floor to the ninth floor, the nine sons of the dragon, such as guanniu, Jai canthus, Yuanfeng, Bulao, lion dragon, Zhuo, negative Yao, and Zhuozi, are the core.

Because Jiuzi has different hobbies, the theme of each layer is different.

For example, in the first layer, the core theme is the captive cow, the eldest son of the dragon, who loves music all his life. He often sits on the head of the piano to enjoy the music of plucking strings. Therefore, its remains are engraved on the head of the instrument.

This decoration has been used all the time. The head of some valuable huqin is still engraved with the image of dragon head, which is called "dragon head huqin".

So the theme of the first floor is the music restaurant.

When Lin Feng walked into the hall, he was shocked by the exquisite skills of the Chinese people.

At the entrance, there are two pillars carved with white marble. On the pillars are two captive oxen standing on the head of the harp. They are vivid and lifelike.

There is a high platform in the center of the room. There is an old gentleman sitting cross legged. The old man is wearing a long gray shirt and holding an erhu in his hand. His voice is melodious and beautiful, which is quite the style of an ancient famous master.

In front of the old man, a beautiful woman in ancient costume was dancing, her clothes were flowing and her long sleeves were flying. People were dazzled.

As Wu Liang had reserved a seat in advance, it was by the window. The waiter came forward to guide them to their seats.

"Brother Feng, is this Dragon Tower of high quality?" Wu Liang flattered: "this meal and the rich, ordinary people can't afford to go bankrupt!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiles.

He knew that Wu Liang had a little family background. In the past, Wu Liang used to collect protection fees to earn commission, and bullied men and women to earn black money. Now he has changed his mind. He has all the gold in his hand. How can this boy have no money.

It's just that he didn't get some money on the right path. Lin Feng helped him spend money, which should be a way to save money from his disaster.

Instead of paying attention to Wu Liang, Lin Feng said to Chu Yuqi, "Yuqi, are you still satisfied? If we are not satisfied, we will change places to eat! "

"Satisfied!" Chu Yuqi nodded in a low voice.

Chu Yuqi is very shy and can't let go. In such a luxurious place, she never dreamed that she would come here, where she would say she was not satisfied.

At this time, however, a sarcastic voice came over: "Oh, so clever! Are you sitting next door to us

It's Zhao Qianqian.

Zhao Qianqian and long Shao also came in and sat next to Lin Feng's table. They wanted to sit here because long Shao is a super VIP, so you don't need to make an appointment!

And the first floor dining is open, there is no compartment, so we can see at a glance.

People around him began to whisper when they saw him.

"You see, isn't that Longyang, the son of the leader of the Longkou group?"

"Did he change his girlfriend today? Oh, a good father is a real bull B. he spoils so many good girls as bridegroom every night

"Hush, keep your voice down. Don't let him hear him. We can't afford to offend him!"


long Shao sat in his seat, looked at Lin Feng, and then looked at Chu Yuqi. A trace of displeasure flashed on his face, and he said slowly, "nowadays, any cat and dog can come to longta to eat, and buy a limited edition bicycle and dare to pick up girls? Don't look in the mirror to see your own urine? "

"What a coincidence! You are sitting next door to us. It's fate Wu Liang felt very embarrassed, he quickly came out to play round.

He had several ties with Longshao before, and once wanted to worship him under the gate of Longshao, but Longshao didn't look up to him. Although his fortune has changed, he is still very afraid of him.

"Thanks to your mother!" Long Shao suddenly roared: "do you want to talk with him?"

Wu Liang was so quiet that he didn't dare to make a sound.

Lin Feng is a little smile, he has been all over the world these years, which high-grade places have not been to, where he is not regarded as a guest of honor? A little dragon tower, he just doesn't want to waste time fighting with this group of people!

"We all come to longta for dinner. There's no need to score high!" Lin Feng Road.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, long Shao thought that Lin Feng had counselled him, and he suddenly became more and more angry and said:

"Alas! It's different to come to longta to have dinner. Super VIP like us is the VIP of longta. You are a vulgar consumer. It's a pity that such a good girl should be accompanied by a poor B like you. It's a pity

Long Shao finished and took a meaningful look at Chu Yuqi.

Long Shao's goal today is very simple. Humiliate this boy, and then soak up Chu Yuqi!

In the concept of long Shao, girls like money very much. Zhao Qianqian, the wave hoof in front of her, is a typical example. If she uses her own advantages in money and power to highlight her superiority and attract Chu Yuqi's attention, and then drive that boy out of here, won't she be able to occupy Chu Yuqi!So, he began to implement his first plan!

"Somebody, order!" Long Shao said to the waiter.

"Come on The waiter trotted all the way and gave the gilded menu book to long Shao.

Long Shao took the menu book and deliberately asked, "where is your most expensive dish?"

"Long Shao, you are a regular customer. You all know the rules..." the waiter said with a smile.

"Are you looking for a fight? If I ask you anything, you can answer me honestly Long Shao would like to slap the waiter in the past, so there will be no trouble, what kind of waiter.

The waiter trembled with fear and said quickly, "the menu book is more and more expensive at the back."

Long Shao "pa" to close the book, deliberately loudly said: "the next three pages of vegetables, I ordered, go to do it! Oh, by the way, half of each dish is OK. I can't eat too many dishes, but I'll pay in full for the money! "

"Dragon less atmosphere!" Said the waiter.

Long Shao was very satisfied with the waiter's performance this time. He said to the waiter, "don't flatter your mother. There are also some people who order next door. I ordered it in the past."

His intention is very obvious, is to want to compare on the spot, let Lin Feng lose a person.

"OK!" The waiter went to Lin Feng's table and said, "Hello, sir. Here is the menu. Let's have a look at the dishes first."

Then he would pass the glittering menu.

But Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "don't look at it. Let's just order the back four pages, and we'll make half of it, and pay for it in full!"

Lin Feng didn't want to fight with long Shao at the beginning, but the boy seemed to like to fight with himself and ask for trouble. Lin Feng was never used to it!

"Brother Feng!" At this time, Wu Liang was anxious and winked at Lin Feng. He reminded him in a low voice, "we can't eat. Don't order so much!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "if you can't eat, you can pack it. It's your treat anyway."

Wipe it! Wu Liang felt heartache, but he could not say anything.

It's just that Lin Feng's move made long Shao angry next door. He wanted to vent his anger on Lin Feng, but he found that he couldn't find a reason. Suddenly, he said to Wu Liang, "you've got a lot to pay for your treat! Are you rich, aren't you? Do you want to open the shop? "

"Long Shao, I..." Wu Lianghan was almost down.

He was not afraid of long Shao, but he did not dare to explain too much, because he was also afraid of Lin Feng.

Wu Liang suddenly felt that he was really living. When he was wandering in the street with his bare arms before, why didn't he have so much nonsense? How to mix the higher the grade, the more money you earn, the greater the pressure?

At this moment, Wu Liang suddenly felt that he seemed to understand some of the truth of life.

"Wu Liang, I remember you!" "You wait for me!" said long Shao

"Long Shao, please forgive me, I..."

"did you do anything wrong?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

The smile, in Wu Liang's eyes, was even more terrible than a grim smile. He quickly said, "no mistake, it's right to invite brother Feng to dinner."

Now Wu Liang wants to die heart has, if now has the opportunity, may let him not clip in the two people, gives the bubble excrement to let him eat, he is willing!

The Dragon seldom pretends to fail and is very angry.

But the people around me are happy.

In particular, those regular visitors who often come to the Dragon Tower know that long Shao likes to put on airs and suppress people, so when long Shao comes to eat, no one dares to be more heroic than him.

Today, when they saw that long Shao could not compete with others, they felt that they had a bad breath in their hearts.

Long Shao also sensed the atmosphere of schadenfreude around him. His angry eyes turned red, and he directly scolded Lin Feng: "do you mean to make trouble with me, do you?"

Long Shao's voice suddenly made Chu Yuqi shiver, which made him uneasy.

Seeing this, Lin Feng didn't pay attention to long Shao. Instead, he stretched out his hand and patted chuyuqi gently on his shoulder. He said, "I'm here. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid."

Chu Yuqi looked at Lin Feng with a calm face, and suddenly felt a special steadiness and security in her heart.

She and her mother were dependent on each other since childhood, without the protection of her father, which made her timid and insecure.

However, Lin Feng gave him a very reassuring feeling. She felt that as long as there was Lin Feng, everything could be easily solved. This feeling was what she had lived for more than 20 years and had never been given. The gentle and safe shelter of Lin Feng almost made her fall.

Thinking so, Chu Yuqi's people will also be close to Lin Feng, there is a kind of bird like.

In this scene, long Shao was furious. The boy himself was ignored when he talked to him. Moreover, NIMA was holding the girl in his arms for the first time in his life.

It's driving him crazy!

"Fool, take your dirty hands off Chu Yuqi!" Long Shao yelled at Lin Feng directly."Do you mean me?" Lin Feng pointed to himself.

"Yes, you are!" Long Shao Dao.

"You've got the wrong name, I'm not a fool! You like the name fool, you can take it yourself Lin Feng said seriously: "what's more, my hands are not dirty, I wash hands before and after meals, much cleaner than your hands!"

His manner made all of us laugh, but no one dared to laugh and held it in his mouth.

"I fucked you, don't you understand me?" Long Shao was angry and his face was livid.

The more angry he was, the more calm Lin Feng was. On the contrary, he said calmly: "do you understand? Long Shao, didn't you say that? Take away the dirty hands, but my hands are not dirty, so don't take them away

With that, the hand on Chu Yuqi's shoulder tightened a little.

"I fucked you!" Long Shaoqi's mouth is crooked. What's NIMA's logic? Does this person have a brain disease? , the fastest update of the webnovel!