The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 699

Dongqing group hotel decoration materials project bidding matter, is basically settled.

Su Jing told Tang Dongsheng and Yu Lan that Dongqing hotel would be designed by the world's master decorator Joel wiesenner. Tang Dongsheng and Yu Lan couldn't believe their ears.

Tang Dongsheng even felt that if he invited Joel to come over, he might lose his fortune.

But Su Jing said that Joel came to design for free, which made Tang Dongsheng and Yu Lan even more confused.

"Are you sure you're not dreaming?" Tang Dongsheng asked.

Of course, I heard it from Joel Su Jing said.

"Did Lin Feng invite Joel here?" Tang Dongsheng asked.

"Yes Su Jing said.

Tang Dongsheng took a deep breath and said that it was not strange. He didn't expect that Lin Feng's contacts were so wide. This old Hu really put a baby here!

Su Jing told Tang Dongsheng about Lin Feng's ideas. Tang Dongsheng told Su Jing to do everything according to Lin Feng's will. Lin Feng could do whatever he liked. In fact, Lin Feng was the most important person and the most flattering one.

Tang Dongsheng has always been very accurate in judging people, so on this point, he can see the essence of things at a glance. Lin Feng is definitely a magic weapon for them. As long as Lin Feng is there, they are not afraid that the group will not develop. This is a judgment made after seeing a series of performances of Lin Feng for a long time, but this judgment is accurate.

Lin Feng didn't think so. He went back to the villa with Su Jing and went back to his room to have a rest.

And far away in a tropical jungle in the South Ocean.

In an attic built by plantain trees in the mountains, several people are talking.

One of them is Lu Kun, the leader of the moon worship sect who escaped from the mountains of Miao.

And sitting opposite him was a big, fat man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He always had a smile on his face, but the smile was skin smile and flesh smile. It was hairy.

And the man's most noticeable is his head, without a hair, as bright as a light bulb.

"Monk, what do you think I should do?" Rukun asked the man.

The bald man still with a smile, answer non asked: "that piece of broken jade got the hand?"

"No, it's taken away by Lin Feng!" Lu Kun dropped his head and lost his airway.

"Didn't I tell you that if you can't get the broken jade, don't come to see me. Do you think I'm farting?" The monk was still smiling, but his smile was a little bit chilly.

"Big monk, I have to save my life. Lin Feng is a master of the blood state, and he defeated all the elder Bai in my seat. Elder Bai is the master of the six levels of the blood level, and I can only transform the five levels of the blood state. How can I compete with him?" Said Lu Kun.

"So you gave him the broken jade for your own survival, right?" The big monk said with a smile.

"Yes, of course I will live!" Said Lu Kun.


A man behind Lu Kun raised a steel pipe and hit Lu Kun directly on one of his legs.


Lu Kun cried out, kneeling on one knee, and the pain in one leg was penetrating.

"Monk, what are you... Why are you beating me?" Cried Lu Kun.

"Idiot!" The big monk sneered: "I told you to be careful about that Lin Feng. The skinny monkey and qianfanlang I sent are not his opponents. But you are too arrogant. You don't need any help from my school. Do you think I'll let you go now that I've done everything else?"

"Don't, don't be like this, big monk. According to the intelligence, Lin Feng is a practitioner of the four levels of blood melting state. I didn't expect that he was so powerful that he wounded one of the three elders under my seat and rebelled against two. My fault is that I underestimated the enemy!"

Lu Kun kept paying for it. He hoped that the leader of Sanfan group would let him go.

The big monk said, "tell me, I'll let you go. How can you remedy it? Can you take back the broken jade or kill Lin Feng

Lu Kun is silent!

"Hum, useless thing! Thanks to the fact that we grew up together, you still haven't made progress after so many years. I can't blame myself! " Dahe Shang waved to the back and said, "come on, clean up!"

"No, no!" Rukunton was scared, he struggled to say: "I have a way, I help you kill Lin Feng, I can kill Lin Feng!"

The big monk waved his hand behind him and asked Lu Kun, "how can you kill Lin Feng? If you just boast, I'll shoot you on the spot

Lu Kun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "I know an organization in Siam called ghost generals. Ghost generals are very powerful organizations. All of them are composed of practitioners. But their strength is not only practitioners, but all of them are powerful head lowering masters."

"Head dropping master?" The monk touched his bald head and pondered it carefully.

Head dropping masters are not uncommon in Nanyang. They are a kind of wizard like profession. They are very similar to those of the Miao people. They can also use insect medicine. They are very good at cursing and controlling ghosts and corpses.The skill used by the head lowering master is called head lowering technique, which is a kind of magic art.

One of the most common is a kind of head lowering technique, called Xiaogui descending, commonly known as raising Xiaogui, which is a very popular head lowering technique.

Even many Chinese and Nanyang dignitaries and stars, for the sake of official career and luck, call down the head master to do the imp drop for themselves, through the IMP to change their fortune.

Of course, the legend is so, there are different opinions, and no one has verified the true or false. However, this headmaster is really famous in Nanyang. It's called ghost general organization. The great monk has heard of it. It's very strong.

"How do you know the ghost general? Do you have the ability to help you deal with Lin Feng Asked the monk.

"To tell you the truth, I was not influenced by Miao Gu at the beginning of the establishment of the worship of the moon. In fact, I left the village to study magic arts in Siam and studied head lowering. I have several senior brothers in ghost generals, so I can ask them to help me!" LuKun road.

The reason why Lu Kun did not have three elders with strong strength, but could still sit firmly in the position of the leader was that he had a wide range of contacts. He was not only close to the great monks of Sanfan group, but also knew many powerful head lowering masters in Siam.

Miao Gu and Nanyang head down are equally fierce. However, the control of these things in Nanyang law is relatively loose, so the development of this area seems to be more prosperous than that of China.

Therefore, the head lowering division is also a kind of person that the Gu teacher is more afraid of.

The ghost generals are all elites. They are not only practitioners of high physical skills, but also masters of lowering their heads. If you jump out of one of them, you will have the courage to be brave.

So when Lu Kun said this, the great monk became interested and said, "if what you said is true, I can give you a chance to invite your senior brothers to come. But if you fail again, I will not let you go so easily."

"It won't fail this time!" Lu Kun vowed: "as long as the ghost generals get out of the horse, anyone can easily take the head of Lin Feng. Monk, wait for my good news."

"Well, I'll wait for your news." The great monk gave a cold smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!