The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 700

Songjiang city.

Lin Feng's goddess Utopia.

Su Jing has not been seen in recent days, so she has been busy with her bidding.

Wei Yi Chen is also busy with the examination in the school.

After Huoling returned to Songjiang City, he was busy with the affairs of the flying snake gang for mangye. He also went out early and returned late.

Jin Lengyu is as gentle as ever, as if she is the big sister of everyone. She sits quietly in the garden of the villa. In the afternoon sunshine, she occasionally drinks a cup of coffee and occasionally reads a book.


When Lin Feng went to the garden and saw Jin Lengyu in a daze, he coughed a little.

Jin Lengyu looked back and laughed at Lin Feng. "You're here. Are you free now?"

"Take a break in your busy time!" Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I find it's too tired to save the world."

"Poof!" Jin Lengyu laughs out a voice, "feeling you are so busy, recently is busy saving the world!"

"No way When Lin Feng came to Jin Lengyu, he saw a printed version of the book on the table. The book was called alive.

"I've read this book. It's touching and easy to cry!" Lin Feng Road.

"Well, I've been crying for several rounds!" Jin Lengyu way, then smile at Lin Feng, "originally you also love reading books!"

"Well, I read too many books. It's very miscellaneous!" Lin Feng said.

"That's very good. No wonder you have such a delicate temperament. It turns out that you read a lot of books." Jin Lengyu said, "if you read too much, you will have pride and elegance in your heart, which can't be covered up!"

"Alas Lin Feng sighed: "what's the use of this, or can't protect his girlfriend!"

Jin Lengyu was stunned. She didn't expect that Lin Feng would say something about Jin Wan'er. She comforted Lin Feng and said, "it's not your fault. It's Jin Hanling who intends to tear you apart."

"Alas Lin Feng sighed again, and then said, "by the way, do you know the big family in Kyoto that is very close to Jin Han scale?"

Now that Lin Feng has three pieces of broken jade, he is short of the last one. The last one is in the Jin family. To be exact, the Jin family has given the broken jade to the big family in Kyoto.

So Lin Feng had to figure out which family he had handed over to, so he had a chance to take back the broken jade.

What's more, Jin Wan'er must be in that family.

So Lin Feng must find the family, take back the broken jade and rescue Jin Wan'er.

Lin Feng has been doing missions all over the world before. In fact, there are not many people from China, especially Kyoto. Lin Feng is not familiar with him. He has hardly been to Kyoto.

At the time of the last joint military parade, Lin Feng, at the request of Lao Hu, went to Kyoto once, but he only stayed for a short half day, and he did not go there later.

So for Lin Feng, Kyoto is not as familiar as the gambling city of the United States.

Otherwise, Lin Feng would not have worked so hard to find a breakthrough from the Jin family. He would have been killed in Kyoto.

On the other hand, the big families in Kyoto are indeed powerful. The descendants of those families have penetrated into various industries. The number of people who have joined the army and engaged in politics and business is countless, and they are all top-notch.

What's more, there are many masters of cultivation hidden in those families. There are also many practitioners who are even better than Lin Feng.

so Raymond Lam asked Lao Hu to check for so long, and he could not find the news. In fact, it was not the old suck, but the big family was too secretive.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not dare to act rashly, and now he can not guarantee that he can win the other party. Therefore, he should keep a low profile. Otherwise, it will not be easy to solve the problem in the future!

It's the easiest way to attack from the Jin family. It's not too late to fight back after finding out the situation!

Jin Lengyu didn't expect that Lin Feng would suddenly ask herself about the Jin family. She hesitated for a moment and said, "when my sister and I were in the Jin family, the Jin family never let us contact the secrets of the Jin family. We know that the Jin family is closely related to a big family in Kyoto, but every time the big family comes, we have to avoid it. So I really don't know which family is with the Jin family Cooperate

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded.

It seems that it is a little difficult to find a breakthrough from Jin Lengyu. The only way to do this is to ask Su Jing to cooperate with Dongqing group and Jinjia, and then learn from Jinjia.

However, at this time, Jin Lengyu gave an ambiguous answer. She said: "as far as I know, there are four big families in Kyoto. The Tang family, the Zhangjia family, the Lin family and the Ouyang family. You can also think about these four families. Of course, not only these four families, but also many families. Although they are not as powerful as the four, they are quite prestigious in China For example, the Qin family is not as powerful as the four big families, but it is much stronger than other families! "

After hearing this, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and whispered: "Lin family? Is Kyoto Lin family very good? "

"The Lin family is very strong!" Jin Lengyu said: "the descendants of the Lin family are prosperous. The descendants of the family are especially good at martial arts. It is said that many high-level meetings are conducted by the Lin family to maintain public order. The force value of the Lin family people should not be underestimated!"Lin Feng nodded and sighed. His heart said, "look at others. They are also surnamed Lin. how can they develop so well?"? If you look back on your lineage of Lin, it seems that you are the only one left.

The reason why Lin Feng didn't confuse the Lin family in Kyoto with himself is that his parents never mentioned having relatives in Kyoto since he was a child, so he can basically be sure that the Lin family in Kyoto has little to do with himself, just the same surname.

However, after Jin Lengyu said so, Lin Feng has some directions. The Jin family is likely to cooperate with one of the four families!

"Leng Yu, thank you Lin Feng smiles at Jin Lengyu.

"You're welcome." Jin Lengyu smile, "because of your help, I can live such a comfortable and peaceful life, I also want to thank you!"

"You say that if you really want to thank me, come to my room at night and impress me with your sincerity." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"No serious!" Jinleng Yujiao said angrily, but her pretty face turned red in an instant. Her face was like peach blossom, and she gave Lin Feng a bad look, but she was charming. She felt that this stare was more like a lovely wife staring at her lover.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng laughed, and then said: "do not disturb your leisure, I go out for a walk!"

Lin Feng turned out of the garden and went back to the living room. Then he found a wonder.

Shen man, who is very busy on weekdays, did not go to work today. In addition, he changed into a blue windbreaker with a white cashmere sweater inside, which was very fashionable and beautiful.

"You drink, Shen man, what's the matter? Is the sun coming out from the west Lin Feng asked.

"Well, can't I dress up?" Shen man said.

"Of course, you are much more exquisite than usual. You have more temperament and beauty. Tut Tut, you are a real beauty!" Lin Feng sighed.

"Honey on your mouth?" Shen man squints at Lin Feng.

"I'm telling the truth." Lin Feng said, "by the way, what are you going to do? Don't tell me you go to work like this

Shen man smile: "of course not to go to work!"

"So you are?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Shen man said in a clear voice, "I'm going on a date." , the fastest update of the webnovel!