The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 698

Lin Feng's movements were very fast, and his strong upper body was revealed in an instant. His muscles were not exaggerated, but just right. The lines of his muscles were full of a sense of strength. With a little effort on his eight abdominal muscles, he could see clearly.

This figure is the body that all women dream of her boyfriend. Seeing this scene, Su Jing's heart was pounding and her heart was throbbing.

She has never had any idea about a man's body, but Lin Feng's figure is very impressive to her. Even if she turns her head, she still unconsciously remembers Lin Feng's muscular lines and smooth skin.

"What's wrong with me?" Su Jing felt that she had completely lost her previous calmness, and her heart was filled with blood.

However, the next second she thought of her mother's words: "every good thing for men!"

In an instant, her blood and cold, look also cool down, said to Lin Feng: "put on your clothes, don't play rogue!"

"What's the matter? I've just taken off my upper body, and if I've taken off my lower body, you've got to knock me down? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Be serious!" Su Jing said coldly.

Today is Lin Feng to help her to turn the tide again. From the moment when Lin Feng appeared in front of her, she did not remember how many times Lin Feng helped her through difficulties at the critical moment. She was very grateful and did not expect to repay.

Therefore, although Lin Feng is untidy in front of her, she also tries to restrain herself from losing her temper. This man should be treated well.

Seeing that Su Jing didn't get angry as usual, Lin Feng raised her eyebrows and said, "little Susu, I'll help you, but I don't want you to feel that you owe me. You can treat me normally. If you are not angry, I think it's boring!"

"You have nothing to look for Su Jing said.

"But it depends on who smokes. My little Susu beauty will smoke. I welcome her!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Su Jing's goose bumps fell all over the floor, but I don't know why, but there is a feeling of happiness in her heart.

"Well, let's get down to business. When master Joel comes to design Dongqing group's Hotel, the ceremony must be grand. On the one hand, it is respect for the master. On the other hand, people in the industry know that the hotel of Dongqing group was designed by master Joel, which can be regarded as a wave of strong advertising!" Su Jing said.

"Well, you must be very insightful in business operation." Lin Feng said.

With a faint smile, Su Jing said, "don't laugh at me. I feel that you are hidden. Your ability is so strong that I can't imagine it!"

Lin Feng asked with a smile, "do you mean sexual ability?"

"Go away!" Su Jing rolled her eyes and said, "master Joel calls you a master. Where did you learn your design? What school did you graduate from? "

Lin Feng said: "I really don't have a high degree. I'm all self-taught and I'm not good at design. The reason why Joel calls me a master is not that I design better than him. You know, Joel's level, design, no one can teach him anything. I'm at a higher level, maybe it's just inspiration and guidance from my heart."

"You are very good!" Su Jing said.

"Do you mean sexual ability?" Lin Feng asked.

Su Jing's head was covered with black lines. Lin Feng was just out of tune. He just said a few serious words and then went off the track.

But in the past, she might have thought that Lin Feng was a slovenly prodigal son, but now, she feels more that Lin Feng's unrestrained and careless appearance hides an extremely powerful heart.

Seeing that Su Jing didn't speak, Lin Feng said with a smile: "OK, no kidding. In fact, there is one thing I want to talk to you about!"

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Lin Feng's face straight, Su Jing raised her ears seriously.

"That's it Lin Feng said: "Joel came here to design the hotel for Dongqing group. The decoration of the hotel requires a lot of decoration materials, such as hardware, plastic, wood and so on. Among the three families in Songjiang City, Wang family and Jin family are both experts in material trade, so you will choose to cooperate with them, right?"

"Well!" Su Jing said: "I think so, but the Jin family is not very friendly to us. My initial choice is to cooperate with the Wang family and buy decoration materials from the Wang family."

"No!" Lin Feng shook his head and said, "this is what I want to talk to you about. I hope you can cooperate with Jin family."

"The gold family?" Su Jing was stunned and then said, "the Jin family is hostile to us!"

"But the gold family is not hostile to money!" Lin Feng smiles and goes on: "our Dongqing group wants to decorate more than one hotel. To sum up, the cost of decoration materials should also be tens of millions of dollars."

"Yes! Ten million can't stop it! " Su Jing said.

"Well, it's a lot of income for our partners. The money is not windy. Who doesn't know how hard it is to make money. If money is delivered to your door in vain, is there anything else that you don't collect?" Lin Feng said.

"Then we go straight to the Jin family. Isn't it too unprincipled? The Wang family is good to us, which will offend the Wang family!" Su Jing said.Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "who asked you to talk to the Jin family? You are the Party A and the customer. They should come to you to talk with you. Then you should put on a high attitude and suppress their spirit! "

"Well, how can I get them to talk to me? Spread the news out? Waiting for a rabbit? " Su Jing asked.

"Very simple!" Lin Feng said: "this project, do a bidding meeting, send the invitation letter to the decoration material companies of all sizes in Songjiang City, including Wangjia and Jinjia. As long as the Jinjia comes to respond to the bid, depress the price, and finally give the bid to the Jinjia, it will be good. The bidding is open on the surface, so it will not offend the Wangs."

"That's right. I didn't think of it. You can use bidding!" Su Jing said, and then asked anxiously, "but the bidding process and time are too long. Master Joel's schedule is so tight. Don't let master Joel go. We haven't got the bidding results yet!"

"Don't worry. I told him to stay in Dongqing group for a year. He didn't dare to leave for 365 days!" Lin Feng confidently said with a smile: "of course, in the leap year, he has to stay for me for 366 days!"

"Ah Su Jing is really convinced of Lin Feng. This world-class master is clearly arranged by him. Suddenly, Su Jing is very interested in Lin Feng's background.

When Lin Feng was young, she had such a strong ability and relationship. She knew exactly what Lin Feng had experienced? What kind of person is he?

But now is not the time to think about it. Su Jing asked, "why do you want me to cooperate with the Jin family?"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I want to know about the Jin family."

"That's all?" Su Jing asked.

"That's all!" Lin Feng said.

"All right." Su Jing said, "just follow what you said." , the fastest update of the webnovel!