The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 697

Su Jing's victory came suddenly and was too exciting. For a while, she didn't know whether she was dreaming or reality.

Lin Feng, with a faint smile, raised an eyebrow at Su Jing and said, "my little Susu, what are you still in a daze? Tell Joel how you want to decorate and let him have a preparation in advance."

"Oh Su Jing nodded.

"I'm not in a hurry. What kind of decoration style do you want? We'll have a face-to-face discussion. I'll certainly use all my talents to help you design. Moreover, we may need master Lin Feng's guidance at that time." Said Joel.

"Me? I can't do anything. I'm just a driver! " Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Master Lin Feng, don't say that. If you're just a driver, I'm not as good as a driver!" Joel said with great trepidation.

Everyone also understood Joel's words, but they had a new understanding of Lin Feng.

This Lin Feng, not only has the extraordinary ability, but also, installs the lifelike is to install the flying!

Clearly he is a master level, but also Leng said that he would not, can not help but shake his head and sigh, is this a low-key luxury?

All the people present have a new understanding of Dongqing group because of Lin Feng. They dare not look down on this new company in Songjiang. Maybe in the next few years, this new company will rise to the top and even surpass many big companies in Songjiang city.

At this time, Leiluo is desperate, did not expect to mix in Kyoto, he came to this city of Songjiang, but fell in a trap.

What's more, it was planted on a young man. It was unbelievable.

However, Joel's respect for Lin Feng made him see the strength of Lin Feng. Next second, he quickly began to flatter him and said with a smile: "master Lin Feng, I really don't know Taishan today. I've offended you. You can scold me, hit me, and I'll suffer!"

"Hit you? Scold you? " Lin Feng smiles.

"Yes, you can beat and scold as you like. I've done something wrong today. I'm sorry, master, so I won't say a word!" Ralph said with a firm oath.

"Ha ha ha, I won't hit you or scold you!" Lin Feng said, "because you are not qualified to beat and scold me at all!"

"Yes, yes, even master Joel wants to recognize you as a master. How can I be qualified to let you beat and scold? I'm really a pile of rubbish. I let the master beat and scold me with shame. How could I be so ungrateful! "

Leiluo belittles himself as worthless. In fact, he wants to rely on this way to set off Lin Feng and play an excellent flattering effect.

But Lin Feng didn't eat him. He said with a smile, "if you garbage, everyone here will see it. It won't be because you say you're garbage, you're garbage, or because you say you're not garbage. You're not garbage. Your mouth is on you, but your eyes are on others. No one in the world is stupid. So you don't need to say so much nonsense I don't want to investigate your problem. Get out of here and never let me see you again in Songjiang city! "

Lin Feng's words are sonorous and powerful, but they seem to be very reasonable.

He found that the young man in front of him was different from all the people he had met before. No matter who was in a high position or was entangled in a myriad of ways, as long as he used his own flattering skills, he would basically fall into the trap.

But this Lin Feng is different. When he talks with him, he seems to see through every word. However, every sentence of Lin Feng is like a knife inserted in ralow's heart, which makes him have no strength to resist and no chance to resist.

"Good, good! Master Lin Feng, I'll get out of here. Don't be angry. I'll get out of here! "

This is the first time that Ralo sincerely convinced a person, even to Joel, he was not so convinced. To Lin Feng, he even had a kind of inexplicable awe and fear, even he was very strange.

However, if you think about it carefully, Joel weisenna is called master Lin Feng, which is not a blind call!

Leiluo leaves the hotel bitterly, and the Liu family is finished. Only Lin Feng, Su Jing and Su Jing's secretary Xiaoyu are left.

"Lin Feng, thank you very much today! I really don't know how to say it. Anyway, I didn't expect you would... And then... I... "Su Jing said incoherently.

"Little Susu, you and I are welcome. What's the relationship between us! Do you think it's ok if you make it so smart Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Secretary Xiaoyu immediately understood and said, "well, Mr. Su, if there is nothing wrong now, I want to go downstairs and have some coffee. I feel a little sleepy!"

"You go!" Su Jing said.

Xiaoyu quickly turns around and goes out, leaving only Su Jing and Lin Feng.

"Do you know why Xiaoyu went out?" Lin Feng asked.

"Didn't she say she was sleepy and went for coffee?" Su Jing asked with a puzzled look.

"Do you really think she's going for coffee? You are too simple! No wonder I'm a virgin now Lin Feng said."Lin Feng, you..." Su Jing blushed to the root of her neck and said, "how do you know that I am a place...

" I guess! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Is your guess right?" Su Jing said.

"What do you think? I'm sure I'm right! " Lin Feng said, "otherwise, let's try to see if you are in the end. I'll make a hundred bets. You must be!"

"A hundred? Try to be a virgin? " Su Jing stares at Lin Feng.

"Yes, come on. Let's try it on the spot. If I lose, I'll give you a hundred yuan. It doesn't matter what you feel distressed. I just want to know if I guess it is right or not." Lin Feng said.

After hearing this, Su Jing shook her head angrily: "this kind of words is just what you said. It's very dirty and takes advantage of the huge advantage. You can say it so grandiose. In the end, you lose it. Do you feel sad? Are you mistaken? "

"Well, if you don't like it, you won't like it. It proves that I guessed right. You don't understand amorous feelings so much. You must not have a boyfriend, so it's normal to be a virgin!" Lin Feng said.

"I don't understand amorous feelings?" Su Jing asked.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "of course, you see, your secretary has gone downstairs, that is to pour room for us. Your secretary is estimated to be drinking coffee downstairs and thinking, what posture is our president of Suzhou University and his driver in the end?

"Shut up!" Su Jing's face turned red and red, and then she said in embarrassment, "well, go and call Xiaoyu."

"Well, you are not right! It's only a few minutes after the light rain, and you'll call them up! " Lin Feng pouted and said, "if you do this, people think I only have a few minutes. You are not responsible for my face!"

"If you don't fight, you will be misunderstood by her!" Su Jing said.

"You don't want to be misunderstood by her, do you?" Lin Feng asked.

"Of course Su Jing said.

"That's good!" Lin Feng said: "I'll suffer a loss once and devote myself to you. In this way, she will save the misunderstanding."

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