The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 692

Lin Feng's words, let everyone is a Leng.

Everyone didn't expect that master ralow, who was called the great God in other people's mouths, called him by his name, and his tone was very disrespectful.

Leiluo is also a Leng, eyes on Lin Feng's body, then angry way: "who are you?"

"I'm Lin Feng!" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng?"

Leiluo was stunned for a few seconds and suddenly burst out laughing: "Lin Feng, this name is all over the street. I thought you were who! Ha ha ha! Lin Feng, it's a joke if you take out your name! "

"Is it? My name is a joke? " Lin Feng smiles.

"Don't you think it's funny?" "It's only when you've got to a certain level that you've got your name, and I'm going to ask you, what university did you graduate from? Have you ever been trained by a famous tutor? "

"I, I didn't go to any famous university! What's more, there is no famous tutor training! " Lin Feng disapproved and said, "I like to become a talent by myself!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Rallow laughed more fiercely. However, he suddenly and seriously said: "I graduated from Cambridge University in Western Europe with a double master's degree, specializing in hotel decoration. My tutor is a world-class interior design master, Joel wiesenner, and even the Royal Chapel of Western Europe. Do you know why my name can be used and your name is yours It's a joke

Although he studied in Western Europe, he did not carry forward the Chinese tradition at all. Instead, he learned a lot of the dross of Western Europe, such as arrogance and arrogance.

Therefore, speaking is also very arrogant.

Lin Feng thought about it carefully and said, "Oh, I seem to have some impression that when I went to Western Europe, there was a man who wanted to learn from me. It seemed that his name was Joel wiesenna, but I was too busy to pay attention to him, so I refused?"

"What? You are a real braggart Leiluo was so angry that he said, "you are insulting my teacher out of thin air. How could my teacher worship others as a teacher? What a shame you are

Seeing that Leiluo was furious, Su Jing quickly tugged Lin Feng's arm. Although there may be no chance for cooperation today, she must not make her angry. Otherwise, if she says a word, Dongqing group's hotel business will probably not go on.

At this time, not only Lei Luo was angry, but also Liu Meixi.

She didn't expect that the slovenly guy in front of her in winter wearing thick cotton slippers was Lin Feng, the enemy who bullied his brother Liu Hengyuan.

She is also looking for Lin Feng to settle accounts, this time can be regarded as enemies meet, especially jealous.

"Lin Feng, what kind of thing do you dare to question master ralow? Even insulting master Rallow's master? " Liu Meixi drank: "as far as I know, you are a smelly driver! A stinky driver who doesn't pee to take care of himself? Are you qualified? What you can say to the master is that your ancestral tomb is smoking. Do you know that

"Even if you don't pee, just look at yourself. You're just a broken security driver. How dare you say that in this place?"

"You dare to say that my teacher, Joel Wilson, is going to worship you as a teacher. This is an insult to my teacher's personality and ability. I tell you, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will immediately call the police to arrest you and sue you for slander."

"Oh, don't be angry. You are very old. Why are you so calm?" Lin Feng smiles.

But this sentence, listen to in the ear of Lei Luo, is Lin Feng to compromise and admit!

"Why, afraid? Afraid I'll call the police and arrest you? " "Then you will kowtow to my knees for three times and say master ralow is sorry!" he cried

"Yes, kneel down and kowtow!" Liu Meixi took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and started recording video.

However, Lin Feng suddenly nodded and smiling and asked, "how is that old bastard Joel doing now? Are you still alive? "

When Rallow heard this, he was stunned, not only he, but all the people around him.

Rallow quickly responded and said, "you are so bold, you dare to insult my master and the godfather level figures in the interior decoration. You are really bold!"

"What a goddamn God, just a bad old man." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, pay attention to the words!" Su Jing talked about Lin Feng a few more times. She knew that today's negotiation was a collapse.

But what she didn't expect was that not only the negotiation collapsed, but also the whole Dongqing group would collapse!

Liu Meixi's heart is happy to bloom, this Lin Feng is brain puncture?

Didn't this mean to hit Dongqing group?

This time, Dongqing group has completely offended master ralow. With his influence in the industry, even if you can say casually, Dongqing group's hotel concept is backward, still in the bud and needs to be developed.

The hotel business of Dongqing group will be ignored.

If Leiluo said another word for Liu's Hotel, he said that Liu's hotel was of high grade and advanced concept, then Dongqing group's business would be crushed by the Liu family in an instant.This is the celebrity effect. In a word, it can support or crush an enterprise.

When Liu Meixi was complacent and Su Jing was in all kinds of distress, she saw that Lin Feng took out her mobile phone from her arms and dialed a phone.

In a mysterious place on the other side of the ocean, it is a spacious office, but it is full of countless drawings.

A gray hair, it seems that nearly 80 years old old in the non-stop busy.

Recently, he received a large list, the prince of the British royal family, asking him to design the interior of a garden villa.

This is not the first time for him. He has been used to it. However, it is also a royal affair. He must play up the spirit of 12 points. At this moment, his assistant rushed in.

"What's the matter with you? How many times have I told you that I don't like to be disturbed when I'm working? "

The old man was Joel wiesenner. He looked at his assistant and frowned, a little unhappy.

"Mr. Joel, I didn't mean to offend you, but you have told me before that if that Chinese person calls, no matter what you are busy with, you will interrupt you and ask you to answer the phone..."

The assistant held the mobile phone in both hands, and his voice was shaking.

When Joel heard this, an invisible shock flashed in his eyes. He couldn't believe what his assistant said. How could it be? He, he would call himself?

Joel's jump was so high that he was happy like a child. He said to stop, "come on, give me the phone!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!