The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 693

See the assistant is still Leng there, Joel rushed to personally, a mobile phone snatched over, a look, really he has been looking up to the Chinese people, to the phone.

He got through the phone in a hurry.

"Master Lin, why didn't you contact me for so long? I thought you forgot me. I was so sad..."

Said this has been over 80 years old, but the old man is crying.

"Well, didn't I call you?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

But at the end of the phone, others were shocked.

Lin Feng actually speaks Western European language, and is very standard and natural, without affectation.

Even a translator following Liu Meixi is ashamed of himself.

All of a sudden, the scene was quiet, thinking about who Lin Feng was calling.

At the other end of the phone, Joel said happily, "yes, master Lin, I'm really happy. This is my happiest day in so many years. Could you call me, master? What's the matter? Can I help you? "

There are two main reasons why Joel respects Lin Feng so much.

1、 When Lin Feng went to Western Europe to carry out secret missions, he once protected Joel. Under the threat of Western Europe's Chechen organization, Lin Feng defeated dozens of notorious cruel killers by one person.

Otherwise, Joel would not only die, but also his family.

Now Che Chen organization is afraid of Lin Feng's ability and dare not attack Joel any more. So Joel regards Lin Feng as a life saving gold medal. How can he not respect him?

Second, at that time, Lin Feng saved Joel. Although Joel was grateful, he still thought that Lin Feng was just a martial arts man, and gratitude returned to gratitude. In terms of Ideological and cultural attainments, Joel regarded himself highly.

However, when Lin Feng finished his mission and was about to return home, he saw Joel's arrogance, so he gave Joel a lesson before he left.

Joel was working on the architectural appearance and interior design of a world-famous game. He racked his brains and had no inspiration.

When he was very depressed, Lin Feng said to him, "you are too self-sufficient. You should learn to accept different cultures and histories, and see the highlights and details of others. Only in this way can you design things that are liked by people all over the world."

Joel didn't understand what Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng picked up his computer brush, directly in his computer, drew a city wall, and then, designed small bridges, water and pavilions.

Joel suddenly felt that the building was too beautiful, and then suddenly inspired to design a series of game buildings and beautiful sceneries, which made the game instantly gain tens of millions of fans around the world.

When Joel wanted to thank Lin Feng, Lin Feng had already returned home.

When Joel turned on the TV and saw a Chinese armed movie, he found that the wall Lin Feng had painted for him was the Great Wall.

The pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water are the features of ancient towns in the south of the Yangtze River in China.

Joel fell in love with the ancient Chinese culture and understood what Lin Feng said when he left. He should learn to accept different cultures and histories, and see the highlights and details of others. Only in this way can we design things that people all over the world like.

In a word, Joel's vision and pattern have been upgraded by more than one level.

All of a sudden, Joel's admiration for Lin Feng is just like the surging river. He doesn't dare to have any disrespect.

After that, Joel called Lin Feng several times, saying that he wanted to learn Chinese ancient culture from his teacher, and that he wanted to learn more about how to be a man and do things with Lin Feng. He felt that although Lin Feng was young, some great people could not reach his level.

But Lin Feng always said that he was busy with girls and would look for him when he had time.

He has been waiting, also did not see Lin Feng to call, today Lin Feng suddenly called, how can he not be excited!

At this time, the conversation between them was still going on. Lin Feng said, "old guy, I don't have anything to help you with. I just want to ask you, do you know a person named Lei Luo? He claims to be your student

Joel was stunned and scratched his hair, which was going to be bald.

"I remember there seems to be such a little guy. He seems to be a registered disciple of my disciple Yes, it's him. But I heard that he has been called the master of interior design, but he is just a housekeeper

"Why do you say that? They are very powerful Lin Feng said in French.

Joel said: "in this world, the so-called masters, so-called especially powerful people in the media, actually belong to the upper middle class in the whole industry, and the real top ones are all for private service.

For example, for those super families or those who serve the royal family, we should know that such super masters can not be mass produced, the number of people is limited, and their work is also limited.

What's more, if you want to become a super master, you need several points. One of them is their love for this industry. They don't seek fame, they just like it. What's more, if they are known by the whole world, their business will not be finished in 1000 years.So, I, Joel, dare to claim to be a master, and I'm also scared. But this Ralo is too much. He's just a clown in vain! I don't like it very much! "

After hearing this, Lin Feng said with a smile: "well, he is standing in front of me and insulting me by pointing to my nose."

When the cold war broke out, jolton's body began to sweat!

No matter from the military value, culture, ability and so on, Lin Feng is undoubtedly the existence of the top class. In front of Lin Feng, Lei Luo is not qualified to carry shoes.

However, this boy is bold enough to insult master Lin Feng?

Qiao er's face was gray. He kept bowing and bowing in the phone and said, "master Lin Feng, in the words of your Chinese people, he is blind to Taishan. He is so stupid and stupid. Don't be angry. It's all my fault. The apprentice who taught me brought such students. He really lost our face. Master Lin Feng, please give me the phone You bastard, let me teach him a lesson

Lin Feng smiles and hands the phone to Ralo.

"Here, Joel's on the phone!"

Rallow was stunned. He frowned and looked at the young man in front of him. He didn't know whether what he said was true or not.

Joel, the God like existence in their industry, vaguely heard his master once said that Joel was his master.

He is now more than 50 years old and has been engaged in interior design for nearly 30 years. He has met Joel from a distance.

Even though he didn't have the chance to shake hands with Joel, he was excited for several days.

Joel is the top of their decoration design industry. It's their faith. They are the Supreme God.

I can only see two sides from afar, let alone call.

Therefore, Leiluo can conclude that Lin Feng must be deceiving him. What's more, Lin Feng's tone of calling is frivolous, and he has no awe for the other party. How could he be talking to master Joel on the phone?

Ralph bit his teeth and said, "well, you don't cheat. That's not master Joel!"

"And if so?" Lin Feng smile: "if it is, you will kneel down, personally call me a father how?"

"If not? If not, kneel down and give me a hundred bangs "He said.

This request, how to listen to how unreasonable, people as long as you kneel down to call dad, you this 100 loud head is too much.

But, Lin Feng actually faint smile way: "clinch a deal!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned on his cell phone and turned on his hands-free phone. He heard a furious voice shouting in Western European:

"Ralo, you son of a bitch, you don't answer the phone!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!