The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 691

After a while, an old man appeared at the exit of the waiting hall. The old man was wearing a black Zhongshan suit with a beard of three or four millimeters in length and half black and white. He was wearing a dome hat and sunglasses on his eyes. He looked more than 50 years old and looked very fashionable.

Seeing this, Liu Meixi hurried forward and said respectfully, "master Leiluo, are you here?"

Ralph stopped for a moment and looked at it carefully with sunglasses.

"I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Liu Meixi. I called you before. We contacted. I'm the eldest daughter of the Liu family. Do you have any impression?" Liu Meixi introduced himself.

"Oh, it's you Leiluo looked up and down at Liu Meixi. He nodded with satisfaction: "I remember you, remember you!"

"Yes, we are ready for the Grand Master Hotel, or shall we go to the hotel and have a talk?"

"Yes, the hotel is the best." Said Rallow.

Su Jing stood aside a little embarrassed, because they had already called and contacted each other and said that the two sides would have a relative peace talk. However, it seemed that the master had no such intention at all. She had to follow Liu Meixi when she came up, as if she had forgotten them.

At this time, Liu Meixi also gave her a particularly proud look, naturally laughing at Su Jing.

Su Jing was angry in her heart. If she didn't step forward now, it would mean that the opportunity would slip away from her own hand. She asked master Lei Luo, but Liu Meixi was cheaper.

Su Jing took a deep breath and walked forward with a professional smile on her face and said, "Hello, master Lei Luo. I'm Su Jing. Do you remember me?"

Ralph could not help frowning, his face was full of a trace of impatience. He was very tired after nearly ten hours of flying.

"I don't give interviews."

Leiluo said coldly. She even took Su Jing as a reporter. But the next second she saw Su Jing's face, but she was stunned.

I thought that this Songjiang City, unexpectedly there are such beauties, even Kyoto has not seen such a masterpiece!

"No, master Lei, I have contacted you before. My name is Su Jing, and I am the person in charge of Dongqing group. You said you would like to talk about the decoration project of Dongqing Group Hotel, and we have discussed the price!"

"Price? What price? " "My Rallow is talking about the price casually? Is money important to me? "

Lei Luo looked at Su Jing and asked a series of questions in her mouth. No matter who looked at her, she would feel uncomfortable.

But I can't help it. I'm a master. My fart is fragrant.

Liu Meixi, however, rushed forward and said, "what level is master Leiluo? How can it be confused with money? Some people are really short-sighted and even slander us master Rallow! "

Then she looked at Ralph and said, "don't be angry, master. Don't be wise with garbage."

"Hum!" Fan'er, the master of Leiluo, turned her head and turned her cold face away from Su Jing.

Su Jing didn't expect that she didn't say a word well, but she angered ralow.

But Su Jing couldn't understand. She said it well on the phone. Why is it just like this because of her own words?

This is impossible in the business world of the United States!

However, the business world in China is much more complicated than that in the U.S., and Su Jing has not fully understood it.

She sighed and said, "master Lei, I don't mean anything else. Would you like to talk to us about cooperation?"

After hearing this, a trace of disgust flashed on her face, but anyway, he had promised Su Jing before. Since she had pretended a wave just now, there was no need to fight her down, especially in the face of such a beautiful woman.

"I'm very kind to people. If you sincerely want to cooperate with me, well, I'll give you a few minutes to talk about it!" He said.

Su Jing couldn't help sighing. It seemed that this cooperation could not be successful. However, there was still another opportunity that he had to seize.

"Good master Rallow, I have specially arranged the hotel. The equipment is over there. I will take you to talk with you. I will not waste your time!" Su Jing said.

"Good!" Leiluo thought that Su Jing's arrangement to go to the hotel had no purpose, so she readily agreed.

The two sides soon arrived at a hotel nearby. This hotel is a top-notch hotel in Songjiang City, which was funded by the government. Su Jing had already made a reservation, but it happened that Liu Meixi was looking for this hotel for the master.

The hotel has a reception room. Su Jing takes her to the reception room and asks the waiter to pour water for her.

"Will you bring me here?"

Lei Luo glanced up and down at Su Jing, and her greedy look was at a glance.

"I'm sorry, master Lei. If you don't take good care of me, please have more Haihan, but this is already the best condition for Songjiang city." Su Jing said it honestly.

However, Rallow's face was as cold as a piece of ice. What he cared about was not whether the conditions were good or not, but whether he should not be in the room?Then let everyone out, and then, talk about men and women.

However, Lei Luo didn't expect that Su Jing took him to the reception room. In addition, a large group of people followed behind, including Liu Meixi.

Lei Luo was very angry and said coldly to Su Jing, "please tell me quickly. I only give you 5 minutes. I don't have so much time to talk nonsense with you!"

Ralph sat in his chair, eyes closed slightly, as if to sleep.

This cooperation is nothing to him at all. He doesn't pay attention to this cooperation at all.

"The master is like this. Our Dongqing group is committed to building a first-class hotel business..."

Su Jing quickly turned on her computer and began to explain the PPT.

However, Lei Luo couldn't even open her eyes and couldn't see the contents of the PPT at all. Although Su Jing was worried, she had no way but to go on.

"All right, all right, all right!"

It turned out that for less than two minutes, Ralph waved his hands.

"I don't want to listen to you anymore. Your hotel has just started, and there is nothing. A child who has not learned how to walk wants to run? Isn't this a dream? Let's go back and talk about cooperation for another 20 years. In this situation, you are not qualified to talk about cooperation! "

Su Jing was so embarrassed that she was frozen in the same place!

"Ha ha ha ha!" Standing at the door, Liu meihui said with a sneer, "I told you not to waste your efforts, nor to see what your company looks like, or to get involved in this aspect?"

This time, Su Jing was completely shocked, and her heart burst into anger and despair.

Master ralow is really hard to serve.

Moreover, coupled with Liu Meixi's agitation, this matter is basically nothing.

Looking at Liu meihui's provocation, Su Jing felt that she had no strength to fight back.

However, at this time, but listen to Lin Feng call his name: "Leiluo, you installed enough?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!