The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 690

Songjiang airport.

Su Jing came to the airport early, and Lin Feng followed.

Su Jing looked at her watch. She had been waiting for a full hour, but there was no sign of ray lo. The flight time was over. Maybe the flight was late!

Su Jing thought to herself, still waiting there tirelessly.

this is also no way out. To say that master ralow is also their life-saving straw. This time, only by relying on the reputation of ralow, can we open the situation in Songjiang city by knocking out the hotels of Dongqing group.

The reason why the master's design is so important is that modern people pay more and more attention to decoration and the indoor pattern. Especially for those with status and status, they will choose high-end and high-grade hotels when they live in hotels. Because many people travel and live in hotels, they talk about business cooperation. If partners know that you live in a high-end hotel, they will take a high look at you and negotiate More smoothly.

Su Jing had known about the interior decoration of the hotel before, and she knew something about it. However, she was not famous, so she had to rely on the fame of Ralph.

In addition, in order to show that she attached great importance to ralow, Su Jing walked into the green channel and drove there directly.

But at this time, the green channel side, suddenly stopped a row of motorcades.

The middle door opened, and a woman came down. She was wearing short hair and sunglasses. She was a top international brand. Her color was colorful and dazzling. She was very flattering.

She is followed by seven or eight people, which is very impressive. Unlike Su Jing, she only takes two people, one is secretary and the other is Lin Feng.

The woman walked in like a breeze, saw Su Jing all of a sudden, put a scornful smile on her mouth, and then said, "Oh, isn't this the president of Jiangsu University? How did I see you at this airport? "

"It's none of your business." Su Jing said coldly.

This woman is no one else. She is the eldest daughter of the Liu family in Songjiang. Her name is Liu Meixi.

Liu Meixi is the elder sister of Liu HengYuan, the youngest of the Liu family, and also the most powerful offspring of the Liu family.

There are only three children in the Liu family. Liu Hengyuan is loafing around. Liu Hengyuan's younger brother is still in high school, so Liu Meixi is the helmsman of the younger generation of the Liu family.

Liu Meixi knew that her younger brother Liu Hengyuan had been teased by Lin Feng. Lin Feng once asked Liu Hengyuan to call me abnormal in his underpants. At the founding meeting of Dongqing group, Lin Feng beat Liu Hengyuan black and blue, so Liu meihui always wanted to revenge Lin Feng, but she had never seen Lin Feng.

Liu's family is also a big player in Songjiang hotel enterprises. He will step on Dongqing group's Hotel rookie in any case.

In addition, Liu Meixi heard that Lin Feng seemed to work in Dongqing group, so his hatred of Dongqing group was even higher.

Liu Meixi took off the sunglasses and said with a haughty face:

"Oh, I'm here to pick up Ralph, the hotel decoration designer in Kyoto. I don't know what Miss Su is going to do this time?"

As soon as Su Jing heard this, she could not help but thump. As expected, her competitors came.

Liu's hotel scale, has experienced nearly 20 years of development, is quite huge, whether it is a simple hotel apartment, or a hotel catering integrated comprehensive hotel, are with a certain scale and star, unlike now they just set up a stove.

Therefore, the opponent was very strong, and Su Jing felt a lot of pressure.

"How come Miss Su is here to meet Master ralow?" Liu Meixi asked knowingly.

"Miss Liu, please make it clear that I invited master Leiluo. It seems that it has nothing to do with you?" Su Jing said coldly.

Liu Meixi was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: "I said Miss Su, people, you have self-knowledge. Your hotels are some little-known small hotels. You might as well put up an advertisement and make an hour room for young men and women. What kind of high-end hotel do you want to do?"

Then, Liu Meixi also looked at Su Jing coldly and said, "I don't want to see how much I weigh? Are you qualified? "

"You..." Su Jing was livid.

"What are you? On your level, you want to cooperate with others? You used to invite master Lei, who is not moving, do you know? We called master Lei and asked him to design for us. He came here. Do you really think you invited master Lei? I don't know how many catties I have. It's funny! " Liu Meixi, like a machine gun, never gave Su Jing a chance to refute.

"Well, this time, master Lei made a special trip to us to give us some advice as a teacher. Ah, really, I have to trouble others. How can I repay this kindness? Ah, and ah, once we cooperate, we will cooperate for a few years. Master Lei really gives us face! "

Liu Meixi's face was full of complacent expression.

Su Jing looked at her, took a deep breath and told herself to calm down and never touch the woman's way.

Seeing that Su Jing did not speak, Liu Meixi took a step forward, looked at Su Jing with a smile, and then said:"You say that doing things is the same as being a person. As the saying goes, without this diamond diamond, you don't take care of porcelain work. You say that you don't have the ability to do something. Isn't that self humiliating? Are you right? Miss Su? "

"It has nothing to do with you." Su Jing couldn't bear it any more and rebuffed angrily.

"It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, we are all entrepreneurs in Songjiang City, representing the face of Songjiang city! You use such a low-grade hotel to design for master Lei. It's a shame for us in Songjiang city! " Liu Meixi said sharply.

"You..." Su Jing's body trembled with anger. She didn't stir her up. As a result, she was insulted. She was so vicious.

However, Lin Feng cut in and said, "I don't think it's disgraceful. I think Miss Liu is as endlessly as a shrew, but it's a bit humiliating."

"What kind of goods are you?" Liu Meixi angry way.

"You don't deserve to know!" Lin Feng smiles.

This smile looks in Liu Meixi's eyes, wants to have more gas.

This scene is in Su Jing's mind, a burst of comfort. Lin Feng is so good that she can relieve her anger at the critical moment.

However, Liu Meixi is really disgusting. She is still not completely relieved.

At this time, Liu Meixi was very angry and looked at Lin Feng carefully. He saw that Lin Feng was wearing a suit of casual clothes. He even wore a pair of slippers.

She laughed contemptuously and said, "no, you Dongqing group is now in such a state? Even if you look for a driver, you should find a decent one. Look at mine and then look at yours. Why are you so shameful? Don't pretend you don't have money, OK

Liu Meixi obviously regards Lin Feng as Su Jing's driver. He points to his back with pride. Behind Liu Meixi, there are four big men, all in suits and sunglasses. They are not only drivers, but also serious bodyguards.

"Miss Liu is right. Our boss has been a bit down and out recently."

Lin Feng sighed, shook his head, and suddenly said, "but, Miss Liu, you still care more about yourself, I smell the bloody smell on you!"

Liu Meixi could not help frowning at this. "What are you talking about? How can I smell of blood? "

"Oh! No wonder you are so grumpy. It turns out that you have come to menstruation Lin Feng laughed: "menstrual blood, the taste is not small! There may be some gynecological disease! I'm a doctor. Would you like to have a look? Ha ha ha


Liu Meixi was livid and trembling with anger. However, she did come to her aunt and didn't know how to refute it.

However, just as the two sides were tit for tat, a voice suddenly rang out:

"master ralow is coming!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!