The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 68

"What happened to the security guard?" Wu Liang's heart suddenly raised to his throat.

"Oh Lin Feng said, "I called you a bastard just now. The security guard didn't accept it. He started to beat me! Am I wrong? "

When people heard this, they were all very embarrassed. Could this kind of words be said clearly?

But even more unexpected is that Wu Liang even nodded: "I am a bastard, brother Feng, you are right!"

Then he looked at the security guard fiercely: "do you dare to question my brother Feng's words? What's the matter with you? "

"Me The security guard looks frightened and confused. The boss even says that he is a bastard. It seems that he is really what the boy says. He is really stupid and offends such a person.

And Wu Liang at this time seems to think of something, quickly asked Lin Feng: "brother Feng, security hit you, do you have injuries?"

Lin Feng said with a face of fear: "fortunately, he didn't hold the electric stick firmly and slipped onto my hand. Otherwise, I would be really shocked by him!"

"NIMA's!" Wu Liang was angry: "you dare to fight brother Feng? I'll beat you to death today

"Ah, ah, ah!" Lin Feng stopped Wu Liang and said, "Xiao Wu, how can you fight and kill every day? You don't want to be like this. It's wrong and immoral for a harmonious society to be so irascible! "

"Ah, brother Feng is right. I used to mix with the underworld and get used to it." Wu Liang quickly said with respect.

"Wipe, it's your fault to say so again!" Lin Feng was not satisfied.

"Ah? What's wrong with me, brother Feng? " Wu Liang looked confused.

Lin Feng, like an elder, patted Wu Liang on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Wu, I don't mean you. You think about the underworld all day. How can you do a good business? What's more, where is the underworld in China? Black you head! You're going to turn over a new leaf and be a law-abiding civilized person, you know? Only if we all become civilized, fight against evil, unite as one, and unite as one, our tomorrow will be more happy and better

Lin Feng finished, but also a face coquettish looking forward to, like that three feet podium hit chicken blood flicker human lecturer.

"I know, I understand. Brother Feng, I'm wrong. I must be a good man and contribute to a harmonious society." Wu Liang's eyes are shining with sincerity.

Lin Feng's education, all in the eyes of the public, people immediately praise Lin Feng's noble moral character!

Some people even in the heart of spontaneous clapping, said too good, too positive energy!

Especially Chu Yuqi, I didn't expect that Lin Feng's words had influenced such an irascible boss. It's really great! He had a better impression of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the security guard again and thought, "it's not easy for anyone to come out to work. It's not necessary to make trouble for others. You have to forgive people!

"The security guard, in fact, is a good person. He knows how to maintain the boss and the gold shop. He is very competent. He can work hard and have a bright future in the future." Lin Feng said.

"Thank you, brother. Thank you!" At this time, the security guard was so grateful that he didn't know what to say. When he was in his forties, he called big brother to Lin Feng, who was in his twenties.

He even shed tears with excitement. He was old and young, and his family had several mouths open, waiting for him to support himself. If he lost his job, it would be a bolt from the blue!

"Big brother, you are really a living Bodhisattva!"

He knelt down directly and kowtowed to Lin Feng three times.

Lin Feng shook his head and laughed. He knew the helplessness of these people, so he didn't say anything more.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly noticed a detail of Chu Yuqi, that is, Chu Yuqi worked in a gold shop, but she didn't bring any jewelry all over her body, which was simple and heartbreaking!

Lin Feng thought for a while and said to the villain directly: "Xiao Wu, I ask you a question. Do you think I look like a poor man?"

Not at all Wu Liang said without conscience.

"How come someone in your shop says I can't afford gold? Can't I afford it? " Lin Feng said: "I would like to buy some today, give me Yuqi little beauty!"

"Lin Feng, don't, I don't want it!" Chu Yuqi blushed with shame and came up to block the way.

"Don't be afraid. You can buy it. I'm rich. I'm a local tyrant." Lin Feng said and began to take out his pocket.

The crowd held their breath and waited for the local tyrant to swipe his card to buy a gift for the beauty.

But Lin Feng took out his pocket for a long time, but only picked out two yuan coins and threw them on the counter. He said, "Oh, I don't have enough money with me. It seems that there is not enough money."

When you look at it, you are immediately covered with black lines.

It's only two yuan. It's not only less? What's the difference with no money!

But the group of counter miss, but Lin Feng's funny appearance made them laugh. They just covered their mouths one by one, and did not dare to laugh out loud, so their faces turned red.

But at this time, Wu Liang took Lin Feng's hand and said, "brother Feng, what are you talking about? You have enough money. It's enough! You can choose whatever you like in my shop! Pick out some good jewelry for brother FengBut Lin Feng waved his hand sincerely on his face and said, "I have this money? Are you sure that's enough? I can tell you, I still have seven or eight yuan in my family! If it's not enough, I'll go back and get that huge sum of money! "

"Brother Feng, that's enough. I beg you. Buy it quickly." Wu Liang is almost crying!

He didn't cry because he lost money. He was afraid that Lin Feng would not buy it if he repented. If he did, his best chance of flattery would be gone.

This scene, see Chu Yuqi almost died of laughter, the first time I heard that two dollars of gold randomly selected!

Lin Feng, what a strange and funny person!

But the people are stupid again!

Is this a joke?

Two dollars, whatever? Then the boss is still as hot as gold, sent to the outside?

When Lin Feng just entered the gold store, he said that he had to consider koala when the gold was given to him. Now, he didn't boast B at all!

Until now, many smart people really understand that Lin Feng is really not a poor man. In fact, he is a real rich man!

Because Lin Feng's property is not money, but his ability and prestige.

Some people, sitting on the golden mountain, are called rich people.

Some people, super ability, also known as the rich.

The latter, more money than the former, because as long as they want, money will come. Even if he is penniless today, he can be a millionaire or even a multimillionaire tomorrow, and their money will only be more and more.

But what about those who sit on the mountain and eat nothing? What about the rich second generation who are fighting for their father's money? At best, they are just moths born in the heap of gold. They seem to live a life envied by others, but their body and mind are extremely erosive and empty. One day, the family will be ruined and the offspring will suffer!

So Lin Feng never cared about money. As long as he wanted to, Jinshan could make money, but he found that he didn't need money at all!

For example, today, if he doesn't like to buy a gold chain with two yuan, the shop owner will have to give him one yuan and fifty change!

That's why he's not short of money.

Lin Feng asked Wu Liang to choose three good jewelry, package them well and give them to Chu Yuqi.

Chu Yuqi refused to ask for anything. Although she didn't have money at home, she always thought of self-reliance in her heart. She never wanted to receive gifts from others for no reason. If she wanted to, she would be rich with her appearance.

But Chu Yuqi is not like that!

Lin Feng laughed and said, "sister Yuqi doesn't like this gold. I'll throw it away." , the fastest update of the webnovel!