The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 686

Then, with a bang, the door of the assembly hall was opened, and a young man swaggered in with a faint smile on his face.

It's Lin Feng, not anyone else.

"Lin Feng?"

Yuwenji suddenly opened her eyes, and her pretty face was full of incredible looks.

Hearing what Yu Wenji said, Lu Kun looked at Lin Feng carefully and recalled what he had seen in the picture. He suddenly realized that the young man in front of him was indeed Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, why are you here?" Lu Kun was very surprised.

"Is it strange that I am here?" Lin Feng said: "I am called the flower protector. As long as there are beauties who are bullied, I will appear in a great probability."

As soon as he said this, Yu Wenji listened in her ears. Although she knew that Lin Feng was talking casually, she felt a little happy in her heart.

Lu Kun said, "don't cheat people. If it wasn't for the people from my headquarters who brought you here, how could you find it?"

"You're right! Your men brought me here! " Lin Feng smiles.

Behind him stood a man, Qiu Mingchang.

"Master, I'm sorry!" Qiu Mingchang said.

"Qiu Mingchang, you..."

Lu Kunqi's hands were shaking. Unexpectedly, he sent Bai Changlao and elder Yu to save him. As a result, he hurt himself in turn.

At this time, Lu Kun figured out why the people outside did not stop Lin Feng. It turned out that elder Qiu had brought him in, so naturally, those disciples would not stop him.

"Qiu Mingchang, what's wrong with you? Why do you harm me in return?" Roared Lu Kun.

"Master, it's not that you are bad to me. I can't stand elder Bai's behavior. Besides, I think Lin Feng knows the truth and I appreciate his character more!" Elder Qiu said.

To put it bluntly, elder Qiu thinks that Lin Feng is a big man. He wants to flatter him.

Lu Kun's whole body trembled and cried out: "well, you're all against me. In this case, don't blame me for being rude."

Said, he took out the earth gun he carried with him, pointed to Qiu Mingchang and said, "I'll shoot you first!"

The rest of them also raised their guns to Lin Feng and others.

Qiu Mingchang knew that Lu Kun was just a five fold practitioner of blood state, so he didn't have much fear of Lu Kun. If Lu Kun's ancestors had not founded the worship of the moon, Lu Kun would not have been the leader.

But until today, elder Qiu found that Lu Kun was not as simple as he thought.

Because he didn't expect that Lu Kun had so many weapons around him that he pulled out a dozen earth guns all at once!

Although we are all martial arts experts, but in the face of so many guns, no one can play their strength. Can you dodge ten bullets at once, no matter how fast you are? No way!

Looking at elder Qiu and Lin Feng silent, Lu Kun burst out laughing: "how about you? How can you be more powerful? Do you have my ten earth guns?"

With that, he also made a gesture, his mouth Pa Pa Pa to this Lin Feng and Qiu elder a while to do a demonstration, the mouth also disdained provocation way: "you want to dare to move, I will make you into a sieve! Ha ha ha

"Master, you are merciful. After all, it's not a deep hatred, or let's sit down and talk about it." Elder Qiu said.

"Did I talk about you? A leg!" Lu Kun scolded: "since you are here today, don't want to leave. Close the door!"

One person comes forward and closes the door of the assembly hall and locks it!

No one will know if you die here.

Think of here, Qiu elder a burst of regret, secretly looked at the mobile phone, even the mobile phone has no signal!

"Alas Qiu Changlao sighed. He didn't expect that he tried his best to get into the ox horn.

"Lu Kun, if you want to kill me, please let Lin Feng go!" Yu Wenji said suddenly.

She said this, even Lin Feng was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the enchantress, at the critical moment, was on her side.

Lu Kun saw that Yu Wenji spoke for Lin Feng. He was even more angry. He cursed Yu Wenji: "bitch, do I release Lin Feng on your word?"

"Lu Kun, if you let Lin Feng go, I'll depend on you!" Yu Wenji said in despair.

Lu Kun clenched his teeth and said, "I not only want you today, but also Lin Feng's death! Therefore, no one can make terms with me. This is my territory. I will decide everything! "

Lin Feng sighed, shook his head and said with a smile, "haven't you heard a word? You can't have both fish and bear's paws. Greed is not enough. Snake swallows the elephant. You are looking for death

"Fart, it's you who are looking for death now!" Lu Kun's face was livid and scolded.

"Is it?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "if I say, I want to kill you, as simple as taking things from a bag, do you think I'm bragging?""Ha ha ha, no wonder Yu Wenji will like you. It turns out that he was cheated by your big words, this blind and cheap woman!" Lu Kun cursed.

"If you dare to scold elder Yu again, I will not forgive you!" Lin Feng cold channel.

Lin Feng knows how grateful he is. He was moved by the words just said by Yu Wenji. Therefore, he also wants to say a few words for Yu Wenji!

"What a dog man and woman!" Lu Kunqi's teeth were itching.

But Lin Feng said coldly, "I'll give you a chance to hand over the broken jade stolen in Jincheng. Maybe I can spare your life. Otherwise, the evil you have done for so many years will be enough for you to die eight hundred times. I'm sure I won't show mercy."

"Hum, do people really believe it when they boast too much? Do you think you can really kill me? "

Lu Kun Chao waved to the men behind him and said, "all the guns are aimed at Lin Feng, ready to fire!"

However, Lin Feng laughed and said, "this is your fault. I can't blame it!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a "bang" sound. The crystal lamp candlestick on the ceiling of the parliament hall was suddenly knocked over by some object and fell to the ground. The candles were all over the floor.

In an instant, the room was dark.

This is the cave. If there is no candle, there will be no light at all.

All of a sudden, did not expect that Lin Feng will come to this move.

However, at this time, Lu Kun only felt a cold wind blowing around him, but he heard a scream from the people around him.

Lu Kun quickly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and took a photo nearby. He found that a shooter had fallen into a pool of blood, his eyes were wide open, and his neck was turned into a four or five inch hole, and blood was bubbling out.

However, Lu Kun, who was used to seeing the dead, was not frightened by the scene in front of him. What he was afraid of was where Lin Feng, who was a dragon without a tail, was there.

He took a mobile phone everywhere, but couldn't find Lin Feng's figure.

After all, the range of mobile flashlight is limited, which can reach two or three people at a time.

However, whenever he shone on someone, he saw a figure also appeared in the light. With the help of the sword, the man who was caught by Lu Kun died instantly.

Lin Feng moved so fast that every time Lu Kun found Lin Feng, Lin Feng had disappeared.

Lu Kun held his mobile phone in one hand and his beloved clay gun in the other hand. His sleeves were soaked with sweat. The atmosphere was extremely tense and dignified. , the fastest update of the webnovel!