The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 687

Lu Kun was also flustered at this time. He used his mobile phone flashlight to light it randomly. However, every time he took a picture of his own people, Tieding Lin Feng would appear in an instant. As soon as his kung fu flashed, he would kill his people.

He did not have time to take up the gun, Lin Feng's figure will disappear in the dark again.

For a moment, the people around him fell to pieces, but the rest of them were scared.

At this time, Lu Kun wanted to call outside people to come in, but the door was locked before, and those people couldn't get in.

At this time, Lu Kun really realized what it means to lift a stone and hit his own foot.

Lin Feng killed his shooters one by one, leaving him alone, which made him suffer in waiting. Fear was everywhere and accompanied by his shadow. He was extremely frightened and nervous all the time.

Every time he used his mobile phone flashlight to light the people, he was killed by Lin Feng, so that he took a picture of the past and found that his own people were no longer there.

Thank you

A banter sounded behind him.

He was scared to turn back quickly. Lin Feng stood behind him. He took out his gun to hit him. However, Lin Feng firmly held his wrist. Then, his wrist tingled and the gun fell off.

Lin Feng kicks the gun with his foot, kicks the gun up and holds it in his hand. The muzzle of the gun is just against Lu Kun's head.

"Tell me, where did the broken jade go?" Lin Feng asked.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll give you that thing!" Said Lu Kun.

"Yes, you know the current affairs well. Now give me the broken jade!" Lin Feng said.

"I can't take that broken jade with me at any time. I'll take you to get it." Said Lu Kun.

"Good!" Lin Feng said.

Then he lit a candle, helped yuwenji untie, and under the guidance of Lu Kun, walked towards a door on the other side of the assembly hall.

But, curiously, he did not open the door, but pushed the wall next to it.

It turns out that the wall is the real door!

They followed Lu Kun into the wall. Inside was a tunnel. It was very narrow and narrow, but the farther we went, the wider it was. Finally, we came to a place where the candle was lit.

Even elder Qiu and Yu Wenji have never been to this place. They are very surprised. Lu Kun is really deep enough in the city. He has ten shooters in private, and there is a secret passage behind the assembly hall. It seems that the leader has a lot of things that nobody knows about him!

A few steps inside, it's the end.

At the end of the wall, two candlesticks were expended on the wall, and two candles were lit respectively.

Under the candlestick, there is a table with a square box the size of a palm on the table!

Rukun pointed to the small box and said, "there it is."

Lin Feng went to the box and reached for it.

However, he felt that the weight of the box was not right. At this time, he found that there was a mechanism under the box.

At this time, they heard a roar. A stone gate fell down and locked them in the tunnel. Lu Kun, however, disappeared!

"No, it's a trick!"

Elder Qiu said.

At this time, only Qiu elder, Yu Wenji and Lin Feng are left in the secret road.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. After opening the box, he took a look inside. It was really the broken jade!

"Great, I got it at last!" Lin Feng said.

"It's no use getting it!" Elder Qiu said: "we are locked in here and can't get out. We will die of starvation in a few days. We will still have our own things."

"Who said we'd be locked down here?" Lin Feng smiles and points to the candle on the wall and says, "what do you see?"

"Candle?" Elder Qiu replied thoughtfully.

"No, it's fire!" Next to Yu Wenji said.

"Smart!" Lin Feng gave Yu Wenji a look of appreciation and said: "under the secret passage, there are two burning candles every few meters. However, the combustion needs air circulation. You can see that the flame of the candle is so vigorous that it shows that the secret passage is very ventilated. Therefore, there must be a tuyere. As long as you find the tuyere and chisel it through, you can go out!"

"Well, that's right." Yu Wenji also gives Lin Feng an appreciative look, and they both want to go together.

However, in Yu Wenji's heart, men are all stupid and stupid creatures. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng's brain is so smart, which makes her more interested in Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng stretched out his tongue and licked his fingers. He raised his fingers over his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, feeling the direction of the wind.

After a few seconds, he took back his finger and said, "there should be gaps and gaps in the front left. The air should come from that direction! Look over there. "

The three men went to the front left and found that they were sealed dead.

"There is no gap here." Elder Qiu said.

However, Yu Wenji was suddenly happy and said, "I heard the wind!"Then she put her ear to one of the walls and listened carefully, "there's wind!"

Lin Feng said, "good, you back off!"

Yuwenji back obediently.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and clenched his right fist. Then he lifted his strength and concentrated on his right arm. He suddenly gave a big drink: "open up!"

Then, one punch hits the wall.


With Lin Feng's fist going down, the wall collapsed with a gap more than one meter high and two people more wide.

Outside a breeze blowing in, with a trace of cool.

"Two, please." Lin Feng reached out and pointed out.

At this time, elder Qiu admired Lin Feng's five body throwing himself into the ground. He not only had a high IQ, but also had the strength of the fist just now, which was better than that of the man who had reached the peak of the blood state!

I'm really glad that I didn't continue to be an opponent with such a person. Otherwise, I don't know how to die!

Every time he thought of before he yelled in front of Lin Feng, he was afraid.

Yu Wenji appreciated Lin Feng more and more, pursed her lips and said, "little brother, you have saved my life today. How can I repay you?"

"How do you want to repay it?" Lin Feng smiles.

"As long as the little brother says it, I agree that I am the only one who belongs to him!" Yu Wenji is very open, and the meaning in her words is also very obvious.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "I can't think of how to repay me today! I'll talk about it later! "

Now Lin Feng's mind is on this broken jade, and he doesn't think of anything else.

"My little brother is really honest and upright." Yu Wenji praised her, but she was very disappointed.

Isn't Lin Feng interested in me?

But the more so, the more she wanted to get Lin Feng, more than ever before.

Three people out of the tunnel, Lin Feng asked: "where is this?"

Elder Qiu looked around and said, "this is behind the headquarters of the worship of the moon. We can go back to the headquarters of the worship of the moon."

"Let's go and settle accounts with Lu Kun." Lin Feng Road.

"Go Qiu Changlao was also angry. He was trapped in the tunnel by Lu Kun. If it was not for Lin Feng, he might not be able to get out. So he strode ahead and led the way without saying a word! , the fastest update of the webnovel!