The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 685

"Lord, are you?" Yu Wenji asked in surprise.

"You still have the face to ask me?" "I gave half of the people and all the Gu to both of you. As a result, you lost everything. You even fell in love with that smelly boy. You are really disgraced by the worship of the moon."

Then he said to the ten, "what are you doing? Take her down for me

"Wait!" Yu Wenji said: "the failure of this operation was all done by Bai Changlao. I did not participate in it. Why should I be angry?"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's your dereliction of duty with elder Yu if you don't succeed." The leader said.

"Master, you are a little unreasonable!" Yu Wenji smiles coldly.

"I am the leader, my words are the truth!" The leader said.

Yu Wenji looked even colder and said with a sneer: "hum, I've joined the worship of the moon for more than ten years. How many things have I done for the worship of the moon? You know in your mind that if you have to tear your cheek with me, I can't help it. But do you want to catch me with these ten rotten sweet potatoes and rotten eggplants? Wishful thinking

She is a five fold practitioner of the blood melting realm. These disciples of the moon worship sect are all martial artists in the blood melting realm. It can be said that she is very easy to deal with ten or twenty. What's more, she has her own little seven to help her, which makes her more comfortable.

As for the master of moon worship, he knew that his strength was comparable to that of himself. The reason why he was able to sit firmly in the cult was that he had a wide range of interpersonal relationships, especially with the Sanyang group. The leader and the great monk of the Sanfan group were said to be young. He often got the income from the Sanfan group.

So this time, Sanfan group spent a lot of money to ask the Yuejiao to steal the broken jade in Songjiang City, which attracted Lin Feng!

Of course, these relationships do not matter. Yu Wenji doesn't care at all. Her only thought is that no one can imprison my life.

"Yuwenji, I'm against you!" The leader was furious.

As soon as the voice fell, the so-called ten guards took out a gun as long as an elbow.

It's a muzzle, from all sides, Qi Qi to yuwenji.

"Yuwenji, you are still too naive!" The leader sneered: "I knew for a long time that the three of you Bai Yuqiu are not loyal and will rebel sooner or later. So I have already got a group of guys from Sanfan group. Although this guy looks a little rustic, it's enough to deal with you!"

Yu Wenji looked at it, and suddenly felt a chill in her heart. She said, "I didn't expect that you have been on guard against us all the time. Thanks to my once dedicated service to the worship of the moon, I was really blind!"

As the saying goes, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, not to mention the ten barreled earth guns.

Yu Wenji is not three headed and six armed. For this situation, she is confident to hit several, but she can't escape when ten people fire at the same time.

"Ha ha! You are just a chess piece in my hand. If you don't listen to me, you will get out of the chessboard with me. There will be no place for you here! " The leader said and motioned to the ten guards, "tie her up!"

A person came up behind her and tied the rope on her body and tightened it.

"Elder rain, you'd better put your hands down and be captured!" The teacher saw that Yu Wenji was tied up, with a strange sneer on her face, and said to the ten guards, "you go out first!"

"Yes, Lord!"

When the ten people left the door, the leader's face was full of evil smile: "yuwenji, you have been working under me for so many years. Don't you know what I think about you? In fact, I always want to get you

"Rukun, you are so cunning Yu Wenji called his name and scolded.

"Well, I've endured for so long. It's enough to give you face. Bai Changlao and elder Qiu have been meeting for a while. I'm afraid they can't come back. You and I are in charge of the worship of the moon. Don't you think it's a natural match for us to be together?" The leader Lu Kun looks at Yu Wenji with a smile.

"I will not die from you!" Yu Wenji said.

"Bitch, who do you think you are?" Lu Kun was furious and scolded: "you are a whore, a whore who wants to roll sheets when you see a young man!"

"I'm not!" Yuwenji drinks.

"You are, bitch!" Lu Kun continued to curse.

"I'm not, I'm not!"

Yu Wenji tears slip through her eyes. Although she is not innocent now, her heart has been pure and flawless.

She only thinks that love is a noble thing, she may not deserve to have, but after seeing Lin Feng, she feels as if her heart has been reborn.

If she had been called a whore before, she might have laughed it off. But now, she really cares, because she doesn't want to even pursue Lin Feng's qualification.

So, Lu Kun scolds her a few words, she can't bear.

Seeing Yu Wenji's reaction so strong, Lu Kun was more arrogant. He said, "a woman like you is only qualified to play with me. What do you think you are?"

Yuwenji's heart tingles, but she raises her head and never looks at Lu Kun again.Lu Kun looked at Yu Wenji's arrogant appearance. He was even more angry. He cursed: "you son of a bitch, you've been with me for so long in the worship of the moon. You've been pretending to be five or six people. You're so cheap!"

With that, Lu Kun took a look at his watch.

It's five o'clock in the morning. He didn't expect to wait all night. Instead of waiting for Bai Changlao and Yu Wenji to bring back Lin Feng's body, he was very depressed.

"Damn it, I'll catch a sleep first. When I get up, I'll play with you first, bitch!" Lu Kun finished and called out to the outside, "somebody, show me her!"

Outside came a few people, holding earth guns, around Yu Wenji.

They don't dare to take it lightly. The first witch in Miao is not for fun. If she doesn't pay attention, she will kill her.

Rukun walked out of the chamber, into his bedroom, stretched out and lay down.

Instead of going to bed immediately, he was thinking about how to deal with Lin Feng.

The worship of the moon seems to have met unprecedented challenges!

He thought, sleepy, and fell asleep.

However, after a while, I woke up again in a trance.

At this time, he seemed to realize a problem, which Lin Feng had already become a piece of his heart disease. He could not get rid of it and could not have a good rest at all.

He got up and went to the assembly hall. Seeing that yuwenji was being guarded, he nodded with great satisfaction. Then he felt that he should release him before going to work. Such a woman must not be missed if he has a chance.

Therefore, he temporarily decided to do some work first, and then to take people to deal with Lin Feng.

"Strip her naked!" Lu Kun said to the people next to him.

"Master, we... We dare not go! She has a small poisonous snake beside her. It's very powerful Ten guards know the fierce place of Yu Wenji, so their eyes are still staring at Yu Wenji.

Lu Kun took the gun of the man next to him, pointed to Yu Wenji and said, "give me your snake, or I'll shoot you!"

Yuwenji closed her eyes and had no intention to live on.

"You kill me, or that sentence, even if it is dead, I will not follow you!" Yuwenji puffed out her chest.

"Whore, you cheap so many people, are not willing to follow me, you really he is cheap enough ah, I will meet your requirements now!" With that, he aimed at Yu Wenji's head and started shooting.

However, at this time, a joking voice came from outside the hall of Parliament: "it's a pity that you're such a wonderful creature. It's a pity that you're going to die with one shot. It's a pity that you're so cruel to destroy flowers!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!