The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 684

There was a ripple on the calm lake, and Lin Feng pushed a pole to slide the raft to the bank.

He knew that Tigress had been hit by something similar to the enchanting fragrance. He only needed water to wash her temples, and she would soon recover.

Huo Ling is waiting anxiously on the bank. Seeing Lin Feng crossing the bamboo raft, he rushes into the water and picks up tigress.

"It was Yu Wenji, who worshipped the moon, who robbed Tigress!" Lin Feng said.

"Yuwenji!" The fire spirit was shocked.

Yu Wenji's name is very loud in this generation.

It is said that Yu Wenji was abandoned by a man earlier. She abandoned herself. After joining the worship of the moon, she attacked young men everywhere and retaliated against the society.

But surprisingly, the men still had no resistance to her and jumped into the fire pit.

The young and beautiful men folded in Yu Wenji's hands are 80 without a hundred.

So she was called "the first Witch of Miao" by this generation!

At the same time, the police are also looking for her whereabouts, after all, she killed people!

However, the woman's strength is that she is not only very strong in fighting, but also proficient in face changing, so it is difficult to catch her.

"Yuwenji is a terrible woman. How did you get your sister back from her hand?" Fire spirit asked.

"I like to be reasonable. You know, I convinced her with loyalty and morality, so..." Lin Feng smiles.

"No way!" The Fire Spirit said, "that woman is a demon that can't be tamed. If I don't believe you are reasonable, she can let you and Tigress go!"

Then, with a dry cough, "did she touch you?"

"Well, yes, it's very fierce." Lin Feng said.

"You don't want a face!" Fire spirit generates airway.

"I also want to save your sister, OK?" Lin Feng said: "what's more, what's wrong with touching it? Nothing happened."

"Well, I thought you..." Huo Lingdao.

"You think too much!" Lin Feng said.

In fact, Lin Feng at this time is also just a sigh of relief, that Fox flattery of the body is really fierce, almost their own grasp can not live.

The reason why he finally kisses Yu Wenji's forehead is to release his own desire.

Otherwise, it's really hard to hold back. If you put the general guys, you would have rushed on it.

"Let's go back to the stockade."

Lin Feng carried Tigress on his back and returned to the stockade with the fire spirit.

When they returned to the village, Fu Guoqing and Dr. Miao had already arranged things almost.

Those who worship the moon are also gathered in the courtyard of Mu Qinglong's house.

Seeing that Lin Feng came back, old Qiu rushed up to him and said, "the great God of Lin Feng, it's late midnight, or we can't go into the mountain and walk to the headquarters of the worship of the moon. It will take five or six hours for us to get there, and it will be light."

"It's morning. Why? Isn't it better! Since we have decided to go tonight, we must go! " Lin Feng said.

"But I, I am weak and weak all over!" Elder Qiu said.

Lin Feng took a look at elder Qiu. His face was full of fatigue. He thought that he had not eaten for a whole day.

"Huoling, go home and get some food for elder Qiu!" Lin Feng said.

Soon, the fire spirit which came to a soy sauce duck, gave it to elder Qiu, who took it and devoured it.

After another ten minutes' rest, Lin Feng said, "do you have some strength now?"

"A little better!" Qiu Changlao Dao.

"Let's go, go into the mountain, just you and me!" Lin Feng Road.

"Ah Elder Qiu was grateful to Lin Feng for the duck just now. Now he finds out that what the boy does seems to be paving the way for the future!


deep in the mountains, the headquarters of the worship of the moon.

The leader of the moon worship cult was sitting in the assembly hall, wiping a clay gun in his hand.

This gun seems to be more advanced than others, because it looks very exquisite, and the whole body is blue pattern, and it is very small and flexible. It seems to be very convenient to carry.

"Master, master, the event is not good!"

Outside, a sharp cap ran in in panic!

"What's the matter? What's the standard of being flustered? " The Archbishop put the gun into his pocket and said to the pointed cap.

"Leader, the people we sent to Qinglong stronghold have been destroyed!" Said the pointed cap with a cry.


The leader was shocked. He didn't take the attack seriously. He just waited for Bai Changlao and elder Yu to bring Lin Feng's head back.

As a result, the whole army was wiped out?

"What about Bai Changlao? Where's elder Yu? What about them? "

The leader didn't believe the two strong generals under his seat. They were all cleaned up by Lin Feng!"Elder Bai, elder Bai, he passed out after being beaten by Lin Feng, but elder Yu and elder Yu are missing!" Said the pointed cap.

"Then... What about those poisonous insects raised by our all religious people?" Asked the archbishop.

"They all killed each other and died in the back mountain of Qinglong village!" Said the pointed cap.


The cult leader was furious and said to the pointed hat, "call my top ten guards. Today I will lead the worship of the moon and go down the mountain to slaughter the village."

"The leader --"

then someone outside called out: "master, elder rain is back!"

"Rain elder?"

The leader frowned and said to his opponent, "go out first and call elder Yu in."


Shortly after, the door of the assembly hall opened and a beautiful woman came in.

It's yuwenji.

But at this time, yuwenji, looking forward to God, seems to be absent-minded, completely different from the past.

"Elder rain, didn't you mean to bring back Lin Feng's body? Where's the body? " The leader asked with a cold face.

Yu Wenji said to the truth: "I'm sorry, the leader, I can't bring Lin Feng back!"

"Elder Yu, you are the best at making men. Which one of the men I have given you for so many years has not been solved? Why is Lin Feng an exception? " The leader exclaimed.

"I don't know!" Yuwenji murmured: "he seems to have a kind of magic! Very attractive! "

The cult leader himself was angry. Seeing that Yu Wenji praised Lin Feng so much, he pulled off his face mask and his rugged face looked very ferocious: "elder Yu, you should be grumbling at this time. Are you right to worship the moon cult? I don't think you have the ability to kill Lin Feng. You just can't bear to kill that little white face! "

"His ability is unfathomable. I'm not his opponent. Besides, I'm a little bit reluctant to do it." Yu Wenji said.

Yuwenji has always been daring to do things, but she doesn't hide it. Now if she is allowed to kill Lin Feng, she really can't do it!

"Muddle in!" The leader was furious.

At this time, the door of the chamber opened, and ten pointed hats in black robes swarmed in. One of them, a very small one, asked, "master, do you want us?"

When the leader saw his ten guards coming, he waved to the rain elder and said, "take him down for me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!