The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 683

Yu Wenji sees Lin Feng has been obedient surrender, heart is even more disappointed, the secret world men are so, vulgar.

She thought, first let Lin Feng intoxicated, and then, let seven directly drink his blood.

Then he despised elder Bai in his heart: you Bai Chang made a great contribution to the army, but you were not defeated by others. I can win Lin Feng without a single soldier. This is the gap!

Yu Wenji's abacus is very good. However, when her lips touch Lin Feng's lips, she feels a very cold feeling. This is not the temperature of human lips.

Yu Wenji was surprised and opened her eyes. She found herself kissing Xiao Qi's head.

Lin Feng was holding seven inches of Xiao Qi, pointed the snake's head at Yu Wenji, and said, "little sister, you have a strong taste for this hobby."

"Let go my little seven!"

Yu Wenji is furious and reaches for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, however, flashed to one side and said to Yu Wenji, "Oh, my little sister is so overbearing. Your snake almost bit me just now. Can't I teach him a lesson?"

"Do you approach me just to catch my little seven?" Yuwenji only reacted at this time.

"Otherwise, do you really think I'm here to hug you? You think too much, little sister Lin Feng smiles.

"You give me back Xiao Qi!" Yu Wenji reaches out and grabs Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng once again hid. He seized yuwenji's hand and said, "little sister, if you do this again, I will fight back!"

"Lin Feng, if you don't give it back to me today, I'll kill you!" Yu Wenji cheered.

"Well, it depends on whether you have this ability or not." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Just now, Lin Feng has defeated the white elder in the peak of huaxue state. Therefore, Yu Wenji, in front of him, doesn't care.

Elder Bai, who is willing to be confronted with the peak of his blood state, thought it would be a tough battle, but he didn't expect to win so easily.

Later, he found out that the strength of his fist not only had the effect of internal essence and blood of ancient martial arts, but also had the blessing of xuanbingzhu. Therefore, his current ability may have exceeded the peak level of huaxue state.

Indeed, on the night when Lin Feng practiced with the black ice beads, he really felt that he had improved a lot, so he can be sure that he should be able to challenge beyond level 3.

And the woman in front of him, he has already sensed, but is the five levels of blood state, do not care.

Yuwenji also has self-knowledge. He knows that his power is the art of enchantment.

He is a natural fox body, this Constitution of women, boys have a very strong attraction.

The mystery of fox's body is not only from his appearance and figure, but also from his body fragrance.

Everyone is born with a different body odor. Body odor is a kind of smell.

Back in the primitive society, people didn't know how to be handsome and beautiful. They only knew how to smell. The charming body odor was the capital that all spouses scrambled for.

so modern society will produce perfume, which is to stimulate the hormone secretion of the other side with the body fragrance, so as to achieve the effect of letting the other person love and admire him.

Foxy body of people, born with a strange fragrance, so Lin Feng in contact with this woman the first moment, has smelled.

And this kind of exotic fragrance is a gift of nature, which any man can't resist.

Therefore, the fierce place of Yu Wenji is to use her fox flattering body to make any man willingly bow down to his pomegranate skirt.

However, Lin Feng is the exception.

So she clamoured to kill Lin Feng, because Lin Feng was very indifferent to her attitude, and she became angry in her heart.

She did not expect that she was enchanted by all kinds of things, but Lin Feng was not moved at all.

Don't you have any charm in front of Lin Feng?

"Girl, don't be angry. You are really beautiful and attractive, but I am a gentleman. How can I get along with a girl

Lin Feng seems to have seen the anger of yuwenji and said with a smile.

"Hum! If you don't like me, you'll bully my little seven. I'll never finish with you Yu Wenji said, a punch toward the front door of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng side head a hide, a grasp of Yu Wenji's hand, praise: "jade hand skin if coagulation fat, soft if no bone, good hand ah good hand!"

"Looking for death!"

Yu Wenji saw that Lin Feng turned to tease her. She burst out and swept her right leg towards Lin Feng.

"Oh, my God, I'm so irascible!"

Lin Feng didn't even flash this time. He was as stable as Mount Tai. He raised his arm to block Yu Wenji's leg. The next second he put Yu Wenji's thigh into his arm. He praised: "tut Tut, white and slender, jade legs are straight, good legs, good legs!"

"I'm so angry!" Yuwenji's beautiful face is tinged with a trace of red.

"Girl, don't be angry. You want your snake. I want my sister. If you promise to stop pestering me, I'll give you the snake now and take my sister away!" Lin Feng smile: "how?"Yu Wenji tried to pull her leg back, but she didn't pull it back. With a bit of resentment in her heart, she said, "give me Xiao Qi and take your sister away."

"How nice Lin Feng suddenly bent over and pecked at Yu Wenji's forehead: "beauty, you are so cute. Bye!"

With that, Lin Feng threw the snake to Yu Wenji, jumped onto the raft, and pushed the pole to the lake.

Yuwenji is heart crazy, just now Lin Feng suddenly leaned over to kiss himself, her heart seems to have missed half a beat!

She didn't have this feeling for a long time. All the men in the world are in favor of him. She just needs a look, and those people will follow her to the death.

But Lin Feng didn't put himself in the eye at all. His beauty and force had no effect on him.

On the contrary, I was teased!

But the feeling of being teased is so good! The more Lin Feng didn't take him seriously, the more interested she was.

Yuwenji so many years, finally met a man not for their own beauty moved, so the heart more and more want to be close to Lin Feng.

She looked at the figure of Lin Feng's leaving, and could not calm down for a long time.

Yuwenji, yuwenji, are you cheap? So many men like you, you don't even want to take a look at it. As a result, this smelly man despises you so much. Why do you fall in love with him?

However, she sighed in her heart, the world's feelings are in turmoil, who can say it clearly? Anyway, I like it!

Yu Wenji clenched her fist in secret: "Lin Feng, you don't want me to pester you, but I will pester you. When can you like me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!